Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1578: . No pain or long memory

"Is it useful for me to comfort you?" Li Yunjin didn't fight in anger. "Say two good words, and the injury on your hand will be fine?"

Lin Wanxi's eyes cold.

Well, although what he said is very reasonable, it always sounds so uninteresting.

Li Yunjin continued to verbalize, "I knew it hurts, but let her grab it like that. Now I know it hurts?"

As soon as his temper came up, the movements on his hands became light and heavy, and Lin Wanxi sweated on his forehead, "Li Yun

Brocade, lightly. "

It really hurts, so a man wouldn't think he was joking with him again?

"Hold it." Li Yunjin put the hot medicinal wine on Lin Wanxi's arm and healed her bruises, "I said it, it doesn't hurt.

You don't have a long memory. "

When Li Yunjin stopped, Lin Wanxi's face was almost scary.

He stretched out his hand to wipe off Lin Wanxi's sweat, but Lin Wanxi stretched out his hand to push Li Yunjin away suddenly.

What kind of man is this?

Although Lin Wanxi is a bit more tolerant than men, it doesn't mean she is really a man.

No pity for Xiangxiyu's bastard.

Lin Wanxi returned to the room angrily.

Three days later, Lin Wanxi was going to the hospital for a maternity check. Because it was the weekend, thinking that Li Yunjin was fine, Lin Wanxi would be natural.

Thought he would accompany himself.

After getting up, he realized that Li Yunjin had gone out.

Lin Wanxi’s heart is heavy, why did he forget the day of his birth check, and he told him last night

He, he doesn't need to go to the company today.

After Lin Wanxi finished washing, she couldn't help asking Aunt Hui in the living room, "Did Yunjin leave early?"

Aunt Hui paused and answered hurriedly, "Yes, I left the house after six o'clock in the morning."

"Did you say what to do?"

"Mr. said that today is the memorial day of a friend, so it happens to be ten years after his death, so he opened a small chase

Memorial service. "

Lin Wanxi was relieved, "Why didn't he tell me."

Aunt Hui smiled and stepped forward to support Lin Wanxi’s arm and let her sit down on the sofa, “After all, my wife is still pregnant with a child.

This kind of thing is still a bit unlucky, and it is normal for your husband not to tell you. "

Lin Wanxi nodded, thinking about it.

"We will have a new member in our family by autumn."

Lin Wanxi followed Aunt Hui’s gaze, her belly was already bulging very high in the past six months.

I can see this cute little guy in a month, Lin Wanxi’s heart is like melting honey, sweet

Yes, there is a faint expectation.

She and Li Yunjin's child.

What will it look like?

Will he look like Li Yunjin or her?

It is said that my daughter is like a father. If there is a little girl who is similar to Li Yunjin, it would be a joy.

Aunt Hui chuckled aside, "Mrs., you and your husband both want daughters. If the one born is a son, you are not very

Disappointed? "

"I do not mind."

She likes both boys and girls, but...

"Li Yunjin will probably be disappointed."

He was strict all his life, and only wanted to be a gentle and amiable father in his child.

If the little **** in his stomach was really a little master, Li Yunjin probably would be really depressed.

Lin Wanxi couldn't help laughing.


Without Li Yunjin, Lin Wanxi could only ask Chi Xiao to accompany him to the inspection.

Chi Xiao has been very temperamental recently, holding the registration slip in his hand, and muttering, "This Li Yunjin is also true.

Obviously knowing that you had a birth check today, what kind of memorial service you still went to attend. "

"It's his friend after all."

Lin Wanxi feels it doesn’t matter. Although the month is getting older and her actions are getting more and more inconvenient, she’s not too late.

The point of walking by yourself.

She cares about another thing.

"This friend of Li Yunjin's passed away ten years ago."

If you push the time forward, isn't it Li Yunjin's friend who died when he first went to college?


Is it because of an accident or illness that died at such a young age?

It's been so long, Li Yunjin still remembers, he must be a very important person to Li Yunjin.

