Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1447: .Talk about it?

Lin Wanxi felt that her brain was heavy and heavy. At this moment, she didn’t want to say or do anything. She just wanted to find someone

Place to sleep well.

She is so tired...

The hustle and bustle all over the room finally returned to calm in Li Yunjin's voice.

The microphone in the man's hand was gently handed to her mouth, "Lin Wanxi, do you have anything to say?"

Lin Wanxi looked at the microphone blankly, feeling a little ridiculous.

What does she want to say?

Tell Li Yunjin that everything you see is not true. She did not marry Su Zining. The photos are different.

A story...

Tell him that she is pregnant with her baby, and this news, she originally intended to give him as a gift tonight...

It makes no sense.

Lin Wanxi smiled tiredly, what's the point of saying this?

The hurt has been said, no matter how you explain it, it will not completely heal the wound on the heart.

She raised her head a little bit, her eyes were cold, she could not see a trace of timidity or sadness.

She was silent for a long time, and then slowly shook her head under the eyes of everyone

"No, I have nothing to say."

Her indifferent attitude stunned Li Yunjin beside her. She thought that she would treat her in such a situation.

Pushed to the most desperate stage, she should be angry, howl and cry, collapse, and even cry for him.


But she did nothing.

The quiet pupils have not even a hint of waves.

It seemed that none of this happened to her.

Li Yunjin was silent, a pair of sword eyebrows tightened unconsciously.

His eyes fixed on Lin Wanxi's face for a long time.

Lin Wanxi seemed to be afraid that he would not hear clearly, so she repeated with a slight smile, "I have nothing to say."

She walked forward two steps gently, then lowered her head, slowly and slowly took off the ring on the left and right ring fingers.

This is the most beautiful ring she has ever seen, but unfortunately, it does not belong to her.

Her eyes rested on the two letters on the inner ring of the ring.

She has always simply thought that the x represents the west of Lin Wanxi, but now she suddenly realized that it is not the west.

That is Jiang Zixin's "Xin".

Thinking of this, Lin Wanxi's mouth raised a faint word once again, and her cool fingertips trembled a little, and he took the ring.

He gently handed it to Li Yunjin.

"Return to the original owner."

Li Yunjin spread out his hands subconsciously.

The ring has fallen into the palm.

His heart couldn't help but flinch.

Lin Wanxi took off all the jewellery on her body and put them on the champagne table, kicking off her feet

High heels. Finally, she tore off the red tablecloth from the side table, went around behind the stage curtain, and then came out

When I came, she had already taken off the dress on her body and held it neatly in her hand.

Laughing tablecloth.

She calmly handled everything, and then said lightly, "We are not in debt, Li Yunjin."

After speaking, he turned around and walked off the stage barefoot step by step with his back straight under the horrified eyes of everyone in the room.

Ji looked calmly and resolutely walked out of the banquet hall until the thin and slender figure disappeared from everyone's sight.

No one knows how Lin Wanxi got out of the banquet hall.

She felt that she should find a place to cry, but at this moment, she suddenly felt not at all sad.

It's like a dream, waking up suddenly, without sadness, just thinking of the unfulfilled ending, slightly

Some regrets.

She laughed self-deprecatingly and raised her foot to walk outside the hotel, but suddenly heard the emotional voice of the emcee in the banquet hall.

"Next, let us use the warmest applause to welcome the real bride tonight! Jiang Zixin!"

The applause was thunderous, accompanied by cheers and joy.

Lin Wanxi took a stop, her face was cold, she raised her head slightly and glanced at the bright light above her head. After a long time,

Leave without looking back.

"Miss Lin! Please stay!"

As she walked out of the hotel door, a familiar voice came from behind her.

She turned her head and saw that Li Yunxiu was accompanied by a handsome man.


Lin Wanxi asked lightly.

