Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1456: .Rewarded to you

Li Yunjin couldn't help but hugged his head, breathing quickly.

"It's okay, brother!" Li Yunxiu was so flustered, she had never seen Li Yunjin show such an anguished look.

She knows how painful this feeling is. She is someone who came over, but she can’t do anything except comfort, she can’t

Share any pain for Li Yunjin.

"Brother, don't be too sad..."

Li Yun laughed at this time also became more serious, although she wanted to laugh at her, being played around by a woman,

But after all, this idiot is the older brother who has spoiled him since he was a child, he is uncomfortable, and she is also very sad.

She sighed softly, her voice clear, "Yes, brother, Lin Wanxi...she is still fine now,

Since it is a misunderstanding, are you okay if you solve the misunderstanding? I believe that Lin Wanxi will forgive you

of. "

Li Yun smiled and awakened the dreamer, and Li Yunjin let go, finally regaining a trace of reason.

"Yes, I'm going to see her."

What did Li Yunxiu think of, "I have her mobile number here. I only contacted her this afternoon. You can call her.

phone. "

He took out his cell phone and told Li Yunjin of Lin Wanxi's cell phone number.

Li Yunjin took notes and hurried out.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is empty, please check before dialing."

Li Yunjin frowned.

Empty number?

She dialed again unwillingly.

What is available is the mechanical female voice.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is empty..."

Standing next to the car, Li Yunjin felt the strength of his body being taken away a little bit.

Xiao Xiuqiu said that she only contacted Lin Wanxi in the afternoon, and now the number has become empty in just a few hours.

Number, presumably she logged out of the phone to prevent her from being found.

A panic flashed through Li Yunjin's eyes.

After a long time, he finally calmed down, took a deep breath, and then dialed Lutong's phone.

"Find me the whereabouts of Lin Wanxi."

Li family villa.

Jiang Zixin has stopped crying.

Li Yunjin left, announcing the failure of all her plans for the past three years.

In fact, at this moment, apart from sadness and fear, she felt relieved.

To be honest, in her subconscious, this day will come sooner or later, she is not really Li Yunjin’s good

People, Li Yunjin doesn't love her, and their story is destined to be an irreparable tragedy from the beginning.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zixin's mouth raised a bitter smile.

She got up, looked around the glorious villa of the Li family, it was time to leave.

She finally didn't have to pretend to be a kind smile to please everyone in this Li family.

Li Yunxiao hated her, how could she like Li Yunxiao's dead girl who always goes against her.

Jiang Zixin glanced at the two sisters of the Li family coldly, a trace of disdain flashed under his eyes, and she lifted her bag and snorted.

To go.

"Yeah, finally you don't have to pretend to please me anymore? Jiang Zixin, you can change your face fast enough, drama

Did you graduate from college? "

"What's up with you." Jiang Zixin rolled his eyes, "Li Yun laughed, do you know, these three years

How much do I hate you? "

"I know." Li Yun smiled and spread his hands. "I should ask if you know or don't know. Every time you look at me, even though it is

The look of low eyebrows is pleasing to the eye, but the hostility under your eyes cannot be hidden. "

Jiang Zixin was startled slightly, and sneered again, "Really? But you got your wish. You don't want me to get out of the Li family.

Is it? Don't worry, I won't be back this time. You Li family, there is nothing remarkable. "

I wasted three years on Li Yunjin, and that was enough.

"Stop!" Li Yunxiao suddenly stopped her.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Zixin was impatient.

"You just left? Jiang Zixin, did you buy your bag with my brother's money? The diamond bracelet in your hand is my mother

Buy your engagement gift, right? If you want to leave, just walk clean, don't you look down on our Li family? That has the ability

Don’t take away anything from our Li family. By the way, this coat on you seems to belong to my brother.

Did you buy it with money? "

Jiang Zixin's face was pale.

