Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1428: Sudden fever

Chapter 1428

"Who do you think is the bad aunt?" Jiang Zixin turned pale, looked at him viciously, and threatened, "If you tell you

Uncle, I will kill you. "

Chenchen is a child after all, and he is the little young master who grew up spoiled by so many people, how could he withstand such a scare and hold

The blocks ran upstairs.

Jiang Zixin looked around quickly, but fortunately no one saw it, otherwise just...she really had no way to explain.


The First Mental Hospital of the Imperial Capital.

The young nurse took the medicine and walked to the most hidden room on the seventh floor by the window.

She opened the door with the key and walked in.

No lights were turned on in the house, thick curtains blocked all the sunlight, and the whole house was pitch black.

I could only vaguely argue that there seemed to be a figure curled up on the bed.

The nurse frowned dissatisfied, "Why did you close the curtains again? Didn't you tell you? You need to get more sun.

Always hiding in the dark, when will your illness get better? "

The nurse walked to the window and opened the curtain directly.

The dazzling sunlight came in, causing the **** the bed to tremble involuntarily.

The thin body, the bones are faintly visible, the white skin is almost sickly transparent and pale, and the hair is scattered,

With his head hanging down, he maintained his ostrich-like movements.

"It's time, take the medicine."

The nurse urged impatiently.

"I'm not sick."

There was a hoarse voice in the room.

It was the girl who sent it out.

The nurse sneered disdainfully. "Nine of the ten who came to us said they were not sick? If you were not sick, you would be

Your family sent here? "Nonsense has a firm look in his eyes," I also heard that your mother is also a mental patient and is here

In a hospital, you have a family history of psychopathy. "

The girl's body trembled again, her head lifted, and a pair of sharp eyes like falcons stared at her.

"I said, I'm not sick."

The nurse was taken aback by her and backed away several steps.

The woman was called Lin Wanxi, and she was sent here by her family about ten days ago.

When he came, he was still wearing a wedding dress, which had been pierced with blood.

It is said that she tried to commit suicide on the day of her marriage. Fortunately, she was discovered and then diagnosed with mental illness.

She would self-harm at any time, so she was sent to the hospital for treatment.

In fact, most of the time, this woman was very quiet, and in the ten days she came to the hospital, she did not have any self-harm.


Even at six o'clock every morning, she would get out of bed on time to do some exercises in the room.

If it were not for the result of the doctor's diagnosis, she would really think Lin Wanxi was a normal person.

However, she is not so interested in patients. There are so many patients here, and each of them has a story.

If you all understand, wouldn't she be exhausted.

Lin Wanxi's biggest headache for her is that she refuses to take medicine.

Lin Wanxi would not touch every medicine sent, they could only use compulsory means to inject or inject Lin Wanxi.

Into the body. After coming down several times, the woman seemed to be quieter than when she first came. For most of the day, no

It was a groggy sleep, just like this, curled up in the darkness.

As a nurse, she knows the side effects of drugs.

But no way. In the face of mental illness, these side effects are not worth mentioning at all.

The nurse urged again, "If you don't take the medicine obediently, I'll call the doctor over to give you an injection."

Lin Wanxi raised her head and glanced at the nurse. After a moment of silence, she said hoarsely, "I'll eat."

The nurse smiled and said, "Right, this is good, we are doctors, and doctors won't harm you, right?"

The nurse handed a dozen colorful pills and a glass of water to Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi took it, staring at it with deep pupils, and then as if he had made up some determination, he was mad

Put it all into your mouth, and then forcefully swallow it with water.

"Don't swallow so much together..."

The nurse was helpless.

"I'm finished." Lin Wanxi lowered his head again, "Go out, I want to rest."

"Then I'll bring you lunch later."

The nurse is gone.

As soon as he closed the door, Lin Wanxi walked off the bed, not even putting on his shoes, and walked directly to the window.

Reached out and pulled the curtains back, then opened the toilet door and walked in.

She knelt in front of the toilet and put her hand in her throat...


She endured the severe discomfort and vomited out all the medicine she had just taken, and then flushed it away with water.

People found out what she had just done before she walked out of the toilet and returned to the bed to sit down.

Ten days.

She has been locked here for ten days.

She didn't want to marry Su Zining, she didn't want to before, and even more so after she had Li Yunjin in her heart.

She has been trying to make the Su family give up on herself, desperate, she can only threaten Su with a knife on the day of the wedding.

Home, if she must marry Su Zining, she would rather die.

The Su family and her family thought she was crazy, and the Su family was even more afraid that she would do something to hurt Su Zining.

The scene canceled the marriage contract, and then she was twisted here by her good father.

She cannot escape.

This is a mental hospital, with copper and iron walls everywhere, even the ward on the seventh floor has solid safety windows installed.

She couldn't jump through the window like she did in Dongzhen Kingdom, nor did she save herself from outside like Li Yunjin.

She is isolated from the world, whether Li Yunjin or Chi Xiao, no one knows that she is here at all.

No one here listens to her own explanation. Everyone thinks she is a madman. No matter how much she explains, no one believes it.

Some people take the words of a "madman" seriously.

To make matters worse, during the two or three days after being locked up here, she was injected with a lot of unknown people because of fierce resistance.

The potion made her feel dizzy, her head and body became extremely slow, she became afraid of contact with Yang

Light, it was summer, but I felt as cold as being in an ice cellar.

The scary thing is that she often feels that someone is talking in her ear. She knows that this is a side effect caused by the injection of psychotropic drugs.

Effect, if long-term injection, she will sooner or later turn from a healthy person to a complete lunatic.

Lin Wanxi knew that he could no longer resist like this.

So she became quiet and became the kind of "bey" kind of person the nurse called.

After she became cooperative, they did not give her any injections, but instead took pills every day.

Lin Wanxi would immediately rush to the toilet to spit out the medicine after eating.

Although every time she is forced to induce vomiting, it makes her extremely painful, but this is the only way she can reduce the damage caused by the drug to herself.

The way to hurt.

All she hopes is that she can cooperate with doctors and nurses, and then escape from this **** as soon as possible...

Then... go to Li Yunjin.

I don’t know how that man is now...

The thought of Li Yunjin made Lin Wanxi's heart hurt.

She walked to the window, gently opened the corner of the curtain, looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside, countless emotions surged upwards.

"Li Yunjin..."


The presidential palace is also not peaceful this night.

Chenchen suddenly fell ill.

I was fine when I ate dinner at night, but in the middle of the night, I suddenly had a high fever, my cheeks were red, and I got a little fever.

Even the consciousness is almost gone.

"How could this be……"

Shi Qingji’s eyes reddened, "It’s okay at night, how come you have a fever suddenly? If Little Hydrangea knew it,

How anxious..."

Li Beixun wrapped Chenchen in his jacket and hugged the hot little guy on his body.

"The child is weak and it is normal to be sick. Don't panic, we will go to the hospital right away. Don't contact Xiaoxiaoxiu for now.

Qiu, she and Jin Nanfeng are abroad, lest the two of them are in a hurry. "


"I'll go too." Li Yun laughed out of nowhere.

The driver rushed the group to the hospital.

Chenchen was given a detailed physical examination.

"How about, doctor?"

Shi Qing was extremely anxious.

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