Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1491: .Find a father for the baby

Tangcheng leaned against Lin Wanxi, lowered his voice, and whispered, "I didn't joke with you, you really don't

Are you planning to find a stepdad for this kid in your stomach? It is very hard for a woman to take a child. "

Lin Wanxi didn't know how hard it was, but she didn't want to think about things that were so long ago.

"This is not going to the vegetable market to get some cabbage, you can find it if you look for it."

Tang Cheng suddenly smiled, "What do you think of me?"


Lin Wanxi frowned and turned his head to look at Tang City.


Tang Cheng nodded, "Yeah, I'm... young and handsome, and I still have money at home, how about it, enough for the **** in your stomach?

Be a father. "

"What are you kidding?"

He is a rich man who wants to be a father for her child?

Make her play.

Lin Wanxi only regarded him as nonsense.

Tang Cheng was anxious, "I didn't joking with you."

Lin Wanxi frowned and fixed his eyes on his face again, "Do you know what nonsense you are talking about? You be his father

Dad, you must marry me. "

"Just get married. Anyway, I'm twenty-three. It's not surprising to get married at this age."

Lin Wanxi's face turned pale, and her voice was low and cold, "Marriage is not a child's play, Tangcheng, stop messing around."

"Who is fooling around? Of course I know that marriage is not a child's play." Tang Cheng looked a little angry, "I think seriously."

"We haven't known each other for less than a month. Isn't this a trifle?"

"That's at least more reliable than my parents letting me go on a blind date, right?" Tang Cheng was rightly confident, "Moreover, the feelings are like this.

West, it will be there for a long time. "

Lin Wanxi paused, then looked at Tangcheng with a particularly serious look, "I will not be in love with you for so long, nor will I treat you

There are men and women, you are a good friend, nothing more. "

Tangcheng has lived for more than 20 years. This is the first time that a girl has rejected her, and she has refused so decisively.

Give him some leeway, and at the moment I just feel shameless.

Immediately asked, "Why? You can be with that Li Yunjin, why can't I? Where am I?

Li Yunjin can't compare to Li Yunjin? Am I not as good as him, or am I rich without him? I will not imprison you..."

Lin Wanxi could not explain to him the various experiences between herself and Li Yunjin, she herself had not yet understood this feeling.

Love, let alone involve another Tang City.

What's more, even if she is not with Li Yunjin again, there is no need for her to find a man for herself in such matters.

To replace Li Yunjin.

Lin Wanxi was never a woman who lived on a man.

She looked at Tang Cheng’s indignant face, and said calmly, "Don’t be fooling around, Tang Cheng, feelings.

It is never easy to define who is better than anyone.

"Then what do you mean by feelings?" Tang Cheng didn't care. "Two people get along for a long time, they will definitely have feelings."

Lin Wanxi didn't want to explain too much, lowered her head and looked at her slender hand.

Tang Cheng seemed to understand something, and his voice lowered lower, "You won't still have feelings for Li Yunjin, right?"

How could he forget that there is such a possibility?

Lin Wanxi paused slightly, and was silent, saying nothing.

When Tang Cheng saw Lin Wanxi's reaction, he was even more sure, "You don't really like that Li Yunjin, do you?

Yes... Then you have to let me help you escape..."

"I won't be together with him."

Lin Wanxi interrupted Tang Cheng unbearably.

"But you didn't say that you don't like him?" Tang Cheng keenly caught the clues in Lin Wanxi's words, "So you

Is this admitting? You still have no feelings for him, even because he rejects me such a good man, you plan to be single

After a lifetime? "

Lin Wanxi was even more speechless, "Where is this going, can you stop talking nonsense?"

"Are you sure I'm talking nonsense?"

Tang Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Wanxi with a meaningful expression.

Lin Wanxi was a little guilty when he saw it, and sweat came out of her palms.

At exactly this time, the doctor called her name, and she got up and ignored Tangcheng and went to the examination room.

After Lin Wanxi came out, he realized that Chi Xiao didn't know when he came.

"Sorry, there was a patient just now, but I couldn't make it." She apologized to Lin Wanxi first.

"You don't need to come here if you are busy."

