Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1433: too cruel?

Chapter 1433: Too Cruel?

The one who came to open the door was a middle-aged woman in her fifties, still wearing an apron, who appeared to be the nanny at Li Yunjin's house.

Seeing Lin Wanxi, she was a little wary, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Li Yunjin."

Lin Wanxi's voice was a little excited.

"Oh, you are looking for a husband, I don't know if you are..."

"I am Li Yunjin's friend." Lin Wanxi was afraid that she would not believe it, and added, "When we were in Dongzheng

Recognized. "

"It turned out to be like this." The nanny was obviously relieved, opened the door and let Lin Wanxi in, "Then you come in first.

Well, today is the weekend, my husband is not working, and he hasn't gotten up yet. "


Lin Wanxi's heart tightened, it turned out that he was really at home.

She can see him soon.

Lin Wanxi couldn't help but sweat with a tight palm.

The nanny poured a cup of tea for Lin Wanxi, "Miss, you do it first, I'll go up and call the husband down."

"Thank you."

"I don't know what the lady's name is?"

"My name is Lin Wanxi."

"Okay, Miss Lin."

The babysitter bowed politely, then quickly went upstairs and stopped at the door of Li Yunjin's bedroom.

"Sir, there is a young lady named Lin Wanxi downstairs. She said she was a friend you met in Dongzheng and wanted to see you."

"Kang Dang--"

The sound of a broken water glass came from inside the house.

The babysitter was shocked, just as if something had happened, knocked on the door quickly, "Mister? Mister?"

Jiang Zixin in the next room heard the noise outside and ran out hurriedly and asked the nanny, "What happened?"

"I don't know, I will tell the sir that a lady named Lin Wanxi came to him..."

"Lin Wanxi?"

Jiang Zixin's eyes widened instantly and looked at the babysitter in disbelief, "Is it Lin Wanxi?"

The babysitter is unknown, so, "Yeah...Miss Jiang, is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Zixin's eyes were full of panic, Lin Wanxi...How could that woman come back suddenly? She is not married to Su Zining

Have you even given birth to a daughter?

How come back suddenly...

She and Yun Jin have already decided to get married next month. How can she come back at this time?

Drive her away?

Impossible. Judging from the fact that Yunjin broke the cup, he probably knew it, and even if Lin Wanxi was driven away, with that

With the temper of a woman, she wouldn't give up until she saw Li Yunjin, and she would definitely come back.

And the important thing is not Lin Wanxi's attitude, but Li Yunjin...

She has been by Li Yunjin's side for so long, but she has not warmed his heart. Li Yunjin treats herself very well.

Give her everything she wants, what she likes, and Li Yunjin will have someone buy it and give it to her, without a word

Excess words, but even so, he looked at himself, but there was still something missing.

No love.

He doesn't love himself, he is like raising a canary, and he will always give himself only material satisfaction.

But emotionally, Li Yunjin never responded to her.

But she saw Li Yunjin's affection for another woman, to Lin Wanxi, the tenderness in his eyes was like water, like

Like a soldering iron, her heart was shrinking violently when it was hot.

She was not sure whether the appearance of Lin Wanxi would rekindle the fire in Li Yunjin's heart, her subconscious informed

Telling himself, Li Yunjin still loves Lin Wanxi to this day.

There was a chill on her back. It took a long time before she took a deep breath, and then smiled at the babysitter.

"You go down first. I'll just go in and see him, and tell Lin Wanxi that Yunjin will come down in a while."

"it is good."

The babysitter left.

Jiang Zixin inhaled again, then reached out and knocked on Li Yunjin's door, cautiously, "Yunjin, I'll come in."

Pushing the door open, he saw Li Yunjin sitting by the bed, his head slightly lowered, and a broken glass beside his feet.

I was hurt, it seemed that the hand was scratched by glass shards, and there was dazzling blood rolling out between the fingers.


Jiang Zixin screamed, and ran over, gently holding Li Yunjin's hand, and carefully inspecting the wound, very distressed.

"I'll bandage you right away."

"Lin Wanxi came to see me?"

Jiang Zixin was holding the medicine box, taking a pause, and then continued, "Yes."

"She really picks time."

He had never looked for himself in the past three years, but after he had just made up his mind to marry Jiang Zixin, he suddenly came to her.

Jiang Zixin didn't want Lin Wanxi to **** Li Yunjin away at this time, and all her hard work in the past three years was wasted.

So quickly said, "Maybe Su Zining is dead, and she wants to find a backer, otherwise she won't come back to find you."

Li Yunjin frowned suddenly.

Jiang Zixin lowered her head and treated Li Yunjin's wounds gently, and her voice wanted to be wronged, "Yunjin, you won’t have that in your heart.

A woman? "

Li Yunjin was silent, neither admitting nor denying.

He didn't even give Chi Xiao a vague answer.

Chi Xiao felt even more sad, and her voice and expression became more aggrieved.

"Yun Jin, if you still can't let her go, I can quit and fulfill yours." She is a well-behaved and sensible model.

Like, "I know, in the past few years with me, you are not happy at all, no matter what I do, how I take care of

You, you have never looked at me straight, never touched me, you are a normal man, and I don’t want to delay

You, I am not as good as Lin Wanxi and cannot attract you... I am willing to quit, let's stay with Lin Wanxi. "

As she said, she lowered her head and wiped her tears, "I will go to pack my luggage right away, and you can rest assured that the things you give me will not

The ones taken away won't appear in front of you and Lin Wanxi to annoy you..."

After Jiang Zixin said, she stood up crying and was about to go outside.

Li Yunjin's eyes sank, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Jiang Zixin's wrist.

"I won't be with her again."

Li Yunjin's voice was deep.

"what did you say?"

Jiang Zixin looked at her with red eyes.

"I said, I won’t be with her, I won’t forgive the woman who betrayed me, as for you, don’t think about it,

In the past three years, you have treated me well. Since I have decided to marry you, I will not let you down. unless,

You are also lying to me. "

Jiang Zixin was overjoyed and shook her head quickly, "How come, Yun Jin, you know, I never lie to you."

She suddenly hugged Li Yunjin in surprise.

"Yunjin, I am really happy if you say this. I think everything I have given is worthwhile.

Heart, I will definitely become a qualified wife and will not lose to Lin Wanxi. "

Li Yunjin's body was a little stiff, and she quietly broke Jiang Zixin's hand, and said, "The engagement banquet next month

It will be held on time, so you can prepare as usual. "

"Na Lin Wanxi..."

"Don't you keep me waiting for the opportunity to retaliate against her?"

The corners of Li Yunjin's mouth evoked a icy arc, which made people feel chilly.

Now Lin Wanxi took the initiative to offer him this opportunity, how could he give up? Whenever I think of that woman

His betrayal, to this day, he feels like being slapped severely by someone, that kind of hot feeling

It almost drives him crazy.

I couldn't control my inner vengeance.

Seeing Li Yunjin’s sharp pupils and eyes, Jiang Zixin breathed a sigh of relief and was a little curious, "You do

what? "

"You don't have to worry about this, you just need to cooperate with me well."

Li Yunjin quickly told Jiang Zixin of his plan.

Even though he was full of hatred for Lin Wanxi, after hearing Li Yunjin's meticulous plan, Jiang Zixin was still shocked.

"Chuck" sounded.

If Li Yunjin really implements this plan, probably Lin Wanxi will completely collapse, right?

Jiang Zixin raised her head and looked at Li Yunjin with a chilly expression, carefully confirming, "You really want to do this?

Is it a bit cruel? "

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