When I just wanted to say something, I heard Li Yunxiu continue to say, "Just forget about clothes, but your jewelry and jewelry

Let’s just stay here, smile and say it’s right, since we look down on our Li family and have such a backbone, then we should be clean.

As for the clothes on you..."

Li Yun smiled and accepted the words tacitly, "Looking at the three years that you have treated our Li family as cows and horses, you have regarded it as hard work and rewarded

is you. "

After speaking, a smile of contempt was raised at the corner of his mouth.

"Why do you want me to return things to you?"

Jiang Zixin was a little wary, her hand tightly protecting the diamond necklace on her wrist.

The heart was beating frantically with tense "bangs".

She won't pay it back.

With Li Yunjin completely finished, she only has these jewels left, and she can sell it for some money, although

I failed to marry into the Li family and became the so-called rich and young grandma as I wish, but these jewels are also expensive, at least they can

After spending the second half of her life comfortably, she gave it back to the Li family without worrying about food and clothing. Then she spent the past three years on Li Yunjin.

Isn't all the effort wasted?

She would never return these jewelry even if she died.

"This was given to me by Li Yunjin and Shi Qing. Since it was given, it is mine. Why do you want to go back?"

After speaking, you must go outside when you lift your foot.

Li Yunxiao directly called the bodyguard outside.

Several bodyguards in suits and leather shoes instantly blocked Jiang Zixin at the door.

Jiang Zixin was about to escape, but was caught back by the bodyguard in the next second, with both hands behind her back.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

Jiang Zixin resisted frantically.

Li Yun laughed and ordered the bodyguard in a cold voice, "Pick off all the valuable things from this woman, the things of the Li family.

How can she let her take it! "

"Yes, miss."

Jiang Zixin is always arrogant to bodyguards. Some people can't understand her for a long time. Now he has the life of Li Yunxiao.

Ling didn't care about it and tore off Jiang Zixin's bracelet.

"My bracelet!"

Jiang Zixin stretched out her neck.

Then the next second, the necklace on the neck was gone.

The bodyguard confirmed that Jiang Zixin didn’t have any valuables on him, then let go of Jiang Zixin, and finally gave Jiang Zixin his name.

The expensive Chanel bag was snatched over.

"Miss, how to deal with these things?"

The bodyguard looked at Li Yun and smiled.

Li Yunxiao took all the jewels, glanced at the bag last, and sneered, "The bag burns."

Jiang Zixin's eyes suddenly widened.

The corners of Li Yun's smile were deeper, "I won't give it to you even if it turns into ashes."

"you you!"

Jiang Zixin trembled with anger, "I want to call the police and arrest all of you bandits!"


Li Yunxiao shrugged indifferently.

"Anyway, the invoices for these things are in our hands. The card you swipe is also my brother's. Whose account is the consumption record?

The police at the house will find out after an investigation. You want to call the police? Yes, I would like to see how you want to talk to the police.

Explain that these things are yours. "

"you you……"

Jiang Zixin was out of breath.

Except for holding out a finger and smiling at Li Yun, he couldn't say anything.

"Okay, okay, don't waste time with this kind of people." Li Yunxiu was too noisy, she just wanted to get rid of Jiang Zixin quickly.

Therefore, the bodyguard was ordered, "You find someone to look at her, don’t let her pester your brother, and don’t let her enter your brother’s

Any room, take away anything from brother. "

"Yes, miss."

The bodyguard drove Jiang Zixin away.

The whole villa finally calmed down.

"Huh..." Li Yun smiled and let out a long sigh of relief. He sat on the sofa with a happy expression, "Finally drove this vampire away.

Yes, I feel relieved as a whole now, you don’t know, the first time I see that woman, I will ask

I'm so tired of her, my brother still doesn't believe me, saying that I have a prejudice against her. It turns out that I, Li Yun, laughed the most directly.

Accurate. "

"Don't be too anxious and proud." Li Yunxiu looked worried, "Big brother and Lin Wanxi don't know what to do.

How to solve it. "

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