Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1487: Sourness

This Li Yunjin knew that he was Tang Cheng's younger sister, how could he laugh at it in his heart?

Tang Yiyi couldn't be mad at such a great opportunity.

"What are you and Li Yunjin hating? When they heard that I was your sister, they shook their heads and left. They ignored me."

Tang Yiyi was angry and wronged.

"It’s so hard for me to have such a chance, do you know that this time the movie investment is all big people.

How difficult is it to get a chance to participate? Seeing the duck flying by the mouth, it’s you, you don’t give birth

gas? "Tang Yiyi became even more angry when he saw Tang Cheng absent-mindedly listening, and opened the quilt of Tang Cheng, "Do you have any

Didn't you listen to me? "

"Listen, listen."

Tangcheng is very perfunctory.

"Then how did you offend Li Yunjin?"

"I didn't offend him..."

It just abducted his ex-girlfriend.

Tangcheng blew a whistle happily in his heart,

"I didn't offend him, why did people hate you so much, and the fire at the gate of the city caused Chiyu, even I was implicated."

Tang Cheng didn’t care, "That means that Li Yunjin doesn’t distinguish between public and private. There is a problem with his character.

The trivial matter also involves unrelated people, who have little stomachs, and it's okay for such people to be uncooperative. "After Tang Cheng finished speaking, he was going to

Drill in the quilt,

"Hey, get up for me, what do you know?" Tang Yiyi became even more angry, "I have been out for so long.

I haven’t played any decent drama, you know, the entertainment industry is cruel, young and beautiful like me

There are so many beauties, but the numbers are not clear. Do you know how difficult it is for me to wait for this opportunity? "Tang Yiyi face

It all went red, and pulled my Tangcheng out of the quilt severely, "Why don't you just say something light and uncooperative?"

Tangcheng was scolded by a dog-blood sprayer tonight, and finally got cleaned up for a while, and was entangled by this dead girl again, naturally nothing

What a good temper.

"Who said that you don't want help from the family, you were doing it yourself, but now you have no ability, and you blame others?" Tang Cheng

He snatched the quilt back and looked at Tang Yiyi ferociously, "If you find it difficult to mix in the entertainment industry, go to your parents for help.

That's it. With uncle's ability, what kind of good script can't you receive? What are you doing here? "

After finishing speaking, he wrapped himself in the quilt, no matter what Tang Yiyi said, he was pretending to be dead.

Tang Yiyi cursed Tang Cheng in his heart, and stomped away.

Who would have thought of colliding with Lin Wanxi as soon as he went out.

Lin Wanxi was resting in the room when he heard the fierce quarrel in the next room and thought something was wrong.

Feelings, I was a little worried to come out to take a look, but I saw such an angry run out of Tangcheng’s bedroom.

A...a young girl?

This Tang City is really a crime, and it can be done.

Lin Wanxi has never liked to take care of other people’s men and women’s affairs. After a brief surprise, the right to decide should be invisible and turn around.

go back,

Unexpectedly, the girl stopped her.

"Hey, stop."

Lin Wanxi frowned slightly.

This girl must not misunderstand her as a woman in Tangcheng, otherwise she will be in trouble again.

Lin Wanxi turned around, and as soon as he wanted to ask her something, Tang Yiyi walked over quickly, holding Lin Wanxi’s

Hand, smiling, "Are you my sister-in-law?"


Lin Wanxi didn't react, what was she talking about?

"I said, are you my brother's woman?"

"Your brother...?"

"Yes, my brother Tangcheng, I am his cousin, and my name is Tang Yiyi."

The girl smiled crookedly.


Lin Wanxi nodded. It turned out to be Tangcheng’s younger sister. She was still thinking about which brave girl would actually run into that violence at night.

The room of the grumpy guy, after another thought, he remembered to explain, "You misunderstood, he and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend.

Relationship, I'm just his..."

An ordinary friend.

However, before she could speak, Tang Yiyi interrupted her directly, "Oh, I have nothing to do with you two.

