Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1579: .He likes you

Li Yunjin's arms wrapped tightly around him from behind.

It looked like a pet that had been strayed for a long time and finally returned home.

"Don't move, just let me hold you like this for a while, just for a while."

Lin Wanxi felt his intense anxiety and could only lower his head and let out a soft "um".

The room became quiet for a while.

After a long time, Lin Wanxi said, "What kind of friend is it?"


Li Yunjin's voice was hoarse after lust.

Hanging people's heart, "dong dong dong" beat wildly.

"You care about that friend, so what kind of friend is it?"

Lin Wanxi turned around in his arms and looked up at him.

Li Yunjin was silent for a moment, suddenly stretched out his hand to turn on the bedside lamp, and said lightly, "I was a college classmate."

"How did he die?"

"Suicide, severe depression, no one knows."

Li Yunjin's brows were tightly twisted, and there was some self-blame between them, "If I can find out in time, maybe

No such thing will happen. "

Lin Wanxi's heart sank, "It's not your fault."

"I have a responsibility, I..."

Lin Wanxi sat up and looked at Li Yunjin with a serious face, "It's not your fault."

"You can be sad, but don't blame yourself."

Lin Wanxi seemed to be thinking of the past many years ago, and his eyes became longer and longer. "You should know

Tao, I once gave up my best comrade in arms. "

Li Yunjin's eyes became a little complicated.

"I trained with him and went on the battlefield together. It was the relationship of licking blood on the tip of a knife, but after he was injured, I

The first thing he did was to give an order to give up him. "

Li Yunjin's heart tightened suddenly.

"In fact, I thought countless times later, would such an injury really kill him?"

Lin Wanxi sneered, "He only got a few shots and injured his leg. In fact, he had suffered more serious injuries.

He was penetrated, but he survived such a serious injury..." Lin Wanxi shook his head, "If you can take him out,

He can survive by finding the best doctor. "

But she had no choice but to leave him behind and let him fend for himself.

"Li Yunjin, some things are not what we want to see." Lin Wanxi frowned, "but he did happen.

It’s like your friend committed suicide and I gave up my comrade-in-arms. "

Li Yunjin had a meal.

He had never heard these words before.

That person's death has always been a reality that he didn't want to face.

He is a person who rarely reveals his heart to others, even in the face of Lin Wanxi, the two have already reached each other and talked more about

It's just about two people.

Lin Wanxi always avoids the past, is he not?

Li Yunjin was in a complicated mood, looking at Lin Wanxi in his arms, "I understand what you mean."

Things have been going on for so many years, and only he can't let it go.

When I was young, it was difficult to meet a friend who made me treat myself sincerely, and a good time with such a spirited spirit, the people around me

Passing away suddenly is not so easy to let go.

Lin Wanxi also understands this truth, she is unwilling to persuade anything, it seems that she is noisy, annoying.

So there was a faint "um".

Li Yunjin picked her up, trying to clean her body.

Lin Wanxi is still very thin during pregnancy, unlike other pregnant women who gain weight quickly, but there is a little more in her arms.

People, it must be more difficult for Li Yunjin to hug her than before.

Lin Wanxi clamored to go by herself.

Li Yunjin didn't say a word, hugged her directly, and went to the bathroom with ease.

It proved that Lin Wanxi's thoughts were nothing more than meaningless worries.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Wanxi woke up and Li Yunjin had gone to the company.

She has been getting up very early in recent days, and the little guy in her belly is noisy day by day, as if deliberately, at 7 o'clock in the morning.

Her mother must have no peace.

Just after lunch, Chi Xiao called and asked her to go shopping and buy clothes.

Lin Wanxi was even puzzled, "Why do you have so much time lately?"

"Just the last time I was injured, I simply took annual leave. It happened that the intern came to the hospital, and I didn't want to bring a new person."

"Are you sure you are not hiding from Chu Ci?"

These two people have been in conflict recently. Chi Xiao is the kind of person who doesn’t care about everything.

It doesn't matter how clinging.

Even in my bones, I always think that boys should apologize to girls first. This should be put on Li Yunjin's body.

It happened to Chu Ci.

Who is Chu Ci?

The ten thousand-year-old iceberg, even if the sky collapses, his face won’t move. No matter how hard it is, he will hit his fist.

Just like the golden bell iron jersey, there was no reaction at all.

Can Chi Xiao not feel depressed?

A hard mouth can't stop the gloomy expression on his face.

"What did I hide from him? I really want to take a rest for a while. There are so many things in public hospitals.

The salary is not high. "

"What you mean is to go to work in a private hospital?"

"Considering it." Chi Xiao's eyes absent-mindedly skipped the rows of clothes in front of him.

What you said... I went on a blind date. A rich second generation came to see me. His family has an industry that is to run a private doctor.

From the hospital, he said he could arrange me to work. "

Lin Wanxi felt that this matter was a bit wrong.

"You can think about it, and if you take advantage of him, the relationship between you is not that simple."

"I know." Chi Xiao took a pair of braces for pregnant women, made two gestures on Lin Wanxi's body, and continued.

"So I'm thinking about it."

"Actually Chu Ci is really good, he likes you."

"If you like me and don't say anything, what do you want to do?"

Chi Xiao put the clothes in her hands on the shelf and turned away.

Lin Wanxi put her clothes away before catching up with her, "Chu Ci is someone with that kind of personality. You don't know him, he

If you don’t take the initiative, can’t you just take the initiative? "

"Shut up, Lin Wanxi, you are a **** who can't talk while standing."

Lin Wanxi is dumb, why doesn't she have back pain?

Thinking of the night when she and Li Yunjin were lost in the forest in Dongzhen Kingdom, if it weren’t for Li Yunjin’s counsel, she

The child in the child may have already existed.

Chi Xiao was in a bad mood.

I didn’t want to go on a blind date, but I was angry with Chu Ci. Lin Wanxi couldn’t understand this approach and couldn’t persuade this little girl

I can only take her to relax and eat cake in a newly opened dessert shop.

Sweets really make people feel better. After Chi Xiao swallowed three pieces of cake and two bottles of milk tea in one go, his face changed.


Lin Wanxi called the waiter to pay, but the waiter returned the bank card.


"This is Mr. Li's property. Mr. has previously ordered that as long as it is his wife and his friends, they are free of charge."

The tables and chairs in the store are very tightly arranged, and there are not many people at the moment, and the voice of the waiter is loud and clear.

The eyes of the two girls sitting at the table next door went wide.

Who knows if you come here to eat dessert, you can just meet the boss?

And it's too beautiful, right?

Lin Wanxi could only take the bank card back under the surprised and envious eyes of the two girls.

Chi Xiao swallowed the last bite of the cake into his stomach.

Satisfied with a sigh, "Envy, I also want to go out to eat and buy things to give me free

Man, I decided to go on a blind date with that rich second generation. "

Lin Wanxi shook his hand, and the bank card almost fell to the ground.

"Aren't you the rich second generation yourself?"

"That's different, and there is still a lot of difference between my home and his home."

Lin Wanxi ignored her, