Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1499: .Turn over old accounts?

Lin Wanxi didn’t know anything about the things downstairs. She couldn’t understand why this group of Mu family would change to herself.

So much, this kind of change made her, who had never experienced a trace of warmth in Mu's family, felt a trace of anxiety in her heart.

How do you say that sentence, the weasel gave the rooster a New Year's greeting, and was not at ease.

Stay here for one night tonight, let's find a chance to slip away tomorrow morning.

Otherwise, she always feels that she is not at ease, there is still a child in her belly, there must be no mistakes.


Lin Wanxi was woken up early the next morning.

"Lin Wanxi, get up quickly and go to the hospital."

Lin Wanxi's face gave a slight pause, "Hospital?"

"Yes, today is the day for grandma to check her body. You are also her granddaughter. It's not too much to accompany you to the hospital, right?"

"How about you?"

"Me?" Mu Sisi frowned. "I have something to go out today, so I can't go... what do you mean by that?

think? When grandma went to check her body, which time was it not with me? You only went once, so long-winded?\""

Lin Wanxi's face was calm, her eyes were chilling, she got up and put on clothes, "I see, go out, two

I will come down in ten minutes. ‘"

"Then you hurry up, don't let grandma wait for you too long."

Mu Sisi frowned, and then went downstairs.

When Lin Wanxi finished changing clothes and washing, Gu Miao and Mrs. Mu were already waiting at the door.

The three people were taken to the hospital by the driver.

The old lady was obviously a frequent visitor to the hospital. The doctor handed the test sheet to Gu Miao, "Go for a blood transfusion. Then observe for a while.

After hours, you can go back without any response. "

""Okay, thank you doctor."

Gu Miao smiled and thanked him.

Lin Wanxi didn't think too much, her attention was not on the old lady, and when Gu Miao was walking outside, she just bowed her head to follow.

Until the blood transfusion doctor said, "Hey, today I changed to a girl who took blood."

Lin Wanxi paused for a while, frowning as if she understood something.

"What do you mean?"

Was she called to the hospital to give the old lady a blood transfusion?

"What do you mean, your grandma needs a blood transfusion, and your blood types are the same..."

Gu Miao said while pulling Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi directly knocked her hand off, her cold eyes fell on the two people in front of him, and the corners of her mouth raised a little.

Sneered, "I came out when the sun hit the west, why did you Mu family suddenly find me so anxiously?

Cooking for me, and decorating the room for me, was to please my living blood bank. "

She knew, what kindness could the Mu family have?

"Lin Wanxi, how do you talk, she is your grandmother, your grandmother is sick, you as a granddaughter, give some blood

what happened? "

Gu Miaoli is straightforward.

"Grandma?" Lin Wanxi chuckled slightly, her eyes raised slightly, her expression a bit contemptuous and mocking, "I don't

I remember what grandma I have, and I did not enjoy any love from grandma. "

At this time, come to play the emotional card with her, the Mu family is really shameless enough.

Gu Miao's face sank, almost gritted her teeth, "Lin Wanxi, no matter what, she is your biological grandmother.

How can you watch your grandma get sick and ignore it? It's already reached this point, are you trying to dying me? "

Lin Wanxi laughed lowly again, "If you are really anxious to death, call Mu Sisi, I remember correctly.

In other words, our two blood types are the same. "

There was an accident when Mu Sisi was 14 years old, and it was my blood donated by Lin Wanxi.

She was lying on the bed at that time, the cold needle pierced the delicate blood vessels, and she felt the blood all over her body seemed to be drained.

After thinking about that feeling, it still made her back chill.

"Grandma has been so fond of Sisi since she was a child, and she rushed to give her anything good. Now is the time for Sisi to repay her kindness?"

Lin Wanxi's smile became colder and colder, "What are you going to do with me? I won't be in Mu's house when I was a teenager, and this matter is not my responsibility."

"you you!"

Gu Miaoqi's face turned pale.

Mrs. Mu also shivered violently in her shoulders, and stood up from her chair tremblingly, "Lin Wanxi, I am

Your grandma! "

"Grandma?" Lin Wanxi asked back, with a hint of red in the eyes, ""When I was twelve years old, I accidentally broke one.

Vase, you threw me in the snow and closed the door to prevent me from going back to the house. I think at that time, you must have not thought of it,

You are my grandma. "

Mrs. Mu's face pale in anger, as if she would faint at any time.

Gu Miao's face turned dark, and she gritted her teeth, "Lin Wanxi, what are you doing? It's been many years, all

Family, do you want to go over the old accounts with us? "

Lin Wanxi chuckled, "I don't have the time to go through the old accounts with you, because I am a little interested in your Mu family affairs.

Nothing, goodbye. "

It doesn’t make sense to consume it. Old lady Mu’s eyes are red and scary. If Gu Miao didn’t support her, she might be straight.

When they fainted, they would buckle themselves again. That would be really an unclear trouble.

"Lin Wanxi, stop for me!"

Finally, he tricked Lin Wanxi into the hospital. How could Gu Miao let Lin Wanxi go like this?

He grabbed Lin Wanxi's arm.

"Let go."

Lin Wanxi frowned.

"Go draw blood."


Lin Wanxi coldly refused.

She was about to pull her hand away.

But at this moment, Gu Miao took Lin Wanxi's hand and shouted.

"You unfilial daughter, we really have loved you since childhood. We fed you and gave you food and drink. We raised you so much.

It’s good for you to be such a symbolic character. Now that someone in your family is sick, you won’t even ask you to draw some blood.


In the early morning hospital, there were many elderly people who came to see the doctor. Gu Miao’s voice instantly attracted the attention of many people.

Can't help looking sideways, looking over.

Looked strangely and curiously at the farce in front of him.

"It's really unfortunate for my family. What did I do in my last life to raise a daughter like you, really

It's a white-eyed wolf. "

Mrs. Mu was also behind, weeping together.

The quiet hospital instantly became noisy.

The onlookers finally got the general picture of the matter from Gu Miao's cry.

It turned out that the granddaughter of this family did not want to draw blood to her grandmother.

Most of the people watching the excitement are elderly people with many children and grandchildren. Who is not afraid that such things will fall on themselves, because

One after another condemned Lin Wanxi.

"Girl, that's your grandma. You can't be too selfish, but think about others."

"That’s right, seeing you look so beautiful, a girl’s family, why are you so hard-hearted, let me tell you

If you can do this, you must know how to repay your kindness, know? Otherwise, you will go to **** after you die! "

"Yes, it's all a family. You have to help each other. Your grandma must have loved you since you were a child. What happened to your grandma's blood?"


In the crowd, these voices were particularly harsh, and the corners of Lin Wanxi's mouth evoked a sneer.

Outsiders are ignorant, even ridiculous. They clearly don’t know who they are or what they have experienced, even

If you can't even name it, you can stand on the commanding heights of morality and make you a kind person.

Lin Wanxi looked at Gu Miao with a cold gaze. She was supporting the crying old lady, her eyes also had a chill and a chill.

Silk is faintly proud.

After all, Lin Wanxi was more than twenty years younger than her, and she didn't even bother to deal with this kind of yellow-haired girl.

Onlookers continued to criticize Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi was upset and was about to leave.

An uncle about the same age as Mrs. Mu angrily stopped Lin Wanxi.

"I said, what's the matter with you girl? Have you eaten all the virtues of our Huaguo Zhien Tubao? It grows up.

It's so big and doesn't understand the rules at all, it will be a moth and scum of society in the future! "

Lin Wanxi sneered, "What does your grandson do?"


That uncle was taken aback by Lin Wanxi's sudden question.

"What do you ask this for?"

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