Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1488: .I'm not here to talk to you

"I don't want to discuss such boring things with you in the big evening." Lin Wanxi just wanted to quickly solve Tang Yiyi's troubles.

"You know what I am looking for you for."

Li Yunjin on the other end of the phone was silent again, and only after a long time did he speak, "Come to see me at the company tomorrow, I will consider

A little bit. "


Lin Wanxi refused without hesitation.

She finally escaped with the help of Tangcheng, how could she be caught in the trap by herself.

"Then there is no room for negotiation."

Lin Wanxi blocked his breath, "Li Yunjin, I trouble you to stay awake, you..."

"Lin Wanxi." Li Yunjin interrupted Lin Wanxi directly, "If you are begging for Tangcheng's sister, then

Tomorrow noon, come to the company to see me in person. If you are not willing, there is no room for negotiation. "

After speaking, Li Yunjin hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the busy tone of "toot" on the phone, Lin Wanxi's heart tightened a little bit.

Why does he want to go back by himself? Imprison yourself again?

What is the difference between Li Yunjin and the violent Su Zixuan back then?

Lin Wanxi's heart ached.

She didn't want to hate Li Yunjin, but she felt more and more that Li Mochen had become so strange.


Lin Wanxi didn't sleep well this night, and Lin Wanxi woke up as soon as it was clear.

After struggling for a whole night, whether or not to see Li Yunjin, he still hasn't made a decision until now.

"But Tang Yiyi was dragged down by her after all. If this matter is not resolved, it will always be like a heavy stone.

It pressed tightly on her heart, making her breathless.

I have a poor appetite, and now I am facing a table of food, the familiar feeling of vomiting is once again unbearable from the bottom of my heart

Surged up.

"Are you OK?"

Tangcheng was putting tomato sauce on his bread, and when he looked up, he was shocked to see Lin Wanxi's pale face.

"Did you not sleep last night? You are such a big person, don't you still recognize the bed or something?"

Lin Wanxi felt a pain in his head when he thought of Li Yunjin, and knew that Tang Cheng was joking, but didn't want to make fun of him.

She reached out and picked up the bread in front of her and put it to her mouth. For a long time, she didn’t make up her mind to bite it down, so she put it back

Go and say, "Last night, I saw your sister, she told me about Li Yunjin."

Tang Cheng was taken aback, and quickly said, "Don't take it to heart, this matter has nothing to do with you."


Lin Wanxi raised her eyebrows and looked over coldly.

This kind of thing, without thinking about it, knows that it has something to do with her Lin Wanxi. Even Tangcheng can say this without shame

Just a few words.

"What about it? It's not your fault." Tang Cheng took it for granted, "Originally, he imprisoned you, but

His fault, you are just his ex-girlfriend and not his personal belongings. Anyway, Li Yunjin is a real man

Interesting, he doesn't think that every woman who has had any relationship with him has to guard him for a lifetime, right? that

Don’t you have to be exhausted if you change a girlfriend a month like Xiaoye? "

Tang Cheng stuffed a bite of bread in his mouth and said vaguely, "Just ignore him, and Tang Yiyi, then

Listening to the wind is rain, her temperament is not suitable for the mixed entertainment circle. Don't mess around with her. "

"But I did affect Tang Yiyi in this matter."

Tangcheng found this Lin Wanxi, always looking lukewarm, with a calm and breezy appearance, but in his bones,

Really more stubborn than this big man like him.

As soon as he picked up the water glass and wanted to swallow the bread in his mouth, he saw Lin Wanxi frown again.

Seriously said, "I already called Li Yunjin."


"When did you contact him?" Tang Cheng hurriedly swallowed the food in his mouth, anxious.

"last night……"

"No, Lin Wanxi, are you okay?"

"You have a problem with your brain."

"Lin Wanxi, what do I say to you, don't you know that Li Yunjin is waiting to catch you back now? You still take the initiative

Contact him, why don't you discuss this with me in advance? "

Lin Wanxi's expression was faint, "There is nothing to discuss, it doesn't have much to do with you."

