Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1509: .Not so delicate

"Yes, and she also has my inspection report. It shouldn't be fake..."

Mu Sisi frowned, looked solemn, lowered her voice, and tried not to wake the sleeping old lady Mu, "Mom, this can

What to do, Lin Wanxi is pregnant, she will definitely not give grandma a blood transfusion anymore, then it won’t be me..."

Gu Miao hurriedly comforted her baby daughter, "Don't worry, your mother will never let you be a blood bank. She is pregnant again.

how about it? Her hukou is still in our house, as long as we don’t give her the hukou, she won’t be able to get married.

The child in the child will always be a bad name. When the time comes, we will find another reason to force her to kill the child.

That's it..."

"But in case, she disagrees."

Mu Sisi was very worried, "Then am I going to give grandma..."

Change organs?

Mu Sisi couldn't help but shivered.

No, she is still so young, she doesn't want to change people's organs.

"Don't worry, no matter how great Lin Wanxi is, her mother is still in our hands. Don't worry, I will definitely make her old.

Come here for a blood transfusion honestly. "

A trace of yin bird flashed in Gu Miao's eyes.

Mu Sisi looked at the smile on the corner of his mother's mouth, and finally gave a soft "um".


After Lin Wanxi got home, she started busy looking for a job. She posted a few resumes online and received them one after another.

After receiving some interview notices, I was entangled in which company I was going to work for, and I fell asleep without knowing that sleepiness struck.

When she woke up, she realized that she didn't know when she was already lying on the sofa with a blanket on her body.

"Chi Xiao?"

Lin Wanxi called out.

"Wake up?" Li Yunjin's voice came from behind.

Lin Wanxi was taken aback and turned back hurriedly, "Why are you..."

"Is it me or who? How old is he, he fell asleep while lying on the table, and he was not afraid of catching cold." Li Yunjin walked past.

Come, carrying a few documents in his hand.

It was the job listings of several companies that Lin Wanxi looked at before.

"Want to go out to work?"

Lin Wanxi nodded, "Yeah."

"I'm the president of the dignified Li Group, can't you still support you and your children?"

Lin Wanxi paused before frowning, "This is not a question of whether to feed or not. I want to have a job of my own."

"Then wait until you have given birth to the child. How can I rest assured that you are in this physical state and go out to work?"

Lin Wanxi got up, walked in front of Li Yunjin, took all the recruitment forms, and spread them on the table.

The resumes I submitted are all assistants, secretaries and so on. From 9 to 5, it’s not very tired. "

"I feel aggrieved by what you said." Li Yunjin frowned, "If you are not pregnant, what do you want to do?"

Lin Wanxi did not hesitate, "Bodyguard."

"Don't even think about it."

Li Yunjin's face went dark.

Lin Wanxi pulled the chair away and sat down, her tone of voice was faint, regretful, "That's why I said, let's be an assistant."

"The assistant is also very tired. If you run into an unreasonable boss, you will have a hard time."

Lin Wanxi smiled, "Like Lutong?"

Li Yunjin's eyes were deep, "You still have the heart to make a joke, don't you? Anyway, you are not allowed to go, or you are not allowed to go."

How could he feel relieved while still working outside while pregnant.

"But I was about to get moldy when I stayed at home. Chi Xiao has to go to work, and can't stay with me all day long.

After this, I can only go to Tangcheng to relieve my boredom. "

Hearing Tang Cheng's name, Li Yunjin's expression really changed.

It took him a long time to speak, and his tone of voice was helpless, "Come to work in the Li Group."

"I don't want you to open the back door for me."

"Your bones have to be so hard, right?" Li Yunjin's eyes were cold, and some gritted his teeth, "Or come my father

The secretary goes to work, or stay at home obediently. "

Just as Lin Wanxi was about to give an opinion, Li Yunjin had already stretched out his hand and directly blocked Lin Wanxi’s mouth, coldly missing four.

The word, "No discussion."

