Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1402: Do you often kiss others?

Chapter 1402 Do You Often Kiss Others?

Lin Wanxi could only bite the bullet and walk over and greeted him with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"Come and see you." Li Yunjin looked down at her and walked in front of him, reaching out to hold Lin Wanxi's wrist.

Lin Wanxi stepped back subconsciously.

Li Yunjin frowned and said nothing in the end.

Lin Wanxi was a little embarrassed, "Don't worry, I just think there are so many people here, it's not good to be seen."

Especially Su Zixuan’s eyeliner was inserted everywhere, and someone might rush to Su Zixuan to fight.

What happened that day will happen again...

"Go to my dormitory, let's talk about anything."

Lin Wanxi raised his foot and walked into the dormitory building, Li Yunjin paused, and then followed silently.

It is said that it is a dormitory building, but in fact it is nothing more than an abandoned residential building.

Lin Wanxi is the only woman in this army, but under special circumstances, she can’t avoid separation, so in the dormitory

There are quite a few men coming and going.

Li Yunjin frowned, "Are you safe to live here?"

"It's fine."

There are also men who don’t wear a shirt and only wear shorts at night, just walk in the corridor without shy, but Lin Wan

Xi did not take it too seriously.

This is a military camp, after all, it is not the eldest's boudoir, and she doesn't like specialization.

Before, Su Zixuan had arranged another room for her, but she refused. Everyone is the same, because Su Zixuan

Taking care of herself, she has made herself the object of discussion by others, and she really does not want to let herself be

Give pointers.

The big deal, she seldom goes out at night. When Chi Xiao was there before, she almost shrank in Chi Xiao’s room in the hospital.

Stayed overnight.

It was only after Chi Xiao left that she had to live back.

Lin Wanxi opened the door and let Li Yunjin into the house.

"Sit down, do you want me to pour water for you?"

She treated Li Yunjin as if she was facing a customer she didn't know much about.

This made Li Yunjin feel a little bit reluctant, he didn't believe it, he couldn't warm Lin Wanxi's heart.

There was a fire in his heart, and Li Yunjin took Lin Wanxi's arm and moved towards him, Lin Wanxi shortly

With a cry of exclamation, he fell directly into Li Yunjin's arms.

"What are you doing?" Lin Wanxi's face turned pale, struggling, "I will be seen..."

"Don't worry, I locked the door."

Li Yunjin raised his lips, "No one will know what to do."

The smile at the corner of the man's eyes made Lin Wanxi a little hairy, "You...what do you want to do?"

Li Yunjin gently stroked her waist, his voice was a little ambiguous, "What do you mean?"


Lin Wanxi blushed, "I thought you were different from other men."

"That's because you don't know much about men." Li Yunjin looked at her flushed face, with smiles in her eyes.

If you can still sit still and hold on to your beloved woman, it must be that way..."

Lin Wanxi's breathing tightened.

"Normal man, just thinking about how to wipe you out."

Li Yunjin lowered his head and suddenly bit Lin Wanxi's ear.


Lin Wanxi was clever, and his whole body seemed to be electrified.

"Don't move your hands and feet, watch me..."

"Did one shot kill me?" Li Yunjin interrupted Li Yunjin directly.

When Lin Wanxi was slightly surprised, he pushed Lin Wanxi against the narrow wall of the dormitory.

"Li Yunjin..."

Lin Wanxi was a little flustered.

Li Yunjin directly pressed her entire body, leaned close to her ear, and whispered in a low voice, "Then kill me.

Die, then change me and kill you. "

After speaking, Li Yunjin raised Lin Wanxi's chin and kissed her soft lips fiercely.


The suffocation came up in an instant, and Lin Wanxi’s lungs were suddenly heavy, as if being squeezed, a trace of air entered.

Not coming.

"Li... Yunjin..."

Lin Wanxi’s skin was a little bit hot, as if by a raging fire, she wanted to make him lighter, but with a mouth,

It just gave Li Yunjin a chance to drive straight ahead...

He kissed himself fiercely, like a ball of fire across the field, burning everything up, leaving nothing.