"Why does it have nothing to do with me?" Tang Cheng got stuck in his throat with a breath of anger, and it took a long time to come back. "Lin Wan

Xi, please find out that Tang Yiyi is my sister, not your sister. "

"You can't help much." Lin Wanxi shook a word ruthlessly.

Tang Cheng's face was red and white.

"Then you can help?"

"Yes, I'll go to Li Yunjin, when I speak, he can definitely help Tang Yiyi."

"Tang Cheng was shocked," No, you didn't joking with me, did you? Are you going to find Li Yunjin? "

He took someone to copy the guy to rescue the person. He hasn't stayed here for 24 hours, but he wants to vote again.

Going to the enemy camp?

Where will he put his face in Tangcheng?

"This is the only way to solve the problem."

Seeing Lin Wanxi calmly eating the bread in her hands, Tang Cheng knew that she had made up her mind and couldn't persuade her.

I can only say, "Then I will go together."

Lin Wanxi frowned.

Tang Cheng said immediately, "You don't want to be caught by him again, do you? Don't expect me to save you again. With me,

At least he won't do anything to you. "

Lin Wanxi warned him, "If you offend Li Yunjin, you will bear the consequences."

Tang Cheng stuffed the last piece of bread into his mouth, his expression a little smug, "You don't want to inquire, I can

I'm afraid of anyone. "


After the two of them had breakfast, Lin Wanxi first accompanied Tangcheng to the company to deal with the accident on the construction site.

When Tangcheng finished the press conference, it was almost 12 noon.

After dealing with reporters all morning, Tang Cheng's expression was very ugly, his mouth was dry, and he drank the water on his desk.

Seeing that he looked tired, Lin Wanxi poured him another glass of water and handed it over, "Why don't I go by myself?"

"No, anyway, the matter here has been handled almost, and the compensation will not be distributed by me." Tang Cheng took

Picking up the coat, "Let's go, I'm going to vomit when I stay here now."

After driving, I went directly to the Li Group.

Because one of the two companies was in the east and the other was in the west, which was a bit violent, Lin Wanxi let Tangcheng sleep in the car for a while

Son, drive by yourself.

About forty minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of the Li Group.

Tangcheng was still asleep at this time.

Lin Wanxi gently pushed him, "Tangcheng, here."

Tangcheng was awakened from his sleep, obviously very upset, rubbed his eyes and pushed the door to go down.

Lin Wanxi took him into the company.

Maybe Li Yunjin had already greeted in advance, the front desk let people go smoothly, and got on the elevator, no two minutes

Zhong, went to Li Yunjin's office.

"Miss Lin, President Li has been waiting for you for a long time, please come in."

The secretary gave a professional smile.

"Thank you."

Lin Wanxi nodded lightly.

Tang Cheng was also about to follow, but was stopped by the secretary, "I'm sorry, this gentleman, Mr. Li has ordered it.

Seeing Miss Lin alone, so..."

Tang Cheng was impatient, "He ordered, but he didn't say that he must be heard. It's weird. Don't block me, beauty.

Otherwise, harass you. "

After speaking, Tang Cheng squeezed his peachy eyes at the beautiful secretary.

Very frivolous.

The secretary blushed after such molesting, and let Tang Cheng sneak in without paying attention.

To stop people.

"Mr., you can't go in..."

Here, Li Yunjin had already seen Tang City, and a chill flashed in his eyes.

"President Li, I'm sorry, this gentleman..." The secretary was very wronged.

Li Yunjin said lightly, "You can go out."

The secretary breathed a sigh of relief, said "Okay", then gently closed the door and went out.

Li Yunjin then made a "please" action to Tang Cheng, "Tang Shao sit down."

Tang Cheng obviously wanted to say something, but Lin Wanxi glared at him, then bowed his head and sat aside obediently.

Li Yunjin looked at Lin Wanxi, "Have you eaten? Knowing that you will come over at noon, I made it myself."

Li Yunjin took the heat preservation box from the side, "Let's talk while eating."

Lin Wanxi stood still and didn't move. "I'm not here to talk to you, Mr. Li."

Li Yunjin's fingers stiffened and turned to look at Lin Wanxi, "After a day of walking, did you start calling me Mr. Li?"

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