Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1432: Grieved

Chapter 1432

Chi Xiao's expression was a little different, "Wanxi, you have just been discharged from the hospital, so don't worry about anything about Li Yunjin..."

"Of course I am in a hurry." Lin Wanxi frowned.

She couldn't wait to see Li Yunjin.

"Then wait for you to rest at home for two days." Chi Xiao suppressed the abnormality and unnaturalness in his eyes, and smiled to Lin Wanxi.

Said, "You certainly don't want Li Yunjin to know what you have experienced in the past three years?"

"Of course."

"Since I don’t want to, I need a little more time to take care of myself. Look at how you are now.

Son, you’re so thin, others will know that you have been tortured in the past three years. Li Yunjin is such a smart one

People will definitely be abnormal. "

Chi Xiao's words made Lin Wan's brows frown.

Yes, why did she forget, how she is going to see Li Yunjin in the way she is now?

Or... let's talk about it in two days.

Lin Wanxi simply changed the subject, "I will find a job as soon as possible, and then find a house to move out..."

"Where did you move? You started to make promises before you found a job?" Chi Xiao was speechless, "I

The house is so big and there are a lot of empty rooms inside. My best friend actually told me that she didn’t want to live with me.

But to move out to pay the rent? "

Just as Lin Wanxi was about to speak, she was interrupted by Chi Xiao, "I know, you don't want to cause trouble, do you?"

Lin Wanxi was silent.

‘Please, you’ve been in a mental hospital for so long and your whole person is different. Why is this still the same? "

Chi Xiao simply convinced her.

"Don't worry, you will never have trouble living with me. I go to the hospital on weekdays and rarely come back. This house

Being empty is also empty. We can be together to relieve boredom. Medicine has proven that people are social creatures.

Living together is good for physical and mental health. "

Seeing that Chi Xiao had said so, and then refused, she could not decide what to throw out again, Lin Wanxi could only nod her head in agreement.

After all, besides living in Chi Xiao, she has no better place to go.

Penniless, nothing, if it weren't for a good sister, she wouldn't even have a place to sleep tonight.

Seeing Lin Wanxi agreed, Chi Xiao was naturally happy. Pulled her to her feet, "Let's go, I'll take you to buy some clothes."

Lin Wanxi hesitated again.

"Okay, just take it as I lent it to you, don't you still go out to find a job? Don't give yourself a whole set of more beautiful

It’s hard to find a job when I go out. Anyway, I don’t need to spend money now, and I will pay it back when you have paid.

Just fine. "

What she said also makes sense. Now for Lin Wanxi, the choice is too small. If you want to get everything back, go

To avenge those people, you must make some concessions and compromises.

Lin Wanxi frowned and said lowly, "I will find a job and pay you back as soon as possible."

"Let's go."

Chi Xiao took Lin Wanxi's hand and was about to leave.

"Go out to eat something first, I'm so hungry."

In the past few years in the mental hospital, she has been in a hungry state because she has to induce vomiting at any time.

Now she just wants to have a good meal first.

Then by the way, ask what happened to the emperor all these years.

The two went to a hot pot restaurant they had visited before.

Because it’s not a meal yet, there are not many people in the shop, and the ordered dishes are served one by one, and Chi Xiao is completely

Opened the chatterbox.

"I'm telling you, bad people in this world will always get bad results, do you remember that Su Zining?"

"Of course." She remembered the Su family even turned into ashes.

"He passed away a year after you disappeared because of the deterioration of his condition. When he was sent to the hospital, I was the one who rescued him.

It. "Chi Xiao pouted and smiled.

"You..." Lin Wanxi raised an eyebrow.

"Don't think about it, I didn't do anything to him on purpose. I am a doctor with medical ethics and I tried my best to rescue him.

, But his organs are exhausted so badly that he can’t maintain spontaneous breathing even with a ventilator, so the most

After that, I had no choice but to give up. "

After Lin Wanxi listened, she felt very calm. She used to think she hated the Su family, but she really heard Su Zining

She didn't have any emotions at the news of her death.

Maybe she hated not the Su family from the beginning, but her "relatives".

Thinking of this, Lin Wanxi's eyes were a little heavy.

"Su Zining is dead, and the grievances between you and the Su family are completely over."

Chi Xiao picked up a piece of beef and put it in Lin Wanxi’s bowl, "After the revenge, you can live the life you want.

I have met some people in the imperial capital over the past few years. How about it? Do you want me to ask you about work? I found

If you are on the phone, things will be resolved tomorrow, so you can relax a lot. "

"Not for the time being." Lin Wanxi shook his head, "I have other arrangements tomorrow."

"Huh? What arrangement?"

"I'm going to meet someone."

Lin Wanxi's frowning brow was also dyed with a soft touch at this moment.

Chi Xiao's expression changed, and she lowered her voice and asked her, "Is it Li Yunjin?"

Lin Wanxi paused, then nodded lightly "Yes."

Chi Xiao's lips turned pale, and she stopped eating, put down the chopsticks in her hand, her eyes floated and fluttered for a long time before she spoke.

"Actually, you don't need to find him... You have not seen each other for so long."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Wanxi looked at Chi Xiao, and she faintly realized that Chi Xiao's words had a deeper meaning.

"Did something happen to Li Yunjin?"

Chi Xiao's face turned white again, and the complicated eyes swept back and forth on Lin Wanxi several times before saying,

"Do you think that with Li Yunjin's ability, if he really wants to find you, how difficult would it be? Although his father Li Beixun is three years

Qian resigned as president, but he is the son of the former president after all. The resources and connections in your hand are still indispensable

Obsessed. "

If you want to find someone in the imperial capital, there will always be a way. The reason why there is no news in the past three years is that there is only one reason.

Because Li Yunjin didn't want to look for it at all.

Moreover, a lot of things have happened to Li Yunjin in the past three years, and she doesn’t know how to tell Lin Wanxi to be able to

Don't let her be hurt...

The more he thought about it, the more chaotic, Chi Xiao's head was hurting.

"Actually, you and Li Yunjin have both missed for three years, or else, forget it?"

"Is he married?"

Lin Wanxi spoke suddenly.

"Huh?" Chi Xiao was stunned, and shook his head quickly, "No, he is not married yet. He should not be married yet."

"Then I have to listen to him personally, whether it's fine, or continue to be together, I have to listen to him personally."

Seeing the trace of determination in Lin Wanxi's eyes, Chi Xiao was very helpless. She could not stop Lin Wanxi, but she also understood that she was about to step on it.

Into another terrible abyss.

After eating, Chi Xiao and Lin Wanxi went to the mall to buy a lot of clothes. As a shopaholic, Chi Xiao agreed today

Heaven came to shop for Lin Wanxi, but he didn't expect that in the end, he bought a lot of things.

Until a credit card was maxed out, the two went back to the villa.

Lin Wanxi took a shower and lay on the bed, thinking of seeing him tomorrow, his heart was beating wildly.

I couldn't sleep at ease, and didn't close my eyes until dawn and squinted for a while.

Early the next morning, she got up and went to find Li Yunjin at the address that Chi Xiao said.

Chi Xiao told him that Li Yunjin had spent most of the past two years abroad and only settled in the imperial capital three months ago, and

Sister Li Yunxiu manages the family company together.

Now I live in the blue villa in the Repulse Bay area.

Lin Wanxi drove to Bilan Villa and found Li Yunjin's two-story villa in a short time.

She stood at the door, her chest as if wrapped tightly by a hot stream, hot and gushing.

He kept breathing deeply, calmed his emotions a little, stepped up the bluestone steps in front of the door to ring the doorbell.

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