
Chi Xiao's grandmother had her birthday, so she left after eating.

Tangcheng had to rush back to the company to handle official duties, so Lin Wanxi planned to go around alone.

The doctor said that after three months, the belly will slowly start to show up, and she definitely can’t wear her current clothes

So Lin Wanxi decided to go to the mall and buy some loose clothes for herself.

As she looked at the clothes one by one, she suddenly heard a silver bell-like laugh, which came slowly.

"Sisi, you look good in this dress."

"Is there?" The girl's voice was clear and sweet, "but I think the pink dress is a bit tender."

"Why? You are very tender."

Lin Wanxi's shoulders stiffened slightly, then turned his head and followed the voice to look over——

A girl in a pink dress was smiling and talking to her friends.

Lin Wanxi's face lost a little blood, and her eyes became a bit cold. She hung back the clothes in her hand silently.

At the same place, he turned his head and left.

Unexpectedly, the girl in fan clothes turned around suddenly as if sensing something.

"Lin Wanxi?"

She opened her eyes wide, looking at Lin Wanxi, she was surprised at first, and then a hint of mockery flashed quickly.

Lin Wanxi's face was pale, standing still, after a long time, he looked up at her.


Miduo, a good friend of Mu Sisi, was a little curious, "Sisi, who is this person?"

Mu Sisi chuckled, took two steps forward, and said with a smile, "Let me introduce to you, this is my half-parent

Sister, Lin Wanxi. "

"Ah." Miduo was surprised, covering his mouth, and exclaimed for a long time, "This is your father's mistress giving birth to an illegitimate child.

Female. "

Lin Wanxi's eyes sank instantly, and a deep chill filled his body.

Fortunately, Mu Sisi and Miduo were still invisible.

Mu Sisi curled his lips, looking a little helpless, "Yes."

"But didn't you say that she was crazy and was sent to a mental hospital? How could she be here..."

"I don't know." Mu Sisi looked at Lin Wanxi in confusion, "When were you discharged from the hospital?"

Lin Wanxi didn't speak, just like Mu Sisi hated her since she was a child, she didn't have the slightest feeling about this so-called "sister".

What the feelings say.

Even, because he was bullied and grew up, there is an unspeakable hatred deeply buried in the blood, every

When I saw Mu Sisi, he was awakened with dark memories.

Lin Wanxi didn’t want to see Mu Sisi. She never forgave the Mu family for what they did to her, and to her mother.

everything of.

Faced with Mu Sisi's slightly mocking question, he just sneered and raised his foot to leave.

"Hey, Lin Wanxi, are you deaf? I ask you something."

Mu Sisi stopped Lin Wanxi reluctantly.

"I have to answer your questions?"

Lin Wanxi coldly looked at the hand that was in front of her, her eyes getting colder and colder, "The principle you prescribed?"

Mu Sisi's face turned pale, Lin Wanxi and herself had been at odds since they were young, although they were an illegitimate daughter, they did not look like them at all.

The cowardice and cowardice of other illegitimate daughters, but like a hedgehog covered with thorns, whoever bullies her, she

Just go back ten times a hundred times.

Sometimes, she even rushed to the head of her serious lady.

However, since she was young, how her family beat and scolded Lin Wanxi, she just didn't constrain at all.

Even Mu Sisi didn't dare to provoke her anymore, it was nothing more than a slap in the face.

Mu Sisi's eyes were dyed a little empty, and then looked at Lin Wanxi, "I just want to know, you were discharged from the mental hospital

What happened, why didn't you tell your family? "

"Prefer not to say."

Lin Wanxi smiled coldly.

Tell the Mu family, are you waiting for them to throw yourself back?

For an illegitimate daughter who has no use value, this kind of thing is not impossible for the Mu family to do.

"Lin Wanxi, what is your attitude?" Mu Sisi was angry. "Somehow the Mu family has raised you for so many years.

I was very worried about your physical condition. You were discharged from the hospital without a word. How could you hide this big thing from your family?

If it wasn't for me to accidentally ran into you here today, are you going to hide it from us for the rest of your life? "

"Worried?" Lin Wanxi sneered, her expression as if she heard a joke, the corners of her eyes raised slightly, picking out a trace of irony

Come, "If you are really worried about me, during the three years I was in the psychiatric hospital, the Mu family wouldn’t come alone.

Me, what does my life and death have to do with you? You can speak such hypocritical words, don’t ask us to replace

You laughed out of your teeth. "

Mu Sisi's face was white and red, and it took a long time to refute, "We didn't go, because we didn't want to disturb your treatment, you

In the past three years in the mental hospital, all the treatment expenses came from the Mu family, and Lin Wanxi, you can't be without a conscience. "

"I'm a person with no conscience." Lin Wanxi was too lazy to say these hypocritical words with her, and interrupted impatiently.

Mu Sisi, "What does it have to do with you?"


Lin Wanxi raised his foot and directly bypassed Mu Sisi.

Mu Sisi turned around and looked angrily at Lin Wanxi's further and further back.

"You stop me, Lin Wanxi!"

Lin Wanxi turned a deaf ear.

Wander away.

Looking at Lin Wanxi's back, Mu Sisi stomped her feet unwillingly.

"This Lin Wanxi is really annoying."

Miduo complained for friends.

"She's been like that since she was a child." Mu Sisi calmed down quickly. Lin Wanxi has been this temperament since she was a child.

Why is Lin Wanxi angry?

"Is she really the daughter of your father's mistress?"

"Yes, the romantic debt that my dad made when he was young." Mu Sisi frowned. "I also listened to my mom.

When my mother was pregnant with me, that woman brought Lin Wanxi, who was just born, to the door.

The woman suddenly went crazy without knowing what was going on. My mother looked at Lin Wanxi alone and thought of the child’s innocence.

So I offered to take Lin Wanxi home and raise him, but I didn’t expect that this Lin Wanxi was just an unscrupulous young man.

The white-eyed wolf has been against me everywhere since he was young, and he was fighting truant at school, causing a lot of trouble for the Mu family.

Eventually, when she became an adult, she ran away from home and never came back. "

Miduo slapped his lips, "Tsk Tsk," "This Lin Wanxi really has no conscience at all."

"Yeah, I really wanted to treat her as a sister. After all... her mother's affairs were not her fault, but

Since she is not willing to talk to me, forget it. "

Mu Sisi snorted disdainfully.

Miduo nodded in agreement, "Yes, anyway, you all have your own lives, so you don't have to be like her."


Lin Wanxi rushed out of the mall and got in a taxi.

"Miss, where can I go?"

After Lin Wanxi reported the address, he leaned on the seat and closed his eyes tiredly.

She didn't expect to meet Mu Sisi, it seems that she has been discharged from the hospital, she can't keep Mu's home.

The only thing she expects now is that the Mu family can treat her as an air and will not disturb her again, otherwise she will be pregnant with Li Yun

How should Jin's child face the Mu family?

Thinking of the worst possible outcome in the future, Lin Wanxi’s heart seemed to be entangled one after another.

The thorny thorns, with every breath, are aching.

As soon as I got home, I saw Tang Cheng calling someone in the living room.

Lin Wanxi was a little surprised. At this point, shouldn't Tangcheng be in the company? Why are you here?

Seeing Lin Wanxi came back, Tang Cheng hurriedly said something to the person on the other end of the phone, and then quickly hung up the phone.

Lin Wanxi saw his gloomy face and frowned, "Is something wrong? Your company's business, isn't it already

Is it almost solved? "

"Don't mention it."

Tangcheng is depressed.

"What happened?"

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