Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1521: .The best in the world

Li Yunjin's appetite has always been great.

"I have made it clear to him, there will be no next time."

This kind of thing is not only unhappy for Li Yunjin, even she herself feels very annoying.

The group of people in the Mu family have scolded her as a fairy since she was a child, saying that she was as fascinating as her mother.

It makes sense, she has such a face after all.

Seeing the woman in front of her frowned, not knowing what she was thinking, Li Yunjin reached out and knocked on her forehead.

"Can you run a small run at this time? What are you thinking about, eh?"

"Thinking about my looks, it should be quite likable."

Fortunately, she has such a cold temper. If she is more approachable, like the peach blossoms of today, she still doesn’t know how to meet

See how much.

"Yes, I haven't asked you before, do you have any other boyfriends before you date me?"

Lin Wanxi raised an eyebrow, "There really is one."


Li Yunjin said casually. He expected Lin Wanxi’s character would not have had anything to do with men. Who knows, she

Actually have... ex-boyfriend?

"are you joking around with me?"

Li Yunjin's eyes pressed down little by little, and the blue veins on his forehead were jumping suddenly.

That way, it seemed that as long as Lin Wanxi nodded and said yes, he would have swallowed Lin Wanxi alive.

Lin Wanxi was also very depressed, and that relationship was not too good. Back then, she was just the beginning of her love.

Going in, but in the end was scarred, if it weren't for Li Yunjin to ask, she probably wouldn't want to mention it all her life.

"No kidding, it’s true. I don’t want to lie to you. I do have an ex-boyfriend, but I haven’t been in contact for many years.

It's over. "

Lin Wanxi seldom drags his feet on the issue of feelings. He was also determined to break up and never contacted him again.

She didn't want to talk about the past, but she didn't want to deceive Li Yunjin on this kind of thing either.

It took Li Yunjin a long time to calm himself down.


What is it?

He was not stingy enough to dig out everything about Lin Wanxi in the past, as long as she belongs to him now, it is enough.

As if she had figured out something, Li Yunjin's frowning brows finally stretched a little bit. She held Lin Wanxi’s wrist and said

Yin Shen Ci, "Since I have been with me in this life, from now on, I can't choose anyone else."

"It depends on your performance." Lin Wanxi's expression didn't look like a joke at all.

The person hanging from the tree, if you treat me badly, I will probably..."

Before I finished speaking, Li Yunjin had gently pinched her chin and forced Lin Wanxi to look at him.

"Fool, what do you want me to do to you?"

Lin Wanxi was silent at first, then frowned suddenly, and said solemnly, "The kind of desperate thing is good. If you lie to me again, I will definitely

Will kill you. "

Li Yunjin chuckled again, taking Lin Wanxi into his arms, and lowered his head to kiss her slightly moistened hair, "Idiot, my

Life is yours, you don't need to take it. "

Just as Lin Wanxi was about to speak, another person walked in outside the door, it was Chi Xiao who was off work.

Seeing the intimacy of the two people, the eyebrows could not help but a hint of gossip filled the eyebrows.

"you guys……"

Lin Wanxi flushed, and quickly pushed Li Yunjin away.

Chi Xiao smiled "hehe", took off his shoes, and walked upstairs, "You continue, continue, I will go back to the room first."

Chi Xiao disappeared for a while.

Lin Wanxi's face flushed flushed, and it took a long time for him to "cough" softly.

Li Yunjin just likes to see the embarrassment on the face of this woman who has always been calm.

To make fun of her, he followed Chi Xiao's words and continued.

"carry on?"

"Continue with your sister." Lin Wanxi said a rare swear word, calming herself down quickly, "You hurry up and take a bath.

Okay, I'm going to pack things up and leave later. "

She can't stay here at Chi Xiao, this girl just saw that she and Li Yunjin just had nothing, not at night

Know how to pester yourself.

"Leave now?"

Li Yunjin was a little surprised.

