Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1457: .No obligation to tell you

Li Yun laughed a little curiously, "Sister, what kind of girl is this Lin Wanxi? My brother has been in the past three years.

The reason why Jiang Zixin is not lukewarm is because the woman he likes is that Lin Wanxi? "


"The woman that my brother likes must be an amazing person." Li Yun smiled, thinking of the day of the engagement banquet. "At that time

When everyone was laughing at her, and those photos were released in public, if I were me, I would probably be hit to death.

Yes, but the woman didn't react at all. "

While talking, Li Yunxiu was a little worried, "But those photos..." Will it be left by a good girl?

Hearing his sister’s concern, Li Yunxiu smiled and shook his head, “Although I can’t explain the photos, but

I promise you that she is really a very good girl, and you will love her too. "

Seeing what Li Yunxiu said so decisively, Li Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I can rest assured, sister, if you say she is a good girl, then she must be a good girl."

More importantly, my brother's vision is not that bad.

"Don't worry." Li Yunxiu's brows tightened tightly. "It's because that Lin Wanxi woman is not ordinary.

Girl, so I am worried that my brother will not get rid of the misunderstanding so easily. "

In such an environment, this woman didn’t shed a single tear, nor did she hysterically ask her brother for one.

Fa, just silently extinguishing the heat and love in her eyes, how strong should her heart be?

Such a powerful woman will definitely not give her heart so easily, let alone forgive her brother

Now, she suspected that Lin Wanxi would not even see her brother.

This matter may not be so easy to solve.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu couldn't help but sighed softly.

In the early morning of the next day, Lu Tong dialed Li Yunjin's cell phone.

"Mr. Li, we can't find out the whereabouts of Miss Lin."


"Miss Lin seems to know that she will be looking for her, so there is no information left."

Li Yunjin was silent, and there was dense pain in his heart.

Lu Tong seemed to perceive Li Yunjin’s depression, and said hurriedly, “However, that good friend next to Miss Lin,

The word is Chi Xiao, and she is now working in the first hospital. She should know the whereabouts of Miss Lin, but... I go to the hospital

After looking for her, she didn't want to reveal anything. "


"The First Hospital." Lu Tong reacted, "Young Master Li, are you going to find her yourself? It's useless, I have already found her last night.

She talked for several hours, and the woman just didn’t want to confess the whereabouts of Miss Lin, and said that if I

If we harass her again, she will directly call the police, saying that we harass her...So Young Li, it’s useless if you go, and

That woman has a bad temper, you still..."

Before Lu Tong finished speaking, Li Yunjin hung up the phone directly.

Half an hour later, Li Yunjin drove to the First Hospital.

When asked about the clinic where Chi Xiao was, he took the elevator to the third floor.

Chi Xiao was interviewing a patient. When he saw Li Yunjin, his face remained unchanged, and he said to the patient in front of him, "I'll give you some prescription

Medicine, get it later. "

Li Yunjin didn't step forward until the patient left.

"who are you?"

Chi Xiao sneered.

"Chi Xiao..."

"You come to see the doctor, right? Have you registered? Go down without registering."

Chi Xiao directly pushed Li Yunjin away in front of him and shouted to the person at the door, "Next."

"Chi Xiao."

Li Yunjin frowned.

"If you are not here to see the doctor, please leave. This is the hospital. It is not my time that you are wasting, but

The patient's time, here, time is life, Li is always a person who has read, should understand what I mean. "

"I can wait for you to get off work."

Li Yunjin's voice was low, "I have something very important to tell you."

"I am a doctor, and the most important thing for me is to save people. There is nothing else.

Set, wait and wait, whatever you want. Please leave here now, thank you, if you don’t leave again, I’ll call Bao

Ann is here. "

Chi Xiao's hand was already on the phone on the table.

Seeing her resolute attitude, Li Yunjin was really not a good place to talk, so he could only calm down, "I'll wait

You get off work. "

This time, it was five o'clock in the afternoon. Chi Xiao has already forgotten that there is also Li Yunjin.

Li Yunjin was taken aback when he left the hospital.

Looking at the man standing upright in front of him, Chi Xiao was a little impatient, "Li Yunjin, what's the matter with you?"

"Where is Lin Wanxi?"

Chi Xiao paused, then sneered, her eyes disdainfully, "Where the joke is, it should have nothing to do with you

Right? "

"I..." Li Yunjin had expected Chi Xiao's attitude, frowning, "I just want to see her, she

Where are you now? "

"No comment!"

Chi Xiao answered him directly.

After speaking, Chi Xiao raised his foot to leave.

Li Yunjin stopped her again, his eyes were blood red, "Then you can tell me, where is she in these three years?"

Chi Xiao paused slightly, seeming to understand, and smiled lightly at Li Yunjin, "You seem to know

Dao Wanxi did not marry that Su Zining. "

Before Li Yunjin could answer, she smiled lowly, "Yes, if you don’t know, you won’t be so anxious.

'S going to see Wanxi. "

"Chi Xiao, I beg you, where is she?"

"I have no obligation to tell you where she is."

"Chi Xiao..."

"What's the use of you looking for her now?" Chi Xiao's face was cold, but there was always a poking smile on the corner of her mouth, "Let me come

Guess, oh, did you find that Jiang Zixin was lying to you, and she misunderstood Lin stupidly and ignorantly?

Wanxi, so I ran here anxiously to apologize to Lin Wanxi? "

Li Yunjin's face became paler and paler, because every word that Chi Xiao said was correct, like a sharp knife, ruthless

Gouging his heart fiercely.

"I'm telling you, it's too late." Chi Xiao sneered, "Li Yunjin, you should also know what Wanxi is like.

Woman, she won’t be kind to someone who hurts herself, let alone you lied to her for so long,

Push her into a **** that never sees the sun. Do you think she will see you? "

"I want to talk to her in person."

Whether forgiving or not forgiving, he owes that woman an excuse.

"No need. It doesn't make any sense. You did misunderstand her, because the Lin Wanxi I know is

In love, a woman who is loyal to herself, you have a month to figure out whether she feels for you

Really, since you suspected her at the beginning, now you are asking for forgiveness again, you are really funny. "Chi Xiao walked over

The stairs, the expression is full of irony, "And, as early as the Eastern Kingdom, I have reminded you, if you do

If you can protect her well, don’t get close to her, because once she gets hurt, she will completely seal her heart.

Get up, Li Yunjin, you have no chance, in this life, you don't even want to see Lin Wanxi again. "After that, it is cold again

He glanced at Li Yunjin for a few moments, lifted his foot into the car on the roadside.

Seeing Chi Xiao's back, Li Yunjin gritted his teeth and drove to follow.

Until Chi Xiao came home.

"Li Yunjin, are you sick?"

Chi Xiao couldn't bear it.

"I don't want to pester you, as long as you tell me where she is, I will leave immediately.

"Get out!" Chi Xiao roared, "I don't know where she is. Can you come to me, didn't she expect it?"

"You must know where she is."

Li Yunjin's scarlet eyes were full of determination.

Chi Xiao was so angry that he did not hide it, "Yes, she is my best friend, of course I know she is

Where, but I just don’t tell you, what can you do? I still have business, no time to toss with you here, also

That's the sentence, you just wait and wait, whatever you want. "

After speaking, Chi Xiao opened the door of the villa and returned to the house without looking back.

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