Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1445: .I know her

Dad's person.

Lin Wanxi almost missed it.

"What do you want to be?"

Li Yunjin raised his head, her beautiful and sharp eyebrows were especially soft because of the sleepiness that had not disappeared in the morning.

Lin Wanxi smiled, "They are all going to be grooms."

"My bridegroom, are you not satisfied?" Li Yunjin got up slightly, leaned against the head of the bed, and motioned to Lin Wanxi to lean on.

Come up.

Lin Wanxi gently put his head on it naturally.


What is she dissatisfied with? Li Yunjin wants to have good looks and a good figure, Chi Xiao is right, so

It’s hard to find a second man, even with a lantern. She is so picky, she can’t find Li Yun.

Jin's fault, if there are any flaws, is that he has too much energy in that area.

Although Lin Wanxi wanted to get up early to prepare for the evening engagement banquet, Li Yunjin assured her and insisted

He dragged her to stay in bed until noon, until the makeup artist came, and finally let go of Lin Wanxi reluctantly.

When Lin Wanxi left the bedroom, Li Yunjin suddenly stopped her for no reason, "Wanxi."


Lin Wanxi turned around and waited for him to finish.

However, after a long silence, Li Yunjin gave up with a smile, "It's nothing, you go."

According to the procedure of the engagement, they cannot meet at the beginning of the formal ceremony.

The warm eyes at this moment, the next time I meet, I don't know what strange and indifferent look will become.

He is also looking forward to the big net he sowed, when the net is closed, it will catch something satisfying.


Lin Wanxi was taken by the makeup artist to the makeup room prepared by the hotel. After the makeup was done, the makeup artist asked Lin

Wanxi stay here and don't run around.

He also warned Lin Wanxi that the Li family is a big deal and doesn’t like a rash daughter-in-law, so she must follow the instructions tonight.

Show every move.

Lin Wanxi also knows that he doesn't have any wealth background, even on occasions as important as an engagement, even to support the venue

There are no friends of, so in front of the Li family, it is natural to be careful.

So I agreed without thinking.

There is only one person in the dressing room. Lin Wanxi has been watching the gorgeous woman in the mirror for a long time, no

Only some doubts, is this really me?

After tonight, she will truly become Li Yunjin's fiancée, and will no longer be alone.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanxi's heart couldn't help beating wildly.

I don't know how long I waited, but someone walked in outside the dressing room.

"Miss Lin, the time is up, everyone is waiting for you to pass."


Lin Wanxi picked up the ring on the table, lowered her head to put it on herself seriously, and followed the little girl in the hotel outside.

That little girl was very young, she seemed to be an intern in the hotel, she looked at Lin Wanxi strangely along the way, just

With such a short walk from the dressing room to the banquet hall, Lin Wanxi's eyes were about to see through.

Lin Wanxi frowned, turned to look over, and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong? Do I look strange?"

"Not at all." The little girl looked embarrassed, as if she was in self-doubt, "Tonight

Is it you who will be engaged to the bride-to-be? "


"Is there only one bridegroom?"


Li Yunjin didn't tell her, who else is going to hold a wedding tonight.

"What do you ask this for?"

"Because the bride I just saw isn't you..." The little girl was entangled.

"Maybe another couple held their wedding here, right?"


Xiaoya's head was persuaded by Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi didn't think much, she had already walked to the door of the banquet hall, behind the gorgeous door, she was looking forward to it.

Almost a month’s engagement.

She will walk to Li Yunjin's side under the witness of everyone and become his fiancee, and then she will tell Li Yun

Jin, I have been pregnant for about a month...

Lin Wanxi couldn't help but looked down at her stomach, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raised a shallow arc.

There was a faint sound of music, and she saw the golden door slowly opened in front of her eyes, shining lightly, like herself

A fresh start.

She took a deep breath, then walked in with gentle steps amidst applause, straight

To stand in front of Li Yunjin.

This was the first time she saw Li Yunjin tonight.

The man was wearing a black dark blue suit with a fiery red rose in his chest, showing his grandeur.

Lin Wanxi was a little surprised, because she told Li Yunjin early that her dress was light yellow, and Li Yunjin

What Yunjin wears is not the couple outfit she chose.

As soon as a trace of anxiety arose in my heart, the emcee had already started the process.

Although it's just an engagement, it is inevitable that there is still the same set of "you are willing and I will". Lin Wanxi is a pursuit of peace.

People, so I didn't work **** the wedding ceremony to think about those ingenious ideas.

In fact, it was quite good. Li Yunjin's sentence, "I am willing," was enough to satisfy her for a lifetime.

Li Yunjin took the microphone in the hands of the emcee, and the murmur of "prick—" came from the microphone.

The whole noisy hall was completely quiet.

Lin Wanxi's breathing tightened a little bit, and his eyes looked affectionately at Li Yunjin in front of him.

The time will jump out of the original position in the next second.

Just as Lin Wanxi was waiting for Li Yunjin to say those words with great expectation, she suddenly realized who Li Yunjin was looking for, no

Know when it has been completely cold.

That kind of bitter chill was something she had never seen before. As soon as she felt a trace of anxiety in her heart, she saw Li Yunjin already

After picking up the microphone, placing it gently beside his mouth, spit out four words very clearly under the eyes of everyone injecting.

"I do not want to."

Lin Wanxi's eyes froze for an instant, a stunned eyebrow flickered, and even the slight smile at the corner of her mouth was there

It was instantly cold.

And the whole banquet hall, after a brief silence, "boom--" thunderous discussions broke out.

"what happened?"

"Li Yunjin just said that he didn't want to? Did my ears have a problem? What happened?"

"That’s right, what he said is unwilling, my God, this is really too lively, Li Yunjin is going to

What does it mean to regret marriage in public? I don't know if the bride has committed any taboos against Li Yunjin. "

Full of hustle and bustle.

The Li family at the main table looked ugly.

"What is this idiot brother doing? Isn't he going to be engaged to Jiang Zixin? Where did this woman come from?"

Li Yunxiao was completely blinded.

"I know... this girl."

Li Yunxiu frowned fiercely, his eyes full of complicated dark lights.


Jin Nanfeng beside him immediately leaned over slightly, "Do you know her?"

"Um..." Li Yunxiu's face was very bad. "A month ago, she went to the company to find her brother... I took her.

The one who went up was named Lin Wanxi. "

"What is his relationship with your brother?"

"I don't know what kind of relationship they are..." Li Yunjin was even more embarrassed. "In short, there should be that kind of relationship, no

Of course, she won't be here today either. "

"She is because your brother is going to marry someone else, so she..."

"No." Li Yunxiu shook his head, "I feel that my brother asked her to come over on purpose."

The clothes on her body were carefully prepared at first glance, and she did not agree until she said something she didn’t want.

Straight is very calm.

If she guessed correctly, she always thought that the heroine tonight was her, not Jiang Zixin.

Li Yunxiu’s heart is getting heavier and heavier. She and Lin Wanxi don’t know much about each other, they only have a brief relationship, but

At this moment, from a long distance away, looking at the one who is still standing quietly and there is no movement.

Woman, Li Yunxiu actually felt a real pain.

If all this is really a scam by her brother, she would find it difficult to accept as a bystander, let alone... it was her.

That woman, how desperate.

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