Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1498: . Can't escape the palm of your hand

Lin Wanxi was pushed upstairs in a daze.

Her room is still the one she lived in many years ago.

At the end of the corridor on the second floor.

The sun is good.

Lin Wanxi opened the door and walked in, countless memories flooded in at this moment.

She was locked in by the Mu family for three days. There was no food at all except for water. At that time, she

Almost there was the idea of ​​jumping out of the window, and finally Uncle Qi secretly brought her food.

And this room originally didn't even have air conditioning. It was cold in winter and hot in summer.

And now...

The floor is covered with expensive carpets, air-conditioning and electric lights have been installed long ago, and she is still hanging on the walls.

When I left the photos, I tried my best to decorate it.

Lin Wanxi was even more puzzled.

What are they going to do?

Could it be that... was it true that my conscience found it, and I woke up?

No matter how you look at it, I feel that there is something tricky in this matter.

Lin Wanxi walked to the window and opened the curtains to let the sunlight in.

When she was upset, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

It's a call from Tangcheng.


"Where did you go again?" Tangcheng was a little angry, "You won't move to Li Yunjin's place, are you? Lin Wanxi, you

You can't wait to see him, right? ‘’

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Wanxi frowned, "I' here."

"Huh?" Tang Cheng looked extremely surprised, "Do you still have a father?"

After all, Lin Wanxi had experienced so much outside, and Tang Cheng did not hear her mention a family member. He thought Lin Wanxi

Wanxi is an orphan without a father or mother.

"Yes, without a father, it would have come out of the rock."

Tangcheng didn't expect Lin Wanxi would also make jokes, and was amused all of a sudden, "I'm just wondering why I never listened

You mentioned him. "

"The relationship between me and him is not very close, and there are relatively few exchanges." Lin Wanxi explained lightly, "I have two

Tian may live at home, so don’t worry. "

"Okay, I can rest assured that I know you are fine."

Tang Cheng seemed to let out a sigh of relief.

After talking for a while, Lin Wanxi suddenly heard someone knocking on the door and hung up the phone.

After opening the door, it was Mu Sisi.

"What's matter?"

"My mother called you down for lunch."

Mu Sisi cast a blank look at Lin Wanxi.

"I have a bad appetite, so I won't eat it anymore."

Lin Wanxi was about to close the door.

She was originally anorexic and had no appetite. When she saw the Mu family, she might not help but vomit it on the spot.

Before the door was closed, Mu Sisi squeezed in. "Lin Wanxi, what's your attitude? My mother made it for you for lunch today, so you said

Bad mouth? Are you polite? "

Sure enough, it is a child who has no mother to teach, but has no quality.

Mu Sisi sneered in disdain, but thinking of what Gu Miao had told her, he decided not to offend Lin Wanxi, and turned

And said, "Lin Wanxi, our family was not good enough for you before, but it didn’t starve you to death, lack of food or drink.

Yes, you don't go too far and become a white-eyed wolf. "

"Are you finished? You can go out when you are finished."

No matter what Mu Sisi said, Lin Wanxi will always be like a cotton, with a single punch, there will be no splashes.

Instead, Mu Sisi was half-dead.

"Lin Wanxi, don't be proud of you!"

She pushed open Lin Wanxi’s door in a few steps and walked to her, "Don’t think that my parents treat you better, you really

It's the eldest lady of the Mu family. With me, you will always be an illegitimate daughter who can't be on the stage. "

Lin Wanxi’s face was as calm as water. The three words illegitimate daughter accompanied her throughout her childhood, and at first she would feel ashamed.

Ashamed, but gradually, she became numb, the identity of the illegitimate daughter is not her choice, isn't it Mu Jianming who made the mistake?

Why should all the pain be borne by her mother?

What did Lin Wanxi do wrong?

"Lin Wanxi, I advise you to be honest, otherwise, there will be times when you regret it in the future."

After Mu Sisi finished speaking, he urged, "If you don't hurry down to eat, do you really want your parents to invite you in person to be satisfied?"

Lin Wanxi really got a headache because of the quarrel, and could only follow her downstairs.

The rest of Mu's family are already seated at the dinner table.

Gu Miao saw Lin Wanxi and walked over very enthusiastically, "Wanxi, sit there."

Lin Wanxi faintly pushed her hand away, "No trouble, I can."

"No trouble, no trouble." Gu Miao pressed Lin Wanxi onto the chair.

Then he gently poured a glass of wine for Lin Wanxi, "Wanxi, in the past, it was all aunts who were not good and I was too harsh on you.

