Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1427: Bad aunt!

Chapter 1427 Bad Aunt!

As Li Yunjin said, he drew a red chain from his pocket, and the top of the chain was a bullet.

"what is this?"

Shi Qing asked curiously.

"When I first arrived in the Eastern Kingdom, I was hit by a stray bullet in my forearm. It was this bullet that hit me."

Li Yunjin's tone was relaxed.

"What?!" Shi Qing was shocked, "You were hit by a stray bullet? Where did you hurt? Is there any effect?"

"No, the doctor said that I have a great fate and will not die. The bullets can be taken out. I think it is quite memorable.

He made him a necklace and gave Chenchen as a safety charm. "

Li Yunjin looked at Chenchen and said in a deep voice, "Come here."

Chenchen stood in front of Li Yunjin again.

Li Yunjin tied the chain around Chenchen's neck.

"Thank you uncle!"

"Since it is a safety symbol, you can keep it for yourself, Chenchen will not go to such a dangerous place." Shi Qing frowned.

"It doesn't matter, the war in Dongjin Kingdom is over, and I will no longer be in danger."

Shi Qing wanted to say something, but Li Beixun got up: "Okay, let's eat first."

"Smile, why doesn't this girl come down? Smile!"

Shi Qing called Li Yun with a smile.

Li Yun's smiling voice floated downstairs coldly, "I don't want to eat it, you can eat it yourself."

"You girl... the bigger and the more headstrong."

Shi Qing had no choice but to let Li Yunjin and the others go first, while she went upstairs to ask Li Yun to laugh.

Li Yunxiao was lying on the bed reading a comic book.

"Smile, your brother finally came back, why don't you go to dinner?"

"Huh." Li Yun laughed very irritably, "I'm afraid I will lose my appetite."

Shi Qing paused, seeming to understand something, "You don’t like your brother’s girlfriend? She is your future

Sister-in-law. "

"Mommy, would you really agree to let my brother be with that woman?"

Li Yunxiao threw the book away, frowning and looking at Shi Qing, "That woman...she is not a good person."

"Strange, you didn't know her before, so you met her a couple of times, and you said she was not a good person?" Shi Qing frowned.

"She doesn't look like a good person."

"Smile, what did I teach you since childhood?"

Li Yun smiled pale, but his eyes were red, "You can't judge people by their appearance! I know this, I don't judge people by their appearance.

Take people, but... Mommy, if your brother is really with that Jiang Zixin, he will regret it forever. "

"This is your brother's own choice, and we must respect his decision."

Back then, it was because she and Bei Xun did not respect the little hydrangea that they let the little hydrangea go around for so many years, and then left.

There are so many detours, this kind of thing must not be repeated on Yun Jin's body.

"You don't want your brother to suffer as much as your sister, do you?"

"This is different!" Li Yunxiao seemed to be even more angry. "At least my sister and Jin Nanfeng love each other sincerely, but my brother

And this Jiang Zixin..."

Li Yun smiled and twisted his brows, and a little irritably covered his head with a pillow, "I don't want to go down anyway.

Seeing their love and affection, I am afraid I will spit it out. "

She hadn't married her brother yet, so she used her brother's other half to suppress others. Li Yunxiao could not have imagined this

What a good girl will be the person who matters.

Seeing Li Yun smiling like this, Shi Qing was helpless, "Then I will have someone send it to you later, you don’t need to like her.

But she is your brother's fiancée. You have to respect her and don't do anything to lose our face. and also

Don't be embarrassed by your brother. "

"I see. Isn't it okay for me not to see?"

Li Yun laughed in a dull voice.

Shi Qing sighed and went downstairs.

"What's up with her?"

Li Beixun asked.

"She was a little uncomfortable, so I let her rest, and I'll have dinner served later."

Li Beixun didn't ask much, but Li Yunjin frowned involuntarily when he heard Shi Qing's words.

Jiang Zixin, who was sitting next to Li Yunjin, breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she had seen Li Yunxiao that girl today.

It's amazing, if she is ugly at the table, she probably won't be able to tell.

If she didn't come, she did what she wanted.

Jiang Zixin gently clamped a small piece of fish into the plate in front of Li Yunjin.

"I heard your mother say that you like this."

Li Yunjin faintly said "thank you".

After a meal, Li Yunjin did not touch the piece of fish in the end, which made Jiang Zixin, who had been paying attention, feel very disappointed.

She didn’t know if she was regarded as Lin Wanxi’s substitute by Li Yunjin, but she knew that he had not treated herself

Open your heart completely.

After the meal, Li Yunjin and Li Beixun went to the study again, Shi Qing went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for Xiaoxiao, and only left in the living room

Jiang Zixin and Chen Chen.

Jiang Zixin is using her cell phone to chat with her best friend Bai Feifei.

She took a picture of the living room of the Presidential Palace and sent it to Bai Feifei. She quickly reaped Bai Feifei's expression of envy and hatred.

"Wow, it's beautiful, this is your boyfriend's house? It's so luxurious."

Jiang Zixin was very satisfied, couldn't help but smiled at the corners of her lips, and quickly tapped her finger on the phone screen.

Repeated Bai Feifei, "Of course, my boyfriend is the son of the president, a serious and powerful young master."

"President?" Bai Feifei was even more surprised, and he made a long list of exclamation marks. "But I heard that in the second half of the year,

The system is about to resign..."

"So what?" Jiang Zixin posted another picture of the villa. "Have you seen it? This is my boyfriend himself

Buy the villa. "

"Wow!" Bai Feifei was another exclamation point, "Jiang Zixin, why are you so lucky, how did you know you?

Boyfriend’s? "

"Because he is my patient, and I saved him, he promised me his life."

The corner of Jiang Zixin's eyes was full of pride.

"But, I heard that these rich young masters are very bothersome. Are you sure he really likes you instead of playing

Playing with you? "

Jiang Zixin frowned, and just about to say it was impossible, a small hand patted her leg.

Chenchen blinked blue eyes and looked at Jiang Zixin, "Auntie, can you help me install this?"

The little guy held a building block in his hand and his face was all upset.

Dad said, when he and Mommy come back, if he can put it together, he will buy himself a remote control plane, but what about him?

He couldn't fight well either. Grandpa and grandma didn't help himself, so now he could only secretly seek foreign aid. "

Jiang Zixin glanced at Chenchen, put down the phone, quickly put the blocks together, and then handed them to Chenchen.

Then he continued to reply to Bai Feifei.

"Don’t talk nonsense, Yun Jin really loves me, he took me to see his parents, if he just played with me

How can you take me home when you play?"

"I just remind you that before getting married, there are variables in everything. You should hurry up and get married with Li Yunjin

Get married, lest nights have many dreams. "

Jiang Zixin looked at Bai Feifei's words, her heart sank involuntarily.


Today Shi Qing mentioned the wedding to herself, but Li Yunjin never told herself.

He also wants to return to the Eastern Kingdom and plans to stay there for a while. I'm afraid his wedding to Li Yunjin,

It will not be held for a short time.

There was a faint anxiety in her heart, as if Bai Feifei said, there are many nights and dreams.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zixin's breathing was a little messy.

At exactly this time, Chenchen asked again, "Auntie, can you teach me this..."

Jiang Zixin's temper rushed up suddenly, and he couldn't help but yelled, "Why are you so annoying as a kid?"

Didn’t you see that I was busy? Didn't your parents teach you not to disturb others? "

Chenchen was stunned for an instant.

Then his eyes turned red, and he bit his lip aggrievedly, "Bad aunt! I want to tell uncle."

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