Tang Cheng grinned, "Yes, anyway, with my Uncle Tang, what can she do?"

Chi Xiao flicked it with a stab eye, and Tang Cheng stared at him for an instant.

Isn't it because he rejected Chi Xiao's confession? This woman regarded herself as an enemy.

Can't afford to provoke.

"How? What did the doctor say?"

"Still those words."

Lin Wanxi's expression was faint, it was nothing more than malnutrition, and he should pay attention to rest.

Chi Xiao had expected it long ago. After reading the report sheet, she said casually, "I am thinking of something.

I saw Li Yunjin. "

"Huh?" Lin Wanxi paused slightly, "In the hospital?"

"Yes, the emergency department."

Chi Xiao returned the report to Lin Wanxi, "The child is very healthy. With such a careless mother like you, the fetus can still develop.

This is a miracle. "Chi Xiao pouted, "I won't go to work in the afternoon, and go out for dinner at noon?" "


Tang Cheng nodded immediately.

"You are so funny, who asked you?"

Chi Xiao glanced at Tangcheng.

Lin Wanxi frowned, completely not focusing on eating, "What happened to him?"

"Who?" Chi Xiao paused and reacted, "You said Li Yunjin?"


"I don't know. I just saw him when I was passing by the emergency room. I guess he had a cold."

Chi Xiao didn't take it to heart, and asked again, "Where to eat at noon?"

Lin Wanxi absently replied "whatever."

Although Chi Xiao didn’t want this man in Tangcheng to disturb his sister’s date, but how this man is like Lai Pi Tang

I couldn't get rid of it, so I had to reluctantly put Tangcheng on it.

The three of them went to a private restaurant in the city center.

Lin Wanxi was not very high in nature throughout the whole journey, but Chi Xiao and Tang Cheng talked endlessly, until

Finally Tangcheng went to the bathroom.

Lin Wanxi's ear finally stopped.

Seeing Lin Wanxi frowning and absent-minded, Chi Xiao stretched out his hand and shook in front of her.

"Recovered, Lin Wanxi."

Lin Wanxi paused before asking, "What's wrong?" Seeing that Tang City was not there, he frowned, "Where is Tang City?"

"He went to the toilet." Chi Xiao helplessly, "It just so happens, I have something to ask you, what's the matter between you and Tang Cheng?"

"What's the matter?"

"Of course, how did you get involved with him?"

"It's just ordinary friends."

Chi Xiao believes that she is a ghost, "Ordinary friends can accompany you to the inspection? The Tang family has a lot of things recently, right? Company One

There are a lot of things waiting for him to deal with, he still has time to accompany you to the check-up, don’t tell me, there is something between you two

Oh no love. "

"Really not." Lin Wanxi frowned and took a sip from the water glass in front of him.

Chi Xiao tightened her brows, "Actually, it doesn’t matter if you have one. Don’t think I liked him in the past.

I'm sorry, such a rich man is good for you, you have to hold it, find the godson in my stomach

A good dad. "

"If you talk nonsense, I will leave."

Lin Wan was a little angry.

"All right. All right." Chi Xiao gave up.

Lin Wanxi lowered his head again and entered into a daze mode again.

Chi Xiao felt helpless, and picked up the coffee in front of him and drank slowly, "If you are really worried about Li Yunjin, give it to him

Make a phone call and ask. "


Lin Wanxi frowned.

"I told you to call Li Yunjin and ask." Chi Xiao looked speechless, "Since I told you, Li Yunjinjin

After the day came to the hospital, you have been restless, and your whole heart flew out. "

Chi Xiao put down the coffee cup and said in a light-hearted voice, "Since you are so worried about him, go and ask, why be here?

To die is to face and suffer. "

"I didn't worry about him." Lin Wanxi frowned, denying stubbornly.

Chi Xiao's expression became darker, "You don't need to be here with me, you are worried or not, only you have a clear heart.

Chu, I just think that life is short, and it’s right to have fun in time. If you have to defy your heart, do something.

It is foolish to make yourself painful. "

Tang Cheng returned as soon as he finished speaking.

Chi Xiao didn't wait for Lin Wanxi's answer, turned her head and chattered with Tangcheng.

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