Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1429: Stop pretending

Chapter 1429

"All signs are quite normal." Shi Qing and Li Beixun were relieved by the doctor's words.

But I was a little confused, "How come you have a sudden fever?"

"When I checked my child, he kept talking in sleep, as if he was scared. Your parents are happy everyday.

Huan frighten children? "

"No." Shi Qing was even more puzzled.

The education of the Li family has always been the best. Who would scare Chenchen?

Is this kid having a nightmare?

"Then you have to pay more attention to the people around the child. He keeps talking about don't kill me, don't kill me. He

It's not a joke if it's so small if it gets frightened. "

"I see, thank you doctor."

Shi Qing nodded, her expression worried.

Li Beixun took Shi Qing's hand and comforted her in a low voice, "Don't worry, I'll check the servant at home when I go back."

Li Yunxiao seemed to suddenly understand something, and turned around and went to Chenchen's ward.

Chenchen was already fast asleep, until the next morning, the little guy woke up quietly.

"Chen Chen? How are you feeling? Where do you feel sick?"

Li Yunxiao directly interrupted Shi Qing and asked Chenchen, "Chenchen, you tell Aunt Xiaoxiao, who told you to kill you?"


Shi Qing was afraid that Chen Chen was scared again, and wanted to stop her.

Li Yunxiao insisted, "Mummy, if you don't ask clearly, this kind of thing will happen a second time."

Shi Qing stopped talking.

Li Yun laughed and asked Chenchen again, "Chenchen, don't be afraid, grandpa, grandma and aunt are here, no one

Would hurt you, tell us, who said that to you? "

Chenchen's small face was pale, and he hesitated for a while, his eyes were full of fear, but he just didn't want to say it.

"Chen Chen, it doesn't matter, no one will hurt you, we will protect you."

Li Yun smiled comforting Chenchen.

Chenchen was silent for a long time before he hummed like a mosquito, and said softly, "It's... the one brought back by uncle


The three adults of the Li family looked startled.

Is it Jiang Zixin?

How could she intimidate Chenchen?

"I knew she was not a good person! She actually dared to scare my baby nephew! I'll find her to settle the account."

Li Yunxiao exploded in an instant.

"Smile, calm down, maybe there is a misunderstanding..."

"What can you misunderstand me?"

Li Yun smiled and furious, "The servants at home are all elderly people who have worked for so many years. What do you do to Chenchen on weekdays?

It’s obvious to all. The woman only came yesterday and Chenchen became ill, and Chenchen couldn’t lie. I

Find her afterwards! "

After finishing speaking, he raised his foot to walk outside again.

"Smile." Shi Qing stopped her again, frowning, "I didn't tell you not to ask her to ask, but I wanted you to

Calm down, what she said is your brother's girlfriend, he will be embarrassed..."

"This kind of woman threatens even children. If her brother is still with her, then he will be embarrassed."

After speaking, Li Yunxiao ran away.

"Bei Xun!"

Shi Qing looked at Li Beixun anxiously.

Li Beixun's expression was very calm.

"Why are you not in a hurry?"

"It's okay to solve this kind of thing with a smile, lest we bully people too much." Li Beixun covered Chen Chen with a quilt.

"Have you never considered Yun Jin's mood?"

"Yun Jin doesn't like her."

What Li Beixun said shocked Shi Qing, "What did you say?"

"I don't know why Yunjin wants to marry that woman, but I am sure that Yunjin doesn't like her."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because I am also a man, I know how a man looks at a woman he likes."

Not to mention, Li Yunjin is still his child. He has watched this child grow up since he was a child. Who he likes, Li Beixun is

I can see it.

"Then why..." Shi Qing couldn't understand.

If Yun Jin doesn't love that Jiang Zixin, why should she bring her back? Want to marry her?

With their powerful family, Yunjin shouldn't be threatened by anyone.

Shi Qing became more puzzled as she thought about it.

Li Beixun took her hand and comforted in a low voice, "Let him solve his problem by himself. He is already a man.

Now, learn to take responsibility for every decision you make. "

Moreover, he also believes that Yunjin must have its own considerations.

Here Li Yunxiao had already drove directly to Li Yunjin's villa.

Li Yunjin will return to Dongzheng in these two days, and most of that woman will also go with him.

The solution is clear, and I don’t know if it’s the year of the monkey next time.

Li Yun laughed angrily and directly pushed the door and broke in, without even having time to change his shoes.

Only Jiang Zixin was in the living room. Seeing that Li Yun smiled badly and her expression was not very good, she still forced her

He pulled out a smile, put down the magazine in his hand, got up to greet her, "Smile, why are you here? Come to Yun

Brocade? He was calling someone upstairs..."

"I'm coming to you."

Li Yun laughed and interrupted Jiang Zixin coldly, "What idiot did you say to Chen Chen?"

Jiang Zixin's eyes paused, "What? Smile, I don't understand what you mean?"

Li Yun smiled with irony in his eyes, and took a step forward, making Jiang Zixin back several steps in terror.

"Are you still pretending to be a fool? Jiang Zixin, Chenchen said, you intimidate him! Do you have any conscience? Chenchen

Still such a small child, can you tell him that he killed you? Are you still not human? "

Li Yunxiao was furious. She was already full of opinions on Jiang Zixin, plus Chenchen was scared to live in

After arriving at the hospital, she was even more sure that Jiang Zixin was not a good person.

"Jiang Zixin, if you don't tell me clearly today, I will hit you once when I see you."

"Smile, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Zixin's face was a little pale, and there was a guilty conscience in his eyes, "I don't know when you are talking about..."

"Okay, don’t pretend, it’s impossible that this kind of thing is that I have nothing to do when I’m full, and I made it up and deliberately framed you.

Ah? Chenchen is still lying in the hospital now, the child said in person, it was you who threatened him, you are still pretending to be here

How innocent and pitiful? "

"I didn't pretend to be innocent..." Jiang Zixin frowned, looking like a poor worm who has suffered so much grievance.

The eyes were scarlet, with a little tears glowing, it seemed as if he was about to cry at any time.

"I just think, is there any misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding?" Li Yun smiled as if he had heard some joke, "OK, you think you scared Chenchen into the hospital.

What else could be the misunderstanding? "

"I do not have……"

Jiang Zixin frowned.

"What are you arguing about again?"

At this time, hearing the quarrel downstairs, Li Yunjin walked down with a gloomy expression.


Jiang Zixin burst into tears, and walked to Li Yunjin's side very aggrieved, daring to be angry but not speaking.

Looks like, "Your sister she..."

Li Yunjin frowned and looked at Li Yun with cold eyes and smiled, "What's wrong with you? You are all such a big person, and you still do everything.

You are so impulsive, you forgot what your parents taught you before, right? "

Li Yun smiled with anger in his eyes, "I don't need you to teach me, I know what I am doing now."

"So you ran to me to fight?"

"I said I don't need you to teach me!" Li Yun finished laughing, and cast a cold glance at Jiang Zi who was leaning on Li Yunjin 32.

Xin raised a sneer at the corner of her mouth, "You should look at your own woman well if you have that skill, so as not to harm others."

"I do not have……"

Jiang Zixin immediately argued in a low voice, with deep grievance and innocence in her voice.

"Are you still lying in front of my brother?" Li Yunxiao was held up and grew up, and the people around him were the same.

Excellent ladies, this Jiang Zixin completely refreshed her bottom line.

She was too lazy to confront Jiang Zixin here, and even if she couldn't thank her, she would still lose her identity.

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