"Miss Lin, I don't know if you still remember me, I am Li Yunxiu, Li Yunjin's younger sister." Li Yunxiu said again

Pointing to the man next to him, "His name is Jin Nanfeng and he is my husband."

"Hello there."

Lin Wanxi nodded lightly.

She was still wrapped in a tablecloth, because there was no fixed thing, she could only hold it tightly with one hand.

Pale skin, thin body, bare feet, looked particularly embarrassed.

"Miss Lin, can we find a place to have a good talk?"

Lin Wanxi’s complexion has not changed much, "Miss Li, you have seen me like this now, I don’t recognize it.

Because this is a good time to talk. "

"Miss Lin, I'm sorry, my brother did such an excessive thing to you, but he is really not a bad person, I miss you

There must be some misunderstanding among us..."

"Miss Li." Lin Wanxi interrupted Li Yunxiu faintly, with a firm gaze, "Don't worry, I will not

It is foolish to take things to heart today and punish yourself with others. And stupid things, Lin Wanxi must

Will not do it. "

"Lin Wanxi..."

"I have something to do. Let’s talk again when I have a chance. Today, you are very happy. You really shouldn’t be an outsider for me.

Don’t worry about me. I’m not that vulnerable. I wish your brother and Miss Jiang live together, and wish me

I have another freedom. Goodbye. "

Lin Wanxi left after speaking.


Jin Nanfeng stopped her.

Quickly withdrew a few banknotes from his pocket.

Pass it to Lin Wanxi.

"There is a clothing store in front of you. Go buy a set of clothes and put on it. It's dark. It's not safe for you to do this." Jin Nanfeng picked

Mei said, "Don't worry, I am the Jin family, and you are not taking things from the Li family."

Lin Wanxi's eyes shook lightly. After a short silence, she reached out and took the banknotes and said softly

"Thank you."

Until Lin Wanxi walked away, Li Yunxiu sighed helplessly.

"What do you think of her?"

"It's hard to tell." Jin Nanfeng frowned. "It doesn't look like your brother said, it's the kind of girl with a scheming approach."

The Li family is here, and Li Yunjin is so impulsive to take revenge on her like this, Lin Wanxi goes to Li Beixun wherever he goes.

He Shiqing can always get some compensation, but obviously, she has no such plans.

Not only that, being able to be on the stage would rather come out wrapped in a shabby tablecloth than take away any of the Li family

West, this woman is really strong.

It's not like what Li Yunjin said, it's a woman who loves vanity.

"I think too." Li Yunxiu became even more helpless, and there was a trace of anger between his eyebrows, "Brother is really too much, it's difficult.

Dao doesn't know how important this kind of occasion is only once in a lifetime to a girl? have what

Things can't be said in private, to lie to a girl that they want to get engaged! "

Even the elder brother she admired most since childhood, Li Yunxiu felt that such a mistake could not be forgiven.

"Why are you men like this? Does hurting girls' feelings really make you so happy?"

Jin Nanfeng: "?"

"Don't sleep in my bed at night."

Jin Nanfeng: "?????"

He caught up with Li Yunxiu in a few steps, "Li Yunxiu, don't be unreasonable, why do you blame me for the stupid thing Li Yunjin did?"

"None of you men is a good thing."

Li Yunxiu exhaled.

The scene of the engagement banquet here.

Jiang Zixin has been slowly on the stage under the instructions of the emcee.

Standing in front of me Li Yunjin with a shy face.

She was just behind and witnessed how Lin Wanxi's woman was kicked into the mud by Li Yunjin.

These days, she has been worried, afraid that Li Yunjin will go back, afraid that he will suddenly turn back at the engagement ceremony.

Regret, really engaged to Lin Wanxi.

But now she knew that Lin Wanxi was no longer in this man's heart, and even if there was, it was boundless hatred.

He will completely belong to him, and after tonight, he will be his own...

Thinking of this, Jiang Zixin's eyes were full of joy, and the look in Li Yunjin's eyes was also full of expectation and shyness.

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