The overwhelming kisses made Lin Wanxi feel weak. In the end, she couldn’t even stand still. Fortunately, Li Yunjin held her back.

His waist didn't let her fall to the ground.

Everything in Lin Wanxi's brain was taken away, and in the end only one thought remained.

"Asshole... Have you... often kissed women?"

His kissing skills, compared to her, are too good?

Hearing Lin Wanxi's words, Li Yunjin finally reluctantly let go of her tortured red lips, and the corners of her mouth provoked

A smug smile, "No, but don't you know that men know this kind of thing without a teacher?"

After he finished speaking, he hugged Lin Wanxi directly and walked to the bed.

Just as Lin Wanxi’s body touched the bed, Li Yunjin pressed it up again, his slender fingers had already touched Lin Wan

The clothes on Xi's chest were opened.

"Li Yunjin!"

Realizing what he was going to do, Lin Wanxi yelled out nervously, reached out and held Li Yunjin, preventing him from furthering


Li Yunjin frowned, looking at Lin Wanxi's flushed face, his eyes were a little uneasy and nervous, "You are not willing to pay

Is it afraid? "

Lin Wanxi's face flushed almost as if burning.

"I'm not unwilling."

She and Li Yunjin are both adults, and knowing what the love of men and women is about is nothing to be hypocritical.

Lin Wanxi slightly staggered his sight.

Dare to look at Li Yunjin's eyes.

"So, are you afraid?"

Li Yunjin's voice was low, but it seemed much gentler. He bent his head slightly and kissed the corner of her mouth, "Don't

I'm afraid, I will be lighter, okay? "

Lin Wanxi's fingers were trembling slightly, tightly tugging at the clothes on her chest, as if she was struggling. I don’t know.

After a while, she glanced at her like a kitten, gave a soft "um", and then released her hand that was holding her clothes on her chest.

Seeing that she was finally willing to open herself, Li Yunjin's eyes melted into a touch of tenderness, and he bowed his head shallowly.

After kissing her, he opened Lin Wanxi's clothes and cautiously leaned in with his cool palm.


Lin Wanxi couldn't help but yelled, maybe the coquettish voice made her feel a little ashamed, she hurry

He bit his lip tightly, and blocked half of his face with his bright white arms.

Li Yunjin looked at her completely different from the shy response of the past, and her inner desire to conquer was completely filled at this moment.

There was a hint of pampering and contact in the corner of his eyes, and he reached out and gently took off Lin Wanxi's arm.

"Don't block it, it's beautiful."

"Do not talk……"

Lin Wanxi was ashamed and didn't know where to look.

"Then I continue."

Seeing her reacting like this, Li Yunjin moved softer in his hands.

Lin Wanxi had never had this experience before, she felt hot all over, but Li Yunjin's hands were very cold and cold, this kind of heat

The feeling of cold is like two extremes, and the air is drained, leaving only the unspeakable taste.

Li Yunjin moved his hand gently to Lin Wanxi's waist, as if to pull her pants.

Lin Wanxi's heart sank, panicked, "No...don't..."

"Don't be afraid."

Knowing that a girl would always panic the first time, Li Yunjin moved more gently, unbuttoning her clothes and talking

Kissed her lightly.

In this way, Lin Wanxi's clothes were completely stripped by Li Yunjin.

She did not dare to see Li Yunjin, nor did she dare to see herself, just closed her eyes tightly, waiting for this as if she was going to die.

The next move of a man.

She doesn't regret it, she is just a little nervous.

In the darkness, Lin Wanxi suddenly heard a "click--" and she distinguished it was Li Yunjin untied the belt

The sound of the moment, the hair stands upside down.

Just as the man pressed himself again, two knocks of "dongdongdong" suddenly came from outside the door.

"Miss Lin?"

Lin Wanxi's breathing was stagnant, and at this moment his heart jumped quickly, almost popping out of his throat.

There is someone outside!

And Li Yunjin was also motionless, time seemed to be frozen, it was just the hot body temperature of two people, still not moving

The convergence of stopped sources.

"Miss Lin, are you there?"

The person at the door urged again.

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