Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1403: Su's daughter-in-law

Chapter 1403

Lin Wanxi quickly took a few breaths, calmed the unfamiliar emotions in her body, and said coldly, "What's the matter?"

"Several soldiers fainted over there. The officer said that you are familiar with the hospital. He asked you to go and see what was going on.

Report it to him. "

"I'm coming right away."

Lin Wanxi said lightly.

The sound of fading footsteps sounded outside the door, and Lin Wanxi turned his gaze back to look at the ceiling above his head.

After a while, she awkwardly spoke to the man who was motionless, "Uh... Li Yunjin, won't you get up?"

The man's body was so heavy that she couldn't breathe anymore when she pressed her.

The man on him moved his body slightly, with a bad tone. "Don't go."

If you want to leave him at this time, is this woman kidding herself?

"But I have already promised."

Lin Wanxi's voice was very firm, "I must go."

Li Yunjin finally lifted his head from the depression in Lin Wanxi's neck, with a deep scarlet under his eyes.

The grudge.

"The second time."


Lin Wanxi did not react.

"I said, this is the second time I stopped at this time, do you know..." Li Yunjin gritted his teeth.

I almost said word by word, "Doing this will kill people, eh?"

Lin Wanxi was also helpless, "How can you blame me? Last stopped by yourself, and I didn't force you, this time...

You have also seen that there is a reason for it. "Lin Wanxi said and pushed Li Yunjin, "Get up quickly, you can't breathe."

Passed. "

Li Yunjin could only let go of Lin Wanxi reluctantly.

Lin Wanxi blushed, quickly put on his clothes, and then left after getting out of bed.

"Lin Wanxi." Li Yunjin stopped her.


"If there is another time, I will definitely not let you go so easily, no matter what reason you have when you arrive."

Lin Wanxi hesitated and turned to run.


"What are you going to do again?"

Lin Wanxi was a little impatient, and saw Li Yunjin stepping off the bed.

The shirt on his body is a bit messy, the buttons on the collar are not fastened, and the collarbone and beautiful muscle lines are faintly visible.

Seeing him walking towards him, Lin Wanxi's breathing couldn't help tightening.

Li Yunjin stood still in front of her, stretched out his hand and gently adjusted her collar, "I am worried that others will not

Do you know what you just did with a man? "

Lin Wanxi realized that what he was talking about was the hickey on his neck, and his face rose even redder, pushed him away and glared at him.

At a glance, "Are you embarrassed to say? I don't know whose masterpiece it is."

Lin Wanxi walked out of the dormitory for a long time before her face returned to normal. She rushed to the hospital and found that she was calm for two days.

The hospital in I don’t know what happened, it’s noisy, all the doctors and nurses are coming and going in the corridor

Go, it seems very busy.

"Did something happen?"

Lin Wanxi took a nurse and said, "Chief Su asked me to ask."

"Suddenly there have been many patients with high fever and vomiting in the hospital in the past two days. Fourteen patients were admitted the day before yesterday.

The number became twenty-six, and today it is more than fifty..."

The nurse's expression looked serious, "And out of the 14 people sent on the first day, ten have died."

Lin Wanxi's heart sank and immediately asked, "Is it an infectious disease?"

"There is still no way to determine. We are investigating where the source of infection is. The autopsy report of the deceased still needs one or two.

Genius can come out. "

The nurse's voice looked very worried.

"We can only isolate those who are sick now, Miss Lin, please tell other people too, if

If you have fever, headache, vomiting, etc., you must come to the hospital in time. If the disease is really contagious

If so, these infected people are a walking virus library outside, which will kill more innocent people. "

"Ok, I know."

Lin Wanxi naturally understands the seriousness of this incident. In a battlefield where people die every day, infectious diseases are the most terrifying thing.

One, not only because the battlefield environment is too complicated, but also because of the lack of drugs and doctors, once a major outbreak occurs

The disease of the model often leads to a terrible disaster, even more people die than the gunfire.

Lin Wanxi's expression was also serious when he thought of this.

"I will tell Chief Su the situation, please as soon as possible to determine what the source of infection is and whether there is any medicine to prevent it.

And treatment..." Lin Wanxi's brows tightened a little bit.


When Lin Wanxi returned to the army, Li Yunjin had not left.

"Why are you still here?"

Lin Wanxi looked at Li Yunjin sitting on the chair, and hurriedly went to get his military jacket.

"Are you going out?"

"Yes, I'm going to see Su Zixuan."

Li Yunjin was nervous for an instant, and the expression in Lin Wanxi's eyes was slightly sour, "Are you going to see him?"

Lin Wanxi was helpless, "Don't think too much about it, something happened at the hospital."

Lin Wanxi told Li Yunjin what had happened.

Seeing Li Yunjin's frowning brows, Lin Wanxi asked, "How about it, do you think it is an infectious disease?"

"Fever and vomiting... This is like a symptom of a common cold." Li Yunjin tightened his eyebrows a little bit, "but this is Xia

Today, the weather has not cooled and rained, and there should not be such a large area of ​​illness in a short period of time. "

Lin Wanxi's heart was heavy, "The point is, so many people have died. Will a common cold kill people?"

Seeing Lin Wanxi's eyes full of worry, Li Yunjin stretched out her hand to hold her wrist, "What is the disease? The doctor will adjust

Check it out clearly that you are not a doctor, and it’s useless to worry about it here. The only thing you have to do is take good care of it

Good for yourself, before confirming the condition, be careful to know? "

Lin Wanxi nodded, "So do you."

"I don't have to worry about you."

Li Yunjin raised his lips.

"hope so."

After Lin Wanxi finished speaking, he withdrew his hand from Li Yunjin's, "Okay, I'm going to see Su Zixuan, you

Go back first. Things have been messed up recently, and you make everyone in your reporter's camp be more careful. if it is possible,

Don't run around during this time, do you have a mask? "

She suddenly asked Li Yunjin.

Li Yunjin shook his head.

Lin Wanxi opened the drawer, pulled out a few medical masks from the inside and handed them to Li Yunjin, "Chi Xiao threw it in before leaving.

I’m here, you can take it back and use it. The climate of Dongzhen Country is different from that of China. There are so many viruses here.

Be careful……"

Li Yunjin walked directly to Lin Wanxi, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

She swallowed the words that she hadn't said yet.

After a while, he let go of Lin Wanxi, and his voice was low, "Didn't you tell me, don't you worry about me?"

He is a man who wants her to worry, what is it?

Su Zixuan obviously didn’t know that a virus was about to spread in Eastern Reality. When Lin Wanxi walked into his room, he

Making a video call in front of the computer.

"Wanxi, you are here, just in time, my mother wants to see you."

Lin Wanxi's face suddenly turned pale, standing at the door, her feet heavy.

It is almost difficult to take a step.

The breath is tightening at this moment, as if the throat is pinched by a hand, and the whole lungs are about to be suffocated.


"Why don't you come in while standing?"

Su Zixuan frowned.

"I have something important to tell you."

Lin Wanxi's eyes were full of resistance.

She doesn't want to have a so-called video conversation in front of Su Zixuan. What kind of identity is she?

Su's daughter-in-law?

It’s really funny. She obviously didn’t agree to that absurd marriage, but she was forced to accept that she was the daughter-in-law of the Su family.


Every time he thinks about this, Lin Wanxi thinks this world is too ridiculous.

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