Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1446: .Experienced

On the stage.

The noise in the ears never stopped, and behind those surprises, there was more joy of onlookers.

The groom publicly regretted the marriage at the engagement scene.

No matter where it is placed, it is a topic that makes people surprised but talked about.

I am afraid that for a long time in the future, I will be regarded as a ridiculous and funny clown and become someone else

Talking after a meal.

Lin Wanxi smiled faintly, she suddenly felt so tired at this moment.

She didn't even want to see the man standing in front of her that she had loved deeply, nor did she want to ask him why she did it.

Sometimes the reason is not important, the ending is the key.

And this is the ending Li Yunjin wants.

Lin Wanxi only finds herself ridiculous. In the three years she was in the mental hospital, she regarded this man as the only one in that time.

One of the sun, but now he kicked himself into the darkness himself.

She will probably never see the sun.

For a moment, a lot of thoughts flashed in her mind. She was very tired, but her brain was constantly thinking.

Her body was hot under the light, her throat was dry, and her throat hurt.

She didn't know whether she should leave, but Li Yunjin had already raised the microphone again.


The clean voice was mixed with a faint coolness, and the hall that had just been noisy just now fell silent for an instant.

Everyone looked forward to Li Yunjin on the stage, looking forward to what he would say and what to give

explanation of.

"This lady."

Li Yunjin stretched out his palm to point to Lin Wanxi and chuckled, "This young lady is not the one I want to be engaged to. I don't know.

I was very surprised as to why she appeared here tonight. "

"However, this lady and I, Miss Lin Wanxi, are not strangers. Three years ago, she used to be mine.

girlfriend. "

There was another uproar below.

"I was a girlfriend three years ago? Then I am an ex-girlfriend now? This woman is really shameless, right?

Ex-girlfriend, dare to come here to pretend to be Li Yunjin's fiancee? "

"If she wants a face, she won't be here anymore?"


Li Yunjin cleared his throat and continued to speak, "Three years ago, my life in Dongzheng was down by an accident.

My girlfriend’s Miss Lin Wanxi chose to marry another person, but to her disappointment, I actually survived..."

Most of the people who come to attend the wedding engagement today are high-class people. The most annoying thing in the circle is the love of vanity and love

A woman of glory and wealth, as soon as Li Yunjin said what she said, the bottom immediately exploded.

"This woman is so disgusting? Why is she embarrassed to come and be engaged to Li Yunjin today?"

"That is, I was probably with Li Yunjin for money back then, thinking that Li Yunjin was unreliable, so I went to the next home.

I'm sorry now, and I ran back...Oh my God, I have never seen such a shameless woman in my life..."

"If I were her, I would rather hit her head to death, how can I stay here any longer."

"You don't know this? Haven't heard a word? How do you say it on TV? The cheapest person is invincible."


The sky full of ridicule was like a tsunami, pressing down from the top of her head, and instantly drowning Lin Wanxi, she gradually felt

I received a heavy suffocation, like being squeezed to the heart, blood, air, almost condensed.

Li Yunjin looked at her slightly pale face, smiled lowly, and then continued.

"After I was sober, I did a small survey on this girlfriend of mine, only to find out that Miss Lin, although

Light, but the experience is really richer than me and us combined. "

Lin Wanxi clenched her fists little by little, and her head, which had been low for a long time, slowly and heavy lifted up, her eyes falling coldly.

On Li Yunjin's body.

Li Yunjin didn't see the pain in her eyes, but turned her head and winked at the person behind him.

Soon, there were some unsightly photos on the big electronic screen behind it!

In the photo, the young Lin Wanxi's clothes were disheveled, and some men with grinning smiles took him down.

"Boom—" The people underneath finally exploded the pot completely. They just came to attend an engagement wedding, who knew it would

Witnessed such a terrible farce.

Li Yunjin did not hesitate to retaliate against Lin Wanxi by making such a big ugly at her engagement wedding. How much hatred should I have for this


But it is not difficult to understand, any man with such a dirty past is probably not acceptable.

"This Lin Wanxi is terrible, right? She looks like a dog, like a good girl. I didn't expect this

What a shame. "

"I tell you, I know this Lin Wanxi. I heard that her mother is just a desperate junior."


"Really, I hooked up with a wealthy man. I was pregnant. I also wanted to take this opportunity to join the rich. It's a pity that they were pressured

The roots are not easy to provoke. I just drove people away after a fight, and didn’t ask for any money. Later, I didn’t think about it

When I arrive, I'm crazy. "

Someone cursed lowly, "Oh!"

"This vixen's woman is also a vixen, and she and his mother are the same ass."

Lin Wanxi's eyes were finally stained with red, and his heart felt like a rusty iron nail nailed by someone, bluntly painful!

She squeezed her fist alone, and her lips stood in place, like a freeze frame in a comic, facing lonely

With ridicule and ridicule flooding from all directions.

The back is still straight.

The entire engagement scene can no longer be controlled. In this huge noise, Lin Wanxi's face is pale, she

He raised his head slightly, looking up, with a hint of irony in his eyes.

"I'll just ask you a word, you have been lying to me this whole month, are you?"

It was too noisy around, except for the nearest Li Yunjin, almost no one heard Lin Wanxi's voice.

Her voice is low and cold, like a moth, instantly engulfed in the sky of fire, no one can be found


Li Yunjin didn't answer, but the answer to this question was obvious.

After a long time, Lin Wanxi curled her lips and smiled faintly, "It turns out that it is."

It turned out that she was passionate herself.

The hatred buried in Li Yunjin’s heart had already taken root three years ago. She had already reunited with Li Yunjin.

It was the first step for them to start again, but unexpectedly, for Li Yunjin, he finally waited for a chance for revenge.

Everything can be explained now.

Why does she feel that Li Yunjin’s attitude towards herself has changed a little, why does she know that she is not feeling well?

I still don’t want to let her go in bed. Why is there a wardrobe at home that she doesn’t like? Why would Chi Xiao stop her

Be engaged to Li Yunjin, and in the hospital, Lu Tong kindly reminded...

She is too stupid.

It’s like being carried away by a fierce countercurrent, being dazzled by the so-called happiness, and even throwing away the reason for thinking.

Behind the head.

She deserves to be played around by Li Yunjin.

The corner of Lin Wanxi's mouth evoked a faint wry smile.

What she wants most in her life is the trust from her lover. Since she was a child, no one will believe her.

At home, it was my sister who broke a vase. Everyone felt that they made it by themselves.

She doesn't care about other people's opinions, all she wants is Li Yunjin's trust.

It is a pity that everything she wanted was severely thrown to the ground by Li Yunjin, and even beheaded in public like ancient torture.

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