Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1514: Miss Eun

Lin Wanxi put down the doll and walked to the bookshelf.

On Li Yunjin’s bookshelf, neatly arranged books, she stared at a lot, then slowly raised her hand, unexpectedly

Take a music CD out of a compactly arranged book.

On the cover, there is a girl covered in black veil, standing in the evening sunset, beautiful and full of curiosity and


Li Yunxiu also leaned over at this time, glanced at it, and smiled, "It's a music album, I didn't expect it to be here."

"Yes?" Lin Wanxi frowned slightly.

"Yes, I have it in my brother's office too, on the top floor of the bookshelf. I watched it a few years ago.

I've been there once, and I wanted to take it back to listen, but he still didn't agree. "Li Yunxiu helpless. "I didn't expect him to be

Interested in music. "

Having known Li Yunjin for so many years, it was the first time she discovered that Li Yunjin has this hobby.

Lin Wanxi flipped the CD to the other side.

Behind it is the signature of a singer, two words can be vaguely recognized.

Shu Shu.

Lin Wanxi didn't know much about the entertainment industry, and carefully put the CD in his hand back to its original place.

"I don't know it very well. In fact, my brother... also worked very hard. I always feel very sorry for him." Li Yun embroidered

The voice suddenly became dull.

"Because Xiaoxiao and I are girls, and my parents are always arrogant to us, so their strictness falls on

Brother's body. "Li Yunxiu looked a little self-blaming," He has to learn a lot since he was a child, and I and Xiaoxiao are very light.

The easy-to-get compliment is something that my brother needs to spend ten times a hundred times to get, so... sometimes I don’t know

Dao, what on earth is my brother thinking. "

As he grew older, Li Yunjin seemed to be farther away from them. In Li Yunxiu's heart, she really hopes to have a girl

He appeared, stayed with his brother, listened to his brother’s heart, and could give him a helping hand when he was lonely and fragile.

A shoulder you can rely on.

It's just the last person... Will it be Lin Wanxi in front of you?

Li Yunxiu looked at Lin Wanxi, and finally couldn't help holding her arm.

"Huh?" Lin Wanxi looked at her puzzled.

"Wanxi, just treat it as I beg you, don't hurt my brother, OK?"

Lin Wanxi's shoulders stiffened slightly, and after a long time, he answered, "This is the last thing I want to do."

She just wanted to live a simple life with Li Yunjin, how could she want to hurt him?

No one wants to hurt the person they love the most.

However, she and Li Yunjin...

Thinking of the meaningless quarrel at noon, Lin Wanxi felt anxious.

Emotionally still...too immature.

If I could be a little more sensible, maybe this would not happen at all.


Seeing it was getting late, Lin Wanxi took the initiative to leave after sitting for a while.

Shi Qing was worried that it would be unsafe for her to go back alone as a young girl, so she asked the driver to send Lin Wanxi home.

Chi Xiao slept in a daze. Hearing the movement, he walked out of the bedroom, "You only came back now?"

"I'm going..." Lin Wanxi paused, did not lie to Chi Xiao, and said lightly, "I went to Li Yunjin's parents' house."

Chi Xiao's eyes widened in an instant, and her whole body became sober a lot.

The expression was very excited, "So, are you seeing your parents?"

"No, I embroidered with Li Yun."

"Sister Li Yunjin?"

"Well, I met at the door of the company and was invited."

Chi Xiao asked again, "How does that feel?"

"How about what?"

Seeing Lin Wan’s suit silly, Chi Xiao was anxious, “It’s how Li Yunjin’s parents treat you, they will be yours in the future.

In-laws, if they treat you badly, you should carefully consider your relationship with Li Yunjin. "

"They are very nice." Lin Wanxi frowned, her eyes were a little cold, "Also, what parents-in-law, you

If you can't speak, just go to bed honestly. "

Chi Xiao will go back to the room without watching it.

Chi Xiao "hum", followed in small steps, jokingly, "You and Li Yunjin even have children, so I don’t know each other.

Believe, if you don’t marry him in the future, if you get married, aren’t they your parents-in-law? "

Lin Wanxi has stepped into the room with one foot.

Chi Xiao chattered, "What is so shy about you, although your personality is a bit weird, but how do you say that?

Here comes... the ugly wife always wants to see her in-laws..."

"Bang!" The answer to Chi Xiao was the sound of a door slamming, and his strength was so strong that it almost hit Chi Xiao's nose.

Chi Xiao's heart was blocked, and angrily said, "Lin Wanxi, you have no conscience, I care about you, okay?"

She always looks like she doesn't care about others, who can bear her, forget, she doesn't care about Chi Xiao.

I turned my head angrily and walked for a few steps, then couldn’t help but turn back, knocking on the door, “Don’t forget, go the day after tomorrow.

Inspection! Now is the critical period of fetal development, so you can't be careless! "


It was already ten o'clock in the morning when Lin Wanxi got up the next day.

She realized that she was late for work and hurriedly took a taxi to the company.

When she joined the company, because she had discussed with Li Yunjin in advance, no one knew about her relationship with Li Yunjin.

The employee was late for several hours for no reason on the second day of work, which obviously made the manager quite dissatisfied.

"Lin Wanxi, what's the matter with you? If you don't like work, go home early and be your eldest lady, Li Shi

The group has strict requirements on every employee. Don’t be unable to do so, just resign as soon as possible, and don’t push us down.

The overall level of the department. "

Lin Wanxi was wrong in this matter. She used to be a highly self-disciplined person. After being in the army for a long time, she has developed strict

Her biological clock was pregnant with this child, making her tired and lethargic.

"Sorry, manager, there won't be another time."

The manager scolded Lin Wanxi again, and then left in a rage.

The onlookers hurried forward to comfort Lin Wanxi.

"Don’t worry about it. I recently caught up with the company’s spring review, which is related to this year’s quarterly awards. That’s why the manager

A little nervous, it's okay. "


Lin Wanxi responded indifferently.

Perhaps it was not going well since early morning, Lin Wanxi seemed a little irritable all day. During work, it is more frequent

Look at the phone frequently.

The inbox was empty, and Li Yunjin actually didn't send her a text message.

Lin Wanxi's heart fell fiercely again, as if it had fallen into an ice cave, with a biting chill.

After get off work, Lin Wanxi finally couldn't help but called Lutong.

She didn’t want people to know that she couldn’t help contacting Li Yunjin because of her inner anxiety.

Gesture, asked, "Lu Tong, how many days will Li Yunjin be back from a business trip?"

Lu Tong seemed to be busy there, lowered his voice and replied in a low voice, "The meeting here has been postponed for three days, so Mr. Li

It is fixed until next Wednesday to return home. "

Next Wednesday, that is six days.

Lin Wanxi's heart is heavy.

Lu Tong asked again, "Miss Lin, what do you want?"

"Nothing, just ask."

Lu Tong seemed to understand something. Mr. Li's face was very bad when he was on a business trip. He obviously had a fight with Lin Wanxi.

Both of them are still suffocating in their hearts.

It is definitely a good thing that Lin Wanxi can take the initiative to call now. After all, Li Yunjin has always been somber.

The whole world owes him 8 million, which is of no benefit to his little assistant.

God knows that he is now trembling, trembling, and living a miserable life.

"Miss Lin, if you have anything you can call President Li."

"No, it will interrupt his work."

"Don't disturb, don't disturb." Lu Tong said repeatedly. "The meeting is postponed. We will not be very busy these few days.

Going to have a meal with Miss Enen, basically there is no itinerary. "


Lin Wanxi's heart tightened, and finally couldn't help but asked, "Who is it?"

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