Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1455: .What are you thinking?

"Su Zixuan gave her the condition that she should return to China and marry Su Zining, right?"

Jiang Zixin hesitated, then nodded gently.

With her head buried deep in front of her chest, she did not dare to look at Li Yunjin's eyes at all.

She lied to this man for three years, what kind of face can Li Yunjin have.

Jiang Zixin's palms were all sweat, and even his back was soaked in sweat.

The clothes clung to her body wet, making her uncomfortable and unable to breathe.

"She promised very decisively. There was almost no hesitation. Su Zixuan moved very quickly. You just got the vaccine.

Miao, within half an hour, she was forced onto the plane by Su Zixuan’s people..." Speaking of this, Jiang Zixin’s voice was

Some confusion, "I really don’t know what happened later. I thought she was going back to the imperial capital.

Zining got married, who knows..."

Jiang Zixin's low voice was already inaudible.

Li Yunjin's complexion was also pale, and the hands on his side had already been hard, and he made a "chuckle" bone crisp sound.

He misunderstood Lin Wanxi.

She always wanted to believe her, but... what did he do?

Li Yunjin, you treat her...

What have you done?

On the day of the engagement banquet, the longing and happiness in her eyes finally returned to the tranquility of stagnant water, which was remembered at this moment,

It's like an invisible hand, firmly pinching his neck, and then tightening it constantly, making him unable to breathe.

"Why didn't she tell me..."

Jiang Zixin's shoulders trembled and her tone became more difficult, "In fact, she left a letter in your phone at the time."


What letter?

Jiang Zixin swallowed, her scalp numb.

"She makes you believe her and waits for her to come back."

At this moment, Li Yunjin seemed to have his soul taken away, standing quietly on the spot, his brain was filled with a lot of stuff.

West, very messy, but a little bit unclear, like a mess of the beginning line, Jane

Straight winding.

"I didn't see that letter."

When he woke up, Lin Wanxi had already left, and there was nothing in the phone except the text message between Jiang Zixin and Li Yunxiu. "

"Because... I'm afraid that if you wake up and see her left behind, you will feel that this matter is tricky, and will go to her to ask clearly, too

Xu, with your intervention, Lin Wanxi could not want to marry Su Zining, so later... I deleted that text message.

Lost. "

After listening, Li Yunjin remained silent for a long time.

Just when Jiang Zixin didn't know what to do and looked up secretly, she saw Li Yunjin suddenly approaching herself.

He was like a Raksha who crawled out of the depths of hell, bloody, making Jiang Zixin feel like he

It seems that people will take their lives in the next second.


She couldn't help calling out.

Want to escape, but there is no way out.

Both eyes were full of fear.

"Li Yunjin..."

The voice and the body were shaking fiercely.

"Li Yunjin, what are you... doing?"

Jiang Zixin looked at Li Yunjin at this moment, and there was no trace of love anymore.

She regrets that, why did she provoke Li Yunjin...Don't talk about glory and wealth, she is not allowed to continue her life now

It's all gone.

Li Yunxiu on the side had to stand up several times, but was all pulled back by Li Yunxiao.

"What are you going to do? Hurry up and sit down and watch the show."

Li Yun smiled firmly and held her hand to prevent her from moving.

"I'm afraid that my brother will do something radical..."

Li Yunxiu frowned, his face full of worry.

"What kind of extreme things can he do." Li Yun smiled and sat Li Yunxiu on the sofa. "Don't worry.

Did you hear what Lin Wanxi said just now? She lied to her brother for more than three years, and everyone would be angry if she changed it. Brother Jean

It’s okay for my brother to teach her a lesson, and see if she dares to cheat my brother again in the future. Being a member of our Li family is so foolish.

what? "

Li Yunxiao had long been dissatisfied with this woman. Seeing her shivering at this moment, his heart was full of joy.

How could it be possible to let this silly kind sister run up to destroy it?

"Okay, okay, just watch it with peace of mind, brother is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to measure."

"What do you know?" Li Yunxiu sighed helplessly, "You don't like a person, being your beloved girl

When a child is hurt, a man will not be rational. "

Six months ago, when I was shopping with Jin Nanfeng, a car that didn’t know where came and almost hit her. Fortunately,

Jin Nanfeng, who was next to him, reacted quickly and pulled her away, so that it did not cause a catastrophe.

After Jin Nanfeng confirmed that he was unharmed, the first thing the man did was to remove the confused driver from the motorcycle.

The car pulled off, then pressed hard to the ground, raised his fist and smashed it down without hesitation.

At that time, she hadn't recovered from the horror of the car accident, and she was shocked by the violent Jin Nanfeng again.

When she rushed over and hurriedly separated the two people, the driver was already bruised and swollen, wailing and rolling all over the floor.

Fortunately, it was the driver who ran through the red light, and the onlookers did not sympathize with him, saying that he deserved it.

Afterwards, Li Yunxiu blamed Li Yunjin for being too impulsive.

"He is mentally ill, so you go crazy with him too? What if he stabbed you with a knife?

Can you be more reasonable? "

At that time, Jin Nanfeng hugged himself tightly and said that just now.

In front of the beloved woman, she is the only one left in her mind. I don’t want to hurt her or make her feel sad.

Next, where is reason at all?

My elder brother is also a man, and he also has the girl who wants to spoil him on the tip of his heart. He is the same...

What's more, because of Jiang Zixin, he misunderstood that Lin Wanxi for three years, and even pushed Lin Wanxi to

Go to hell.

How can this pain be described in words.

She almost doubted that if Jiang Zixin was not a woman, her brother would slap it directly.

Jiang Zixin over there was already crying and I defended myself, "I just lied to you, I didn't spread the rest.

Lies, those photos and information are not forged, I am not going to lie, what you see is true..."

"Shut up. I don't want to care what kind of person Lin Wanxi was like in the past!"

He doesn't care.

He had seen those photos of Lin Wanxi from Su Zixuan. From friends, he had also heard of Lin Wan

Those rumors of the Western student era.

But he had told himself, don't care.

If it weren’t for Lin Wanxi’s going to marry Su Zining, it would be like a fuse.

Go, you will be left in the deepest part of memory forever.

Will not be found out.

Jiang Zixin lowered her head and couldn't help crying "Woo".

"I'm really doing it for you... Yun Jin, you know my love for you these three years..." Jiang Zixin looked at

Red, "I know, I deceived you, I was wrong, but I really love you..."

"You are so ridiculous."

Li Yunjin sneered, "Your love is really disgusting."


Jiang Zixin's face instantly paled,

Li Yunjin seemed to be facing a piece of rubbish, unwilling to take another look, turned around and walked in front of Li Yunxiu.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Li Yunxiu looked at him worriedly, not knowing why. At this moment, she felt for the first time that she grew up very

The elder brother who admired...looks a little bit down and pathetic.

"I misunderstood her."

Li Yunjin's voice was a little choked, his eyes flushed.

He did such an excessive thing to her.

He was deceived by Jiang Zixin, but when he saw Lin Wanxi again, he did not give her any chance to explain.

Under the pretense of rewriting, he pushed Lin Wanxi a little bit into the bottomless abyss.

Li Yunjin, what are you doing...

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