Lin Wanxi's face sank, "If you think I'm going early, then I can wait another six months."

After speaking, shake your head and leave.

Li Yunjin hurriedly retrieved the person back, and he kept comforting, "It's not early or early."

"Then I will take a shower, and we will leave after washing."


After Li Yunjin entered the bathroom, Lin Wanxi remembered that he did not have clean clothes to change, and then ran to knock on Chi Xiao's door.

"Are there any men's clothes?"

"Why?" Chi Xiao looked gossip.

"Change Li Yunjin, his clothes are all wet, I'm afraid he will catch a cold."

With a look of "I understand", Chi Xiao turned around and pulled out a set of men's clothes in the closet and threw it to Lin Wanxi.

"Thanks, I'll be cleaned and sent here tomorrow."

"No, this clothes is Shen Ci, you just throw it away."

"Shen Ci?"

"Just what I told you was the doctor who always troubled me."

Chi Xiao seemed to have some opinions on Shen Ci. As soon as he mentioned the name of this person, he couldn't help but frown, gritted his teeth, "No one

If the sky doesn't add to me, I think his head will be big. "

Lin Wanxi blinked, a little puzzled, "Since you hate him so much, why do you still keep his clothes at home?

He went home? "

"It was an accident." Chi Xiao quickly explained, "He didn't bring the key that day, and there was nowhere to go. I think everyone is a colleague.

So I brought him back and stayed for one night. The clothes he changed at that time, oh, yes, he was

I went to the supermarket to help him buy that set temporarily. "

"No need to return it to him?"

"No, you can use it."

Chi Xiao waved his hand again and again.

Lin Wanxi always feels that the relationship between Shen Ci and Chi Xiao is not that simple, but after all, it is Chi Xiao’s personal affair.

Shen Ci Chi Xiao was quite impatient, so he didn't ask much.

Take the clothes and go back to the room.

Li Yunjin had come out of the bathroom, without clothes, only a towel around his waist.

This man has always been highly self-disciplined in life, the biggest manifestation is his body.

In the past few years, the youthful spirit has gradually disappeared, and the passage of time has added a bit of maturity and restraint to him, but he has not added one.

The greasiness of men in silk business.

The figure remains jealous.

Even Lin Wanxi, who has never paid much attention to skin appearance, looked at his beautiful mermaid line and neat six-pack abs, heart

Dirty can't help but accelerate wildly.

But the face was still cold and indifferent, "You can replace this."

Li Yunjin frowned, "What man's clothes?"

"Colleague Chi Xiao's." Lin Wanxi knew that Li Yunjin has always had a habit of cleanliness. He would never wear clothes that others wore.

It was raining heavily outside, and it was inconvenient for her to buy it. "It's a doctor, so it's clean."

Lin Wanxi talked and smelled it under her nose, not knowing whether it was an illusion or something, the clothes in her hand were floating.

There is a faint smell of disinfectant.

It's not pungent, it smells good.

Li Yunjin stretched out his hand to **** the clothes in Lin Wanxi's hand.

He looked unhappy, "You are not allowed to smell other men's clothes. Are you a dog?"

"Then you just put it on and it's a long time. Do you want to go back or something?"

Li Yunjin frowned again, it seemed that after a long struggle, he put on his clothes reluctantly.

Li Yunjin has always dressed up in a suit that is quite abstinent, but this set of Shen Ci is a beige sweater with black pants, which is more casual.

But it doesn’t look abrupt when worn on Li Yunjin, on the contrary, it feels that there is a different taste, and the whole person fades out of the day.

The sharp edges and corners are extra gentle.

Like a big cat that just woke up.

Lin Wanxi couldn't help but stared at her a few more times.

Li Yunjin smiled suddenly, "Does it look good?"

Lin Wanxi's ears were red and hesitated.

Li Yunjin walked over and stared at her, "Is there anything wrong with admitting, you are the most beautiful man in the world."

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