Yes, it seems that there is no need to talk about this topic. Lin Wanxi thought about it carefully, and then said, "I can go to your company

Class, but you can’t take special care of me, and you can’t let people know the relationship between me and you. "

"It's so embarrassing to be known that you are Li Yunjin's woman?"

Li Yunjin was obviously a little unhappy.

Lin Wanxi casually said, "I just don't want to cause trouble."

She didn’t know how many women like Jiang Zixin coveted the seat next to Li Yunjin. She didn’t want to

I have incurred unnecessary trouble, and it doesn't hurt to keep a low profile.

Li Yunjin pondered for a moment, and finally said, "At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, go to the personnel department. I will let them arrange work for you."

"Thank you."

Li Yunjin frowned, "Just verbal thanks?"

"What else do you want?"

Lin Wanxi was puzzled.

Li Yunjin clasped her wrist and gently pulled her into his arms, catching her with deep eyes

The expression and voice were low and ambiguous.

"What do you mean?"

If Lin Wanxi didn't understand such an intimate action, it would be too stupid.

She blinked gently at Li Yunjin, then reached out and grabbed his tie and pulled it down.

Then he raised his head and offered his own kiss.

At this time, the sound of the key opening the door came from the hallway, Chi Xiaofeng walked in and said, "Wanxi, you

Is Mr. Li here? I just saw his luxury car outside, the thief is handsome, can you ask him to lend me the car


The next second, when she saw the two people kissing in the living room, Chi Xiao's voice was stuck in her throat.

Lin Wanxi did not expect that Chi Xiao would come back suddenly at this time, his face was white and red, and he was embarrassed to get into the gap.

Those who are busy have to sit up from Li Yunjin's arms.

It's a pity, how could Li Yunjin be satisfied with a simplistic kiss, he held Lin Wanxi's waist and stopped

Lin Wanxi wanted to struggle to escape.

With the other hand, he picked up the car key on the table and threw it directly to the person who was still in a daze.

"My car is yours tonight."

The implication is, don't come back to disturb us at night.

"Boss! Kneel and thank you!" Chi Xiao dreams of driving the global limited edition luxury car of Li Mochen, and his hands are all excited.

Shake, "President Li, don't worry, I will leave immediately, you continue, continue! I didn't see anything! Bye!"

Between friendship and luxury cars, Chi Xiao chose the latter without hesitation.

Like a gust of wind, I ran away with the car key.

Lin Wanxi was left with a black line on his face.

"Shall we... continue?"

Li Yunjin lowered his head, his eyes stained with desire re-fixed Lin Wanxi's face.

Lin Wanxi's ear roots are hot, it's all like this, so why go on? Chi Xiao’s big mouth, don’t let her promise now

It's good, saying that he didn't see it, and when I came back, I might still tease her.

Li Yunjin knew that she was embarrassed, and laughed again, "I have the kids, what else is there to be embarrassed about."

"If you say it again, I will turn my face." Lin Wanxi couldn't hear these words, glared at Li Yunjin, and then lifted his arms

I broke free and said, "Aren't you busy lately? Why do you have time to come here today?"

"I'm almost done, and I'm going on a business trip tomorrow night, so I came to see you specially. As a result, you still have this picture?

Hot look. "

Lin Wanxi was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "How long will it take?"

"It's about a week, and things get done sooner and you will be back early."

Li Yunjin stretched out a hand at Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi paused slightly, then walked over.

Li Yunjin took advantage of the trend and hugged her waist.

With his head buried on Lin Wanxi's body, his voice was low, "What should I do, I start to miss you before I leave."

Lin Wanxi frowned, and after a moment of silence, "I can go with you."

Anyway, bringing one more person shouldn't be troublesome.

"I'm on a business trip, not a tourist. I have to travel five or six cities back and forth, which is very hard."

Not to mention jet lag, Lin Wanxi was pregnant with a child, and he couldn't bear to toss her so much.

"Actually I am not as delicate as you think..." Lin Wanxi was a little helpless, "Don't forget, where are we two?

Know it. "

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