Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1513: .Watch him collapse

Chenchen had already ran to Li Beixun holding the book.

"Grandpa, I don't understand this place..."

Li Beixun whispered and explained the contents of the book to his grandson.

Everything seemed calm and beautiful. Lin Wanxi looked at the happy family with a little envy in her heart.

Such an ordinary life is something she will never have in her life.

From childhood to adulthood, she also hoped that she could have parents who cared for herself, and sisters and brothers who helped and cared for each other.

My brother, but my family... is like a dark bottomless pit, a terrible whirlpool that people can't escape.

Even if they run far away, they still have to pull themselves in.

Thinking of this, and seeing the atmosphere of the Li family, Lin Wanxi's heart could hardly breathe.

She suddenly looked down at her belly, frowning tightly.

After the child is born, what kind of family can she create for him?

Is it like the Li family...or is it the same as her native family?

"Wanxi, what would you like to drink? Is the drink okay?"

Guessing that these young people don't like tea, Shi Qing thought about getting some Coke.

"Little Hydrangea, how about you?"

"Milk...milk will do, we all drink milk."

There is a baby in Lin Wanxi's stomach, how can he drink drinks indiscriminately.

Shi Qing looked at Li Yunxiu weirdly, "You are quite strange today, since you were a child, you have never liked milk."

Li Yunxiu smiled "hehe", looking for reasons at will, "this... isn't it a change of taste, let's talk about drinking milk."

Good health. "

Shi Qing became more suspicious, and suddenly asked, "Aren't you pregnant?"

Li Yunxiu got stuck in his throat and shook his head quickly, "No, no, how could it be possible!"

She and Jin Nanfeng originally only planned to have two children, OK...

It was Lin Wanxi who was pregnant, but it was just about this, and I couldn't tell them.

Li Yunxiu felt that he was really going to be suffocated to death, but this Lin Wanxi was like nothing happened.

Sit in place without changing the color.

She deserves to be a female soldier who has come down from the battlefield, and her mental qualities are different from her.


"Grandma, I don't want to drink milk, I want to drink Coke."

Fortunately, Chenchen interjected at this time, distracting Shi Qing's attention.

Before Shi Qing spoke, Li Beixun stretched out his hand and tapped the little guy’s head, "Li Jingchen, while studying

Don’t be distracted, and don’t eat that kind of junk food. "


The little guy has always been afraid of Li Beixun, and reluctantly murmured, "That Chenchen wants milk too."

Li Yunxiu then let out a sigh of relief.

When the children come back to eat, Shi Qing always cooks by herself. Although the aunt chef at home cooks well,

But I don't always understand the tastes of children, so Shi Qing always likes to do it herself.

Li Yunxiu also followed up in the kitchen, "Mummy, I will help you."

"Don't you know how to cook?"

After her daughter married Jin Nanfeng, she was completely spoiled as a little princess. It is said that Jin Nanfeng would not even let her enter the kitchen.

It's not enough to make Beixun too hard.

"I... I'll fight for you."

Li Yunxiu smiled with a guilty conscience. In fact, she was afraid that Shi Qing would do something pregnant women could not eat.

Sure enough, when seeing Shi Qing planning to make drunk shrimp, Li Yunxiu quickly said, "Don't eat this today, right?"

Shi Qing was even more confused, "Didn't you like this the most before?"

"This...I always get tired of eating it, and Wanxi doesn't like Hexian."

Shi Qing put down what was in her hand, and finally couldn't help but ask, "What the **** is wrong with you today? No stimulating drink

You can't drink and eat cold food...Little Hydrangea, tell me honestly, are you really pregnant? "

"Oh, really not." Li Yunxiu felt helpless. "If I am pregnant, I will definitely tell you."

"There is nothing to hide from this kind of thing."

When Shi Qing thought about it, she could only dispel the doubts in her heart. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Lin Wanxi in the living room, and then

Asked, "What do you think about Lin Wanxi and your brother?"

Li Yunjin and Lin Wanxi have been entangled for so long, she is really worried that if it breaks, she is afraid that Li Yunjin will do something irrational.

I am also afraid of Lin Wanxi's harm in this involvement.

Li Yunxiu wondered what she could think of this kind of thing. All she could do was to be outsiders and push them around.

Two of them, the other depends on Li Yunjin and Lin Wanxi themselves.

Frowning, Li Yunxiu said honestly, "I don't know what the two of them are all about, but

Yes... My brother likes Wanxi. "

It is because I like it, so now everything can't be concluded.

Shi Qing seemed worried. "Your brother's temper is getting more and more weird." He is not like his two girls.

Son, he will talk to himself if he has any inner words. Most of the time, he is like Li Beixun when he was young.

No matter what happens, I never open my heart.

"You said he likes Lin Wanxi, but last time, didn't he bring that Jiang Zixin home? How did you know,

Lin Wanxi is not the next him? "

"Mommy, brother is your son, he is not so carefree..."

People in the Li family have always been like a fierce fire when it comes to emotional matters, until they die.

What's more, her brother's feelings for Lin Wanxi, as someone who came by, could really tell at a glance, OK?

Shi Qing's brows were still tightly twisted.

Li Yunxiu asked again, "Mummy, don't you... don't you like Lin Wanxi? Although she is a bit... lonely, she is not what

What a bad guy. "

At least it was easier to get along with Jiang Zixin than that scheming one.

"I don't hate Lin Wanxi, I just think she has a lot of secrets." Shi Qing is an elder after all.

I can see many things that their younger generations can't see, "I'm afraid, Yun Jin and her will be very tired."

The most important thing about feelings is to communicate and understand each other. Honesty is far more important than everything, but obviously,

Lin Wanxi carried a lot of things they didn't know.

Those photos that were once put on the engagement ceremony...So far they don't know what happened.

Lin Wanxi is not a bad girl, Shi Qing knows, but she is like a ghost ship hidden in the sea mist, mysterious and mysterious

It's dangerous.

As a parent, it is completely impossible for her to let Li Yunjin go without worrying about anything.

"Wanxi... she is indeed a bit cold." Li Yunxiu smiled, "However, everyone's personality is different.

The most important thing is that my brother likes her. What's more, my brother has been so good since he was a child. I believe his eyes will not come out.

Incorrect. "


After eating, Lin Wanxi offered to wash the dishes. Naturally, Shi Qing would not ask her to do this kind of thing, so he asked Li Yun

Xiu took her upstairs to Yunjin's room to play.

"My brother rarely comes back to live." Li Yunxiu picked up a dilapidated doll on Li Yunjin's bed and laughed, "This is his

Since I was a child, the new maid at home didn’t understand and thought it was a mess, so when I cleaned the room

I threw it away later, my brother went to the trash can and found it out. "

Thinking of what happened when he was a child, Li Yun couldn't help but miss the little bear in his eyes, and handed Lin the shabby doll bear.


Lin Wanxi took it and smiled faintly, making people unable to see any emotions. "What's the use of liking, isn't it

Just throw it here. "

Li Yunxiu's face was slightly stiff. As sensitive as her, Lin Wanxi and her brother seem to have really quarreled.

Lin Wanxi's words are always harsh and merciless, but she wants to see her crippled brother eaten up.

It looks like.

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