Interested, anyway, the woman next to my brother has never been cut off, but you are the first one he brought back. "

"I'm really not his..."


"Anyway, I know that you are definitely different in my brother's heart, you can speak."

This little girl named Tang Yiyi never gave Lin Wanxi a chance to speak, and interrupted her frequently, "You help

I'm busy? "


"Can you ask my brother to meet Li Yunjin and tell him about the movie."

Lin Wanxi's expression was stunned, and her eyes were a little surprised. She never thought that she would have never met before.

Tang Yiyi heard that person's name in her mouth.

She concealed the surprise in her eyes, and then asked, "Is that Li Yunjin from the Li group?"

"Isn't he who else?" Tang Yiyi curled his lips in disdain, and then reacted, "Do you know her too?"

Lin Wanxi had another meal, and after a long time he said lightly, "I'm not very familiar with it, I just saw it a few times."


Tang Yiyi was obviously very lost.

"Do you have anything to do with him?"

"Yes." Tang Yiyi is a silly talker. He is so young that he can't hide anything at all. He thinks about what happened today.

Lin Wanxi was told all about the matter.

Lin Wanxi frowned, it was obvious that Li Yunjin did it deliberately.

"Sister, do you want to talk to my brother and let him talk to that Li Yunjin, they are all in business,"

What kind of deep hatred can there be, how do you say that, there are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, only

There are eternal benefits. "

Lin Wanxi didn’t know what to say. If Tang Yiyi knew, he was the one who made Li Yunjin and Tang Cheng enemies.

"The culprit", maybe she wouldn't call her sister so kindly.

"I may not be able to help much in this matter. Your brother and I are really just friends."

"That's better, my friend, he might listen to you more." Tang Yiyi entangled, "Sister, you should help

good or not? If you help me, I will be grateful to you forever. "

Lin Wanxi frowned. This incident was actually a drag on Tang Yiyi. She really couldn’t refuse her and saw Tang Yiyi.

With the look and look full of expectation, he could only make a soft "um", "I'll try it."

"Then sister, I am waiting for your good news."

Tang Yiyi left thanks a lot.

Lin Wanxi turned and returned to the room.

Of course she would not persuade Tang Cheng to meet Li Yunjin, she originally dragged Tang Cheng into the affair between her and Li Yunjin.

It was her helpless act, she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble to Tangcheng.

This matter, only she will do it herself.

Lin Wanxi went back to the room, turned on the phone,

It’s strange to say that she has changed her mobile phone and number, but she still remembered Li Yunjin’s

mobile phone number.

She took a deep breath, and then pressed the play button.

After thinking for a long time, the phone was finally connected.


Li Yunjin's solemn male voice came over the phone.

Lin Wanxi's heart tightened almost instantly.

"Li Yunjin."

Lin Wanxi spoke coldly.

There was a brief silence on the phone, and then Lin Wanxi heard the sound of tables and chairs rubbing, and the sound of heavy objects falling.

It seems that he is working overtime?

Fortunately, it did not delay his rest time.

"I'm Lin Wanxi, I have something to do with you, are you busy?"

It took a long time for Li Yunjin's voice to be heard on the phone, "It's okay, you're not busy, just say it."

"Have you seen a girl named Tang Yiyi today?" Lin Wanxi always likes to be straightforward.

"Hmm. I have seen it."

"It's what I mean to ask Tangcheng for help. Please don't blame anyone who has nothing to do with her. She is just a cousin in Tangcheng, you

Why retaliate against her? "

Li Yunjin was silent for a while before asking in a low voice, "Did Tangcheng ask you to help?"

She just listened to Tang Cheng?

There was a trace of sourness in Li Yunjin's voice.

"This matter has nothing to do with Tangcheng. I hope you don’t get involved in any personal affairs between you and me.

What people. "

"If you really don't want to, then why let Tangcheng help you escape?" Li Yunjin sneered, "Live with him

Feels good, isn't it? "

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