Some, Auntie is here to accompany you. I’ll do this first. If you forgive Auntie, it’s best, not forgive.

Forgive me... Auntie won't blame you either. "

After speaking, he drank the wine in the glass as soon as he raised his head.

Lin Wanxi looked at her lightly. After a long time, he picked up the warm water on the other side and took a sip in silence.

Gu Miao's expression was a little ugly, and he returned to his seat without saying anything.

Gu Jianming was still talking to the old lady over there.

"Mom, have you taken the medicine today?"

"It's very bitter, I don't want to eat it."

"How can it be done? The doctor said that your disease is getting worse quickly, and the medicine must be taken on time. In this way, after eating, I will let

Miao Miao will cook some Sydney pears with rock sugar so that it won't be bitter. "

"Got it."

Mrs. Mu was obviously a little unhappy.

Lin Wanxi frowned slightly.

Is the old lady sick?

I haven’t seen each other for a few years, she has been old for a long time, and she was a famous beauty when she was young, but she never escaped.


Lin Wanxi only regarded her as old, but she did not expect that she was actually sick.

Suddenly, there was some emotion.

She did not sympathize with Mrs. Mu, what she did to herself made Lin Wanxi have no good impression of her, and said no.

The good thing is that when she died, Lin Wanxi might not feel anything,

Lin Wanxi looked at the food in the bowl and hesitated for a long time before choosing some vegetables to eat.

"Wanxi, come and eat more. You see you are thin. I cooked this steak myself."

Gu Miao picked up a steak and placed it in Lin Wanxi's bowl.

Lin Wanxi could only take a light bite, and a greasy fishy smell surged up, causing her stomach to churn.

After a long time, I didn't hold back, put down his chopsticks, covered his mouth and returned to the room.

Gu Miao's face turned black immediately.

The smile on the corner of his mouth gradually cooled.

Mu Sisi was angry about chasing Lin Wanxi, but was stopped by Gu Miao.

"Let's eat."

"But mother, she actually treated you that way, I must teach her a lesson and let her know what she is at home

It's the rules. "

"Don't be fooling around, now we have to please her, otherwise...what about your grandma's illness?"

Mu Sisi looked disappointed, "Mom, do we have to use Lin Wanxi's blood?"

"At home, only you and Lin Wanxi have blood types that match your grandma, and they are all rare blood types."

"It's practical for mine. I'm willing to donate blood to grandma."

Old Mrs. Mu looked distressed, "Sisi, grandma doesn’t want your blood. Grandma has a bone, even if she is dead.

Will not drag you down. "

"Grandma, it's okay, just a blood transfusion will not affect my health."

Mu Sisi frowned.

Seeing the whole family want to please Lin Wanxi so much, her heart is really uncomfortable. She would rather go on her own than

Watching the parents muffled.

"Sisi, what are you talking about? Don't use other blood, you have to use your own, mom, dad and grandma

How distressed..." Gu Miao frowned, "What's more, your grandmother’s disease has caused serious complications.

There are signs of water and shrinking me..."

Mu Sisi's eyes widened, "So grandma is going to have a kidney transplant?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter if you use your blood transfusion, but now I have to change the kidney..." Gu Miao's eyes suddenly sank.

"Lin Wanxi's must be used."

How could she just watch her own daughter go to the operating table,’

As for that Lin Wanxi, an illegitimate daughter who was not seen, the outsiders did not know that their Mu family still had such a number

It doesn't matter if people die.

The only person who cares about her has been madly detained in a psychiatric hospital, and Lin Wanxi’s life and death are not there at all.


Therefore, after learning that Lin Wanxi was discharged from the mental hospital, she was so anxious to bring Lin Wanxi back.

Even to please her.

It's a pity that Lin Wanxi, this woman, is like a stone, so she can't cover it.

When she was a child, she knew that Lin Wanxi was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Now that she has grown up, she is so.


Mu Sisi was very worried, "What should I do if Lin Wanxi is still unwilling?"

With Lin Wanxi’s character and the hatred she had accumulated against the Mu family since childhood, she might just shake her face and leave, let alone

After a kidney transplant, even blood is not necessarily willing.

Mu Sisi was worried, she could donate blood to grandma, but... a kidney transplant... sounds terrible.

Gu Miao's face sank fiercely, and a trace of hideous malice passed through his eyes, "If she is unwilling, she will toast and not eat.

If we eat fine wine, then we can only come hard, don’t worry, her mother’s **** is back in our hands, she can’t escape

Out of the palm of our hand. "

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