Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1444: Coquettish

On the way back, Lin Wanxi looked at the pregnancy report in her hand, feeling warm inside.

She always felt that she was a very indifferent person, with a lukewarm expression to anyone, but when she knew that she was

When she really had a small life in her belly, she was still full of expectations and beautiful fantasy for the future.

If Yunjin knew...

It must be the same mood, right?

She was thinking about what kind of gift she should give him. After all, Li Yunjin was paying for the wedding. She finished

Sit back and enjoy it, this kid, it's time to come.

Thinking of this Lin Wanxi's always cold eyebrows are also dyed a little softly.

Back at the villa, Li Yunjin had already gone home.

"Where have you been?"

"Go to the hospital." Lin Wanxi didn't want him to worry too much, and explained, "Go and see Chi Xiao."

"Will Chi Xiao come over on the wedding day?"

This is Lin Wanxi’s sore spot. No matter what she says to convince Chi Xiao, the girl seems to have looked for it, she is not willing to live or die.

After coming over, I didn't know what was going on.

Lin Wanxi shook her head, "She is the attending physician. She has a lot of operations to do every day, so she can't spare time."

Li Yunjin sat on the sofa and stretched out a hand towards her.

Lin Wanxi paused, then walked over with her head down, and handed him gently.

Li Yunjin pulled him into his arms at once.

"Are you alone, scared?"

"What do you think?"

Lin Wanxi asked gently.

Lin Wanxi is not afraid of death or pain, how could she be afraid of her engagement?

Li Yunjin raised her lips slightly, looked at the calm woman in her arms, and asked, "Tell me, Lin Wanxi, you are expecting a

Is the wedding engagement after the week? "

Lin Wanxi paused, and before he could answer, he heard Li Yunjin mutter to himself, "I'm expecting

To stay. "

Lin Wanxi's heart gradually became a little uneasy. Tonight's Li Yunjin had not let go of himself. He took Lin Wanxi

Pressed on the bed, tossing like crazy.

Until the end, Lin Wanxi, who had always been dissatisfied, couldn't bear to make him "lighter" with a dumb voice, crying and crying no.

He finally let her go,

Lin Wanxi was lying on the bed exhausted, looking at Li Yunjin who came out of the bath, a little helpless and embarrassed, "You

Can't you let me rest all night? "

If this continues, she will be squeezed dry by Li Yunjin sooner or later.

Li Yunjin raised his eyebrows and smiled, and he held her in his arms as soon as he stretched out his hand. He bowed his head and kissed the corner of her lips lightly.

The voice is low, "Do you know that I'm great?"

"I knew it a long time ago, and you don't have to prove it to me every day."

Lin Wanxi was speechless.

Li Yunjin insisted, "This is a matter of man's dignity. How can I not be serious?" He said and laughed

There is quite a vengeance in it.

"What's more, I'm just asking you for the debt you owed in Eastern Kingdom."

Lin Wanxi almost collapsed, "Why do you still remember those two things, a man can't be broad-minded?"

"There is no word "kuan" in Li Yunjin's dictionary. I always give it back twice."

Lin Wanxi was already tired and didn't even notice the dark glow in Li Yunjin's eyes. She moved her body gently.

"I have to try the dress tomorrow."

"Well, go to sleep."

The man's steady breathing soon came from behind.

Lin Wanxi also closed her eyes tiredly. She hoped that the engagement banquet would come soon so that she could get pregnant.

The story told Li Yunjin.

Li Yunjin is hungry every night. Her body is not as healthy as three years ago. She has anorexia. She really

Fear, if he is tossed like this, he will probably die.

On the eve of the engagement, Lin Wanxi took care of the last things and confirmed the procedure with the emcee of the engagement.

Finally he sighed with relief.

Everything has been prepared, and tomorrow she can only be a bride-to-be with peace of mind.

The huge boulder that had been pressing on my heart for days finally fell to the ground at this moment.

Just when she was about to go back to rest early, she saw a few people carrying a wardrobe in from outside.

"what is this?"

Lin Wanxi looked at the workers and wondered, "Did you send Yunjin brocade?"

"Yes, Mr. Li said that he put clothes for his wife, and said that his wife likes this design."

The white European style is exquisite and noble, but it is not the kind that Lin Wanxi likes.

How could Li Yunjin choose this kind of wardrobe for herself?

"Madam, do you want to put this closet upstairs?"

"Well, just put it in the cloakroom, the right-hand room on the second floor."

Lin Wanxi returned to his senses, and did not worry about this episode. After instructing the workers to send the wardrobe up, he returned to the room.

For the past few days, she has been in a tense and busy stage. By the end of the night, she relaxes and her body touches the bed.

He fell asleep in a daze.

I don’t know how long it took before she heard a rustling sound, and then a cold hand reached into her chest...


She immediately woke up and opened her eyes with a trace of fatigue, "Yunjin?"

Li Yunjin paused slightly, then said in a low voice, "Is it bothering you?"

"Um... very sleepy."

Lin Wanxi is really too tired.

"It's okay, I'll be fine soon."

"you're lying……"

Lin Wanxi closed her eyes again, her voice was as soft as a kitten, "You haven't been faster..."

Not all of them ended with her passing out directly.

She used to leave him alone. She also understood that she had disappeared for three years. Li Yunjin opened the meat and the demand was great, but now she

She was pregnant, and it was very difficult to protect the child. She was really afraid of accidents.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanxi retracted herself into the quilt, "No more tonight."

Li Yunjin didn't speak, he reached out to pull Lin Wanxi's quilt and told Lin Wanxi with practical actions that he did not agree.

Lin Wanxi clung to the quilt tightly and did not let go, then opened his eyes again, with a firm expression, "It's really not possible tonight."

"what happened?"

Lin Wanxi paused and looked away, "I'm here now, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

Li Yunjin's body was slightly startled, and after a long time he gave a faint "um", "Okay, then you rest early, tomorrow is

Our engagement is up. "

This night, Lin Wanxi didn't sleep very well, even though Li Yunjin didn't toss her, she still kept repeating it.

Waking up constantly in light sleep.

When she opened her eyes for the last time, she was completely awake, and the sky was already lit up.

As soon as she sat down on the bed, Li Yunjin's arm was put on her waist from behind, and he easily pulled her back.

In the quilt.

"Sleep a little longer, eh?"

Li Yunjin's voice was low, with a trace of half-awake laziness.

"I can not sleep."

"Be with me."

Li Yunjin moved, and his head was buried in Lin Wanxi’s arms. It was as if he wanted to play in the water.

The whole person drowned on Lin Wanxi's body.

"Why are you like a child? Naive, you all want to be..."

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