Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1522: .Overprotected

"You are narcissistic." Lin Wanxibai him with a serious expression, "I think Jin Nanfeng looks much better than you."

"It's useless for him to look good. He belongs to my sister." He said so, but his brows were already frowned, "Hey, you really

You think he looks better than me? "


Lin Wanxi replied unclearly, letting him guess for himself.

"Go and sit down. I'll blow your hair for you, or you will catch a cold if you go out like this."

Lin Wanxi found the hair dryer in the cabinet.

I tried the temperature and size, and then stood behind Li Yunjin, gently flicking his wet hair with his fingers.

Li Yunjin felt that all this seemed to be a dream.

The woman he loves most is in his life right now, doing what the people who love each other will do.

In the mirror, you can see Lin Wanxi frowning slightly, her expression focused, her eyes glowing with a quiet gleam.

Li Yunjin couldn't help his heart beating wildly, and gently held Lin Wanxi's hand, and dropped a drop on the fingers that resembled a plumbone.

A soft kiss.

Lin Wanxi saw that he was not honest when he was blowing his hair, and the hair dryer in his hand raised his face.

"Lin Wanxi!"

Li Yunjin closed his eyes subconsciously, a little annoyed, "You fool me!"

"Who let you take advantage of me? Sit down quickly and don't move."

Lin Wanxi turned his body around and continued to blow his hair.

Ten minutes later, Li Yunjin was clean and fresh again.

Lin Wanxi took the suitcase beside the bed and said, "You can go now."

"Yeah. Give me the box."

Chi Xiao was a little surprised to see the two of them leaving, and saw the box in Li Yunjin's hand, and hurriedly asked Lin Wanxi, "You

Did you move to live with Li Yunjin? "

"Yeah. I'm pregnant. It's more convenient to live with him."

Chi Xiao thought about how these two people will form a family in the future, even if she is reluctant, she must let Lin Wanxi go.

Sighed, then said, "Well then, but Li Yunjin, you can't bully my Wanxi, or I will

I will never let you go. "

"of course not."

Chi Xiao looked at Lin Wanxi reluctantly again, "And you too, don’t be so stupid as before, if he is right

If you are not good, you can come back anytime, and I will always welcome you here. "

Lin Wanxi was a little helpless, "Chi Xiao, am I going to Eastern Reality?"


"Then why are you saying as if I will never come back, it's sensational and nauseous."

Chi Xiao slapped him and slapped him over, "You have no conscience, do you still have opinions when you care about you?"

Li Yunjin quickly pulled Lin Wanxi back, even knowing that Chi Xiao was only joking and would not really hit people.

At this moment, he still subconsciously protected Lin Wanxi in his arms.

Chi Xiao, a single dog, was deeply hurt, "Go away, stop showing up in front of me."


After getting in the car, Lin Wanxi suddenly asked, "Where are we going back?"

Li Yunjin turned the steering wheel of the car while saying, "Go to the new home."

He couldn’t go back to his own villa. There he had hurt Lin Wanxi deeply, in order not to let Lin

Wanxi remembered that dark time full of deceit and lies. He had already asked people to put the villa online

It was sold.

Everything needed was moved into the new villa.

"I bought a small villa next to the company. Although it is not very big, it is enough for the two of us."

Lin Wanxi paused, and gently pressed her palm on her stomach.

"Stupid, it's the three of us."

Li Yunjin paused, then chuckled, "Yes, the three of us."

The new home is only ten minutes away from the company. There is an independent villa on the first floor, with thick carpets on the floor.

The corners and corners were also covered with soft blankets.

This weird decoration made Lin Wanxi dumbfounded.

"Is it necessary to do this?"

Even the cups on the coffee table are made of plastic to ensure that Lin Wanxi will not be scratched by breaking into glass shards.

Although it was to protect her, no matter how you look at it... I feel that the protection is too much.

"I'm not a kid."

Li Yunjin didn't think it was an exaggeration at all, his eyes were teasing, and he fixed on her face, "Who hit her last time?

On the table? "

Lin Wanxi couldn't do it awkwardly, and retorted unconvinced, "That was just an accident."

"With me, no accident can happen." Li Yunjin reached out and tapped Lin Wanxi's forehead. "Wan

One, next time you bump into your stomach instead of toes? "

Lin Wanxi has nothing to say.

Once this kind of thing happens, it can't stop, okay?

"Anyway, you should be careful. Don't think you are still like Dongzheng. Do whatever you think of.

You should be more careful when you are pregnant with our baby just for this baby. "

Lin Wanxi was helpless and depressed by what he said, and finally gave a soft "um".

"I know."

Although the house was bought temporarily, Li Yunjin’s people were very efficient in purchasing everything needed for the villa.

Even the refrigerator is filled with fresh ingredients.

Li Yunjin rolled up his sleeves and prepared to enter the kitchen, "I will cook what you want to eat tonight."

"No need. You just came back from a business trip..."

It was already tired enough.

Li Yunjin naturally understood that she felt sorry for herself, and chuckled, "It's okay, compared to you being pregnant, this hard work is nothing.

Go back to your room and rest. When dinner is over, I will call you. "

Li Yunjin made a few simple evening dishes, and when the two of them finished eating, they returned to the room.

For a few days, they all had a lot to say, and they talked about Lu En'en without knowing it.

"Later, how did Lu Enen's matter be resolved?"

That girl has disturbed everything in the business field into her personal relationship. Lin Wanxi knew that Li Yunjin treated herself

The feelings of Lu Enen definitely won’t have anything to do with Lu Enen, so I’m afraid that it will offend that arrogant young lady and affect

At the work of Li Yunjin.

"She didn't come to make trouble again, and the contract signing went smoothly. No matter how much the Lu family spoils her, she won't be the one who fools me.

Painted, she shouldn’t have promised her lunch from the beginning. "

Speaking of Lu En'en, Li Yunjin's brows frowned involuntarily, obviously having a headache.

"She is affectionate for you."

Lin Wanxi sighed.

Li Yunjin paused, and one turned over to press Lin Wanxi under him.

Gently pulling away the broken hair on Lin Wanxi's forehead, Li Yunjin said with a deep gaze, "Unfortunately, my affection only gives you

personal. "

Lin Wanxi was also slightly startled, grabbing Li Yunjin's collar, lifting his body, and actively kissing his thin lips.

Li Yunjin froze, holding Lin Wanxi's head, bullying his body and pressing on, deepening the hard-won kiss against the guest.

I drove straight forward to pry open the shell teeth, and some greedily robbed her breath. After a while, the breath of two people

Has become rush and hot.

Lin Wanxi's hand gently unzipped his clothes, he could feel Li Yunjin's hot body, and he knew this man

She has endured it for a long time, and she has never been a twitchy person. In this kind of thing, she doesn't want him to endure too uncomfortable.

The fingers moved to Li Yunjin's neckline, Lin Wanxi wanted to undress him, but the next second, both hands were held at the same time.


Lin Wanxi was puzzled.

"No, I will hurt you."

Li Yunjin lowered his head, kissed Lin Wanxi again, and then left her.

"The doctor said that after three months, be careful and it will be fine..."

"How careful should I be?" Li Yunjin frowned, "In the past, when have I been careful?"

He knows himself well, in this woman, he is always crazy.

Lin Wanxi has been in a state of malnutrition because of anorexia, and he does not want to take risks.

"But, will you feel bad?"

Obviously, the blue veins on the forehead were jumping wildly.

Li Yunjin chuckled, "If you stop pestering me and let me take a cold shower, I won't be so uncomfortable."

Lin Wanxi's heart tightened and quickly let go of her hand.

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