Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1454: .Why leave you?

He suddenly remembered that Lin Wanxi had directly shot himself in order to resist Su Zixuan in the Eastern Reality.

This kind of desperate practice is indeed something that woman can do.

Li Yunjin's heart sank rapidly, and asked the housekeeper anxiously, "Where did she go?"

"She was taken away by her family. I don't know where she went." The butler looked curious.

Looking at Li Yunjin, "Mr. Li, what is your relationship with her?"

Li Yunjin didn't have time to answer the housekeeper, and turned around and left.

For the past three years, he has always thought that Lin Wanxi married Su Zining, and became her young grandmother in Su’s family.

When that happens, the pain in my heart will be more, and the hatred for Lin Wanxi will be more.

That's why he chose to make up a long lie when Lin Wanxi found himself.

But now, God actually told him that Lin Wanxi did not marry Su Zining at all!

So... where is she in these three years? What has she experienced?

Li Yunjin's heart was empty, as if hollowed out by an invisible hand.

If Lin Wanxi didn't want to marry Su Zining at all, why did he leave her seriously ill at the beginning?

After returning to the Eastern Reality, he returned to the imperial capital without hesitation, without even leaving a word of explanation for himself...

Countless questions came up at this moment, like drowning seawater, overwhelming Li Yunjin from beginning to end.


His lungs seemed to be squeezed, no air could pass through, and the whole person and his brain were heavy.

He didn’t know how he left the Su’s house. He was sitting in the car, thinking about the past month between him and Lin Wanxi.

Everything, thinking about the day of the engagement banquet, when he tore off the veil of hypocrisy, the bitter bitterness raised at the corner of Lin Wanxi’s mouth

Laughing, and the pupil who returned to the water-like calm, his heart couldn't help but feel dense pain.

He didn't know how long he had been sitting in the car before he suddenly stepped on the accelerator and went straight to Li's house.

"Jiang Zixin!"

This woman must know something!

Li Yunjin entered the door with a deep chill.

Jiang Zixin heard Li Yunjin calling herself, and happily ran downstairs.

Just seeing the coolness in Li Yunjin’s pupils, her face suddenly changed, and the smile at the corner of her mouth froze, "Yun

Jin, has something happened? "

Because Li Yunjin was walking in a hurry, a layer of sweat oozes from his forehead. Jiang Zixin stretched out his hand to wipe him.

Khan, "What the **** happened, why are you sweating profusely...ah!"

Before she could finish her words, she let out a short scream.

Because Li Yunjin has directly held her wrist! The fierce strength almost squeezed her wrist.

"Yunjin, it hurts! What are you doing?" Jiang Zixin's eyes were red, and tears rolled down as they broke.

what's up? "

"Why did Lin Wanxi suddenly return to China back then?"

Li Yunjin's voice was almost as cold as ice scum.

Jiang Zixin's heart "cocked", and her pale cheeks were now even missing a drop of blood.

Why did Li Yunjin ask this question suddenly?

It has been three years, she thought this matter would never be mentioned again, why did Li Yunjin suddenly ask?

"Yunjin, I don't understand what you mean, will you let me go first? My hand hurts!"

"Answer me! Why did she leave!"

Li Yunjin's strength increased by three points.

"Ah..." Jiang Zixin groaned painfully, and said quickly, "Didn't I tell you everything? Because Lin Wanxi loves

Mu Ronghua is rich and honorable, seeing you are dying, so just..."

"you are lying."

Li Yunjin snarled, "Lin Wanxi is not married to Su Zining at all. She even chooses not to marry Su Zining.

Suicide, she didn't even want her life, and would still care about the so-called glory and wealth? "

"I..." Jiang Zixin was also dumbfounded, "Lin Wanxi didn't marry Su Zining? I don't know what's going on.

That woman is so scheming, who knows if she hooks up with someone else. "

Jiang Zixin was full of fear, "Yun Jin, I really don't know what you are talking about, how would I know why she left you..."

"You do not know?"

Li Yunjin interrupted Jiang Zixin coldly.

Jiang Zixin's face was completely pale.

Realizing that she had said something wrong, she hurriedly explained, "No, I mean, I don’t know why she didn’t talk to

Su Zining got married. I just missed the word. I didn't mean that. "

\"Do you think I am a fool?" Li Yunjin let go of his hand.

Jiang Zixin made another scream of "Ah", and then stepped back several steps, and sat down on the sofa.

"You'd better explain clearly to me honestly, otherwise, I will investigate this matter myself.

The length of time. But what the consequences are, you know very well. "

Jiang Zixin's face paled fiercely, she clenched her lower lip tightly, her pupils opened wide, as if she was about to hold back tears.

go back.

Upstairs, Li Yunxiao and Li Yunxiu who heard the movement both walked down.

Seeing everything that happened in the living room, Li Yunxiu subconsciously stepped forward to say something.

Li Yun laughed and stopped.

"You let me go, the two of them are going to quarrel."

Li Yunxiu frowned.

"Noisy is noisy. Anyway, I've seen Jiang Zixin's dislikes a long time ago. She is smiling all day long. She can't fake it, she is evil.

I have been thinking about it for two years, and it is best for my brother to fight with her. "

"Fireworks are forbidden in the city." Li Yunxiu frowned and muttered softly.

"Then I will beat the gongs and drums, is this always okay?"

Li Yun smiled and raised his eyebrows.


"Don't worry about it, anyway, parents are not at home today, so we can just watch the show next to us."

After speaking, Li Yunxiao pulled Li Yunxiu onto the sofa to one side, and sat down side by side, not forgetting to take one from the coffee table.

The bag of snacks was thrown to Li Yunxiu, like a crowd eating melons.

Over there, Jiang Zixin was still pale, her eyes became more and more flustered under Li Yunjin's gaze, and her whole body went down.

It was like a piece of chocolate on a hot pan, almost melted.

Her anxiety and nervousness were invisible at this moment, only that Li Yunjin's eyes seemed to burn on her body.

Out of two big holes.

She finally closed her eyes in despair, her eyes were scarlet and full of tears.

"I...I didn't mean to lie to you..."

This is the end of the matter, and she knows she can't keep it.

With Li Yunjin’s ability, she is going to investigate what happened in the hospital three years ago, which is more than squeezing an ant.


Just like what Li Yunjin said, if you don’t tell me this secret, Li Yunjin will still know it, but it’s with her.

Frankly, there will be two ends.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zixin took a deep breath.

"I just like you so much..."

"I don't want to listen to these nonsense."

Li Yunjin's eyes were sharp, and his thin lips were tight.

"At that time, you were infected with the virus and your life was hanging by a thread. The drugs sent by the CDC... not enough, and only for the military.

People first. You were in Dongzheng. You were just a freelance journalist with no borders on the battlefield. According to the rules, you cannot use

With the first batch of drugs. "

"You told me that you went to the doctor."

"It's not me..." Jiang Zixin said this, her voice was stained with a faint cry, "I don't have such a great ability.

Li, I'm just a little reporter. What's more, not giving you the vaccine is an order from Su Zixuan himself. "

Jiang Zixin's voice intermittently.

"So, I thought you must be dead at the time. It was Lin Wanxi... Lin Wanxi went to ask Su Zixuan."

Li Yunjin’s heart sank little by little. Jiang Zixin hadn’t said anything about it, but he guessed vaguely.


Lin Wanxi came to Dongzheng to escape marriage at that time. She went to ask Su Zixuan, and Su Zixuan could still propose

What are the requirements?

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