Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1523: People who can't lie

The weather was fine the next day, and Lin Wanxi did not have to go to work at the company, so he started a little later than usual.

Li Yunjin is in the living room, arranging the breakfast he just made. He is dressed in home clothes and his hair is not like in the past.

It's so submissive, but it's like just waking up, slightly messy, like a soft kitten, which makes people bear

Can't help but want to touch two.

"Awake?" Seeing Lin Wanxi came out, Li Yunjin put his hands on the table and nodded at him, "Come here."

Lin Wanxi walked over and saw that there was a smile on the plate with eggs and cherry tomatoes.

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Why do you have the time to do this today? Don't you need to go to the company?"

The president of the dignified Li Group actually wasted precious morning time on **** breakfast. Thinking about it, it feels too much

It's weird.

"I just came back from a business trip, can't I give myself a day off?"

Lin Wanxi sat down, "Are you sure that President Li is lazy?"

"If you understand that way, it's okay." Li Yunjin pulled out the chair and sat down opposite her, "Who made me the boss? No?

No one will gossip to the company. "

This is really an irrefutable reason.

Lin Wanxi's mouth twitched.

Okay, who makes him the boss?

"Hurry up and eat. The weather is fine today. After eating, I will take you out and buy something by the way."

"buy what?"

"Your male colleague reminded me of the matter. Putting his flowery wife in the company is really

Too stupid, I decided to stamp you. "


Lin Wanxi still didn't react.

"Take you to buy a diamond ring, I want to see, any man who doesn't open his eyes dares to hook you up."

Lin Wanxi frowned, "I can tell them clearly."

"No, the diamond ring must be bought, besides, it should have been bought."

He had a firm attitude and would not give Lin Wanxi a chance to say "no" at all. Lin Wanxi did not want to hit his enthusiasm.

If he is happy to buy it, then let him buy it, the big deal is that he doesn't wear it.

But Li Yunjin seemed to see through Lin Wanxi completely, almost the same as an order, "I have to wear it every day when I buy it.

They are not allowed to be taken off for a day. "

Lin Wanxi just wanted to say that he was domineering, but there was a surge in her stomach, and she kept turning upwards with acidity. She threw her chopsticks to cover her mouth.

The pale face ran to the bathroom.

Li Yunjin panicked, and quickly followed, watching Lin Wanxi lose blood on his face, worried and distressed, and walked past

Go and pat her back gently.

"How can this be? The last time I went to see the doctor, didn't my anorexia have improved a lot?" Li Yunjin frowned, "Yes

It’s not that I’ve been on business these days, and you haven’t eaten properly? "

Just as Lin Wanxi wanted to talk, a feeling of nausea came up again, she covered her chest, vomiting with no strength at all.

Li Yunjin felt distressed, caressed her back with a soft voice, "Don't you like eggs? I won't do it in the future.

Is it better? Send you to the hospital, OK? "

Lin Wanxi felt a lot more comfortable after vomiting up in her stomach, bit her lip and shook her head gently.

Li Yunjin helped her sit on the chair and poured her a cup of warm water.

"Come on, drink some water."

Lin Wanxi took the cup and swallowed gently.

"It must be when I was on a business trip, and you didn't have a good meal, Lin Wanxi, you can't..."

Li Yunjin couldn't help but feel a trace of anger while worried.

Lin Wanxi shook her head pale and hummed like a cat, "It's not anorexia..."


Lin Wanxi said weakly, "It's just morning sickness."

"Morning sickness?"

"Well...this is a normal reaction when pregnant." Lin Wanxi has no strength, but it is still difficult.

He smiled at Li Yunjin with peace of mind, "Don't worry, it's okay, it will be fine after this period of time."

"Sure it is morning sickness and not anorexia?"

"I know my own body, it's okay, don't worry."

"Then what do I have to eat so that I can not vomit?"

"Whatever you vomit can be called morning sickness." Lin Wanxi knew that he was worried about him, and said to comfort him, "Don't worry, it's really not

It's wrong, I asked the doctor, it won't be long, it will get better next month. "

Li Yunjin has seen many pregnant women. After all, Xiao Xiuqiu has been pregnant before, but it is the first time he really feels

Being pregnant was so hard, watching Lin Wanxi's pale and **** cheeks due to morning sickness, all of a sudden had mixed feelings.

He held Lin Wanxi's hand and gently kissed his lips, "Thanks for your hard work, Wanxi."

Lin Wanxi said indifferently, "How can it feel hard to choose willingly?"

I can’t eat breakfast anymore, Lin Wanxi’s spirit is not very good, and Li Yunjin is reluctant to take her out for a walk.

Huan again forced her to go back to the room to rest.

As soon as Lin Wanxi fell asleep, he immediately called Lutong and asked him to help Lin Wanxi resign.

Then he contacted Xiao Hydrangea and asked if there is a good way to relieve morning sickness.

"Morning sickness is a normal reaction, and there is no good solution by itself."

"But she vomited badly in the morning, and her whole face was pale."

When Li Yunjin thought of Lin Wanxi like that, he felt distressed.

Li Yunxiu couldn't help laughing while listening on the phone, "Brother, now you also know how hard it is to feel sorry for someone.

Right? "

"I'm asking you business affairs, don't laugh hippie with me."

"I can't help it either." Li Yunxiu said helplessly, "I came here that way, no matter how badly you feel, you can't replace it.

Sister Wanxi, pregnancy itself is a very hard thing. When you get older, your body will become heavier and heavier.

It’s the ones who don’t eat well and sleep well. "

Li Yunjin's heart tightened.

Densely painful.

"So brother, as a man, you have to pay more attention to Sister Wanxi at this time. It is the easiest for a woman to become pregnant.

Random thinking, if you feel bad for Sister Wanxi, take more time to accompany her, I will help you watch

One point, and..."

Speaking of this, Li Yunxiu stopped suddenly, his voice a little serious, "The most important thing, you should also give sister Wanxi

Is it a name? She is pregnant with your child, and you have no idea, brother, I must say, you

This is really not enough for men. "

Li Yunjin frowned, "Do you think I don't want to give her status? I want to marry her home in my dreams."

But Lin Wanxi's own attitude is really unclear.

Li Yunxiu sighed again, "Brother, Sister Wanxi is a very powerful and independent person, but she is

She is a girl, do you want her to put a knife on your neck and force you to marry her? Li Yunjin, remember you are a man

Man, would you like to show some courage and courage? How come you are persuaded when you are in front of Sister Wanxi. "

When Li Yunjin finished arranging the wedding, she bought the wedding diamond ring. She didn't believe it, and Sister Wanxi would refuse.

Her good brother is really confused for a while.

Li Yunjin hung up the phone thoughtfully, and then returned to the bedroom to find that Lin Wanxi was actually awake.

And he looked like he was going out.

"Where are you going? The body is like this, and you are running outside?"

Lin Wanxi’s expression was a little unnatural, and the eyes under her eyes were strange, but she explained faintly, “Suddenly I have an urgent matter.

Go to the hospital to find Chi Xiao. "

"Don't worry, I'll drive you there."

"No, I'll just go by myself."

"I don't need to go to the company today. Do you think I can let you go to the hospital alone?"

Li Yunjin’s eyes were a bit cold. Although he didn’t question Lin Wanxi’s words, he could tell from the expression on Lin Wanxi’s face.

It is definitely not as simple as going to the hospital to find Chi Xiao.

Lin Wanxi hesitated, clutching his coat tightly.

Li Yunjin stood at the door, looking at her condescendingly, incorporating every subtle and weird expression on her face


Then he said, "Aren't you going to see Chi Xiao?"

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