"It's normal to be born, old, sick, and die." As a doctor, Chi Xiao has a great say on this issue, ranking next to Lin Wan.

There are five or six people in front of Xi. She can only sit next to Lin Wanxi and wait, “I went to the hospital for internship for the first time.

Once on the operating table, the rescuer was a child who had a car accident. He was only five or six years old. The surgeon was the one who took me.

Teacher, he worked hard for two hours, but he still didn’t rescue the child and went out to inform the parents.

Later, the child’s parents cried so much that I was in a bad mood all day, after all, it was such a small life..."

Speaking of this, Chi Xiao suddenly smiled, "But my teacher and other people who participated in the operation

It's the same thing, even after the end of the day, I went to celebrate a lively birthday for a colleague. "

"Later I learned that things like this happen every day in the hospital, and it's just about life and death."

Chi Xiao's expression was a bit solemn, "So, the most important thing in a person's life is to make yourself happy. Don't think so

There are too many messy things, otherwise one day disaster will happen, and life will come to an end, and there will be no chance to regret it. "

Lin Wanxi nodded. She also experienced a cruel battlefield and met people accustomed to life and death. No one compares this truth.

She knows better.

Lin Wanxi was also relieved after the results of the birth check came out.

The child is developing very well, and there is no problem with the inspections. Even Lin Wanxi is still gaining weight because of the good food at home.

A small circle.

She wants to call Li Yunjin and tell him the news, who knows that Li Yunjin’s call is always unanswered

The state of listening.

Lin Wanxi thought that it was his friend's anniversary after all, and it was not good to bother him, so he didn't contact Li Yunjin any more.

It was not until the evening that Li Yunjin came back with a hint of wine.

"you've been drinking?"

Lin Wanxi held his cold body.

Li Yunjin's eyes were reddish, and he looked at Lin Wanxi quietly for a long time, and then suddenly reached out and took her into his arms.

Hold tightly.

"Li Yunjin?"

Lin Wanxi didn't know what was wrong with him, and he dared not move for a while.

"Wanxi...No matter what happens, don't leave me."

When he said this, Lin Wanxi knew it in his heart.

This is because she is afraid that she is the same as that friend. What accident happened suddenly?

This man is really...


Lin Wanxi helplessly patted his back gently, soothing his uneasy emotions.

"Won't leave."


Li Yunjin held her tighter.

Lin Wanxi was a little short of breath.

"If you restrict yourself like this, your daughter will have an opinion."

Hearing Lin Wanxi's words, Li Yunjin quickly let go of her.

"You go take a shower first, it smells like alcohol, I will ask Aunt Hui to cook some sober for you, and come out for dinner later."


Looking at Li Yunjin's back, Lin Wanxi's brows tightened involuntarily.

She could feel Li Yunjin's sadness.

The memorial day of my friend is indeed a bad day.

After dinner, Lin Wanxi accompanied Li Yunjin back to the room.

As soon as he touched the bed, Li Yunjin's body pressed over.

Looking at Lin Wanxi's stomach, he frowned, and reached out and turned the person over.

Hurriedly pulled her clothes.

"You slow down..."

Lin Wanxi frowned.

It's not that I haven't done it during pregnancy, but not once has Li Yunjin been so anxious.

Li Yunjin didn't speak, and kept moving.

"It makes you asshole."

Lin Wanxi bit her teeth in pain.

Tonight’s Li Yunjin is too abnormal, completely disregarding her feelings, like a certain emotion that has been accumulated for a long time.

I found a vent and couldn't restrain it anymore.

Fortunately, he still has a trace of reason, thinking that she was pregnant with the child, her last strength was not too rude

Rudely, otherwise Lin Wanxi would definitely kick him down.

After the end, Lin Wanxi was wet and uncomfortable.

The man behind him did not hold her to clean up like in the past. She lay and waited for a while, but did not wait for his movement.

Had to get up and go to the bathroom.

In the end, he was quickly pulled back by an arm--

"Li Yunjin?"

Lin Wanxi frowned.

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