Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1508: .She is pregnant

"I won't let go, what can you do to me... Ah!" As soon as the voice fell, Mu Sisi let out a scream.

It turned out that Lin Wanxi had already twisted Mu Sisi's wrist.

"If you touch me again, you are at your own risk."

Lin Wanxi pushed Mu Sisi away fiercely.

Mu Sisi staggered back several steps.

The fundus was blood red.

She was going to donate blood to grandma, but when she saw the sharp needle, she dazzled the blood, and she was suddenly afraid

Now, I thought there was Lin Wanxi, but who knew that Lin Wanxi was hiding!

Now that she finally appeared, how could Mu Sisi let Lin Wanxi go so easily.

Mu Sisi stepped forward again, lowered her voice and said to Lin Wanxi, "I have been giving grandma a blood transfusion these days. It's fair.

For the sake of it, it's time for you. "

Lin Wanxi laughed low, as if he had heard a ridiculous joke.

"Why are you laughing?"

Mu Sisi was angry.

"I laughed at your Mu family ashamed to talk fair with me?" Lin Wanxi sneered, "I'm sorry, I won't give her a blood transfusion again."


Mu Sisi walked up again and was going to Lalin Wanxi again, "I don't care, anyway, you must go with me today—"

Before she finished speaking, Lin Wanxi waved her hand away again, and immediately, Mu Sisi fell directly to the ground.

Near noon, there were a lot of people coming and going in the hospital, and Mu Sisi's collapse caused a lot of people in an instant.

Observe and pay attention.

"Girl, are you okay?"

Relying on the closest aunt of Mu Sisi, she stepped forward to help her up.

When Mu Sisi saw the crowd watching, his heart moved, and his eyes reddened.

Looking aggrieved at Lin Wanxi, he looked miserable.

"Sister, grandma has loved you so much since she was a child, how can you watch her helplessly?

Just a little blood, why is it so difficult for you? "

Lin Wanxi looked at Mu Sisi with a cold nod.

There was a sneer in my heart.

This Mu Sisi will really not be Gu Miao’s biological daughter, and the methods used are exactly the same, hypocritical.

Even yesterday’s lunch had to be thrown up.

Lin Wanxi has no time to accompany her in acting here.

She could already feel the unkind eyes from all directions, those hot eyes almost

There are holes in her body,

Although Lin Wanxi is articulate, she never likes to talk too much, especially with people who don’t know anything inside.

Explain that the high probability will only be a waste of words.

He gave Mou Sisi, who was still crying, a cold and ironic look, and when he turned his toes, he was about to leave.

Mu Sisi’s cries amplify, "Auntie, please help me stop my sister. If she leaves, no one will lose to grandma.

If there is blood, grandma will be life-threatening. "

Where did the aunt know that she was being used as a gun by Mu Sisi, she immediately stood up and stopped Lin Wanxi.

"Hey, what's the matter with you girl? The girl's family is so hard-hearted, your sister is like this

Please, why are you still not responding at all? "

Lin Wanxi glanced at the woman who was talking, and the coolness in her eyes made the aunt's heart startled.

"What's your look?" She bit her scalp, dissatisfied, "I'm kindly persuading you, you can't be like this.

Conscience, be careful when you go to **** in the future, God won't be able to see it, and wants to take you. "

"none of your business?"

Lin Wanxi was another problem, and directly blocked that person's words.

The lady's face was red and she didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, the people around also began to help their voices, and the sound of pointing and pointing was like a tide, and Lin Wanxi instantly


Lin Wanxi was too lazy to stay any longer. The doctor told her to keep a good mood during pregnancy.

It is meaningless.

She glanced at Mu Sisi who was standing up from the ground with a cool voice, "Mussi, you have time here

If it’s too much, it’s better to open the door and go back to give your grandma a blood transfusion. If it’s delayed, how can you be worthy of you?

A piece of filial piety. "

After that, Lin Wanxi was leaving again.

"You are not allowed to go! Lin Wanxi!"

Mu Sisi wouldn’t let Lin Wanxi go. Her arms were so painful that she had been drawing blood for the past two days. She really couldn’t stand it.

No matter what method is used today, she won't just let Lin Wanxi go.

Seeing Mu Sisi rushing up again, Lin Wanxi took a step back slightly, and then in the next second, she suddenly covered herself.

"Ouch" in his stomach.

"What are you doing?" Mu Sisi frowned.

"You hit my stomach, it hurts."

Lin Wanxi's face is pale, isn't it just acting? They are both Mu Jianming's daughters. Could she still lose to Mu Sisi?

"You...what nonsense? I never met you!"

Mu Sisi's face flushed quickly.

"Why? What everyone saw just now, you rushed over."

Mu Sisi gritted her teeth, she did not expect that this Lin Wan suit looked innocent.

The fist on his side was clenched tightly, and Mu Sisi said unconvincedly, "Even if I hit you again

How is it, you are so delicate, right? If you hit you, your stomach hurts, and the ghost believes it! "

"I'm pregnant, do you think it's a trivial thing to hit it?"

Lin Wanxi's face was pale, her hands tightly covering her stomach.

"what did you say?"

Mu Sisi's eyes widened and looked at Lin Wanxi in disbelief, "You...what are you kidding?"

"Lin Wanxi, are you too shameless? In order not to give grandma a blood transfusion, you actually said such shameless words

Come, do you still have any shame? "

Lin Wanxi's eyes lightly turned to the onlookers, and raised the inspection report in his hand, "I don't want to give

My grandmother had a blood transfusion, but I was indeed pregnant for more than two months. The doctor said that I was malnourished and had some threatened miscarriage at any time.

It’s a sign that my grandma is sick, and I am also very heartbroken, but...I now have a child, and my palms and backs are all meat..."

Lin Wanxi lowered her head pretending to be sad, wiped her eyes, with a distressed expression on her face, "I don't understand, sister, you always

Do you want me to go for a blood transfusion, do you want me to kill the child in my stomach? Your blood type is exactly the same as mine, but

It also forced me to go for a blood transfusion..."

Lin Wanxi bowed his head heartbroken again.

Mu Sisi was surprised and angry, unable to say a word at all.

At this time, the onlookers have begun to turn around. After all, in this case, everyone will choose to believe in one

What a pregnant woman said.

"Everyone is pregnant, and forcing others to have a blood transfusion is too much."

"That is, let the pregnant granddaughter give herself a blood transfusion, I think this old lady is not a good person."

"Isn't it this younger sister who is more disgusting? My blood type is clearly consistent, so I don't want to have a blood transfusion.

Sister, tut, who are they..."

"She just hit someone in the stomach, is she trying to get a miscarriage? Why is she so bad at her young age."


Mu Sisi was a little princess who had been held in her hand since she was a child, and her face turned red immediately when she was scolded like this.

Tears couldn't help but gush out, she bit her lip tightly, feeling aggrieved like she would cry in the next second

Like that.

Lin Wanxi smiled with satisfaction and lifted his foot to leave.

Mu Sisi returned to the ward with red and white faces in the eyes and eyes of the people.

"Sisi, what's the matter with you? Did someone bully you?"

Gu Miao was taken aback when she saw her baby girl's eyes flushed and her head drooping in grievance.

Mu Sisi's tears fell down, and he twitched and said, "I just ran into Lin Wanxi underneath."


Mou Sisi's voice was hoarse, "I wanted her to come up to give grandma a blood transfusion, but... not only did she reject me, but

Used despicable means to make everyone humiliate me..."

Mu Sisi became more angry as he thought about it.

"Lin Wanxi said that she will never give grandma a blood transfusion in the future."

"Is it up to her?" Gu Miao screamed. "She is a member of the Mu family in life and the ghost of the Mu family in death.

Call the shots? "

Mu Sisi wiped her tears, "But she said she was pregnant. No blood transfusion."

"What? Pregnant?" Gu Miao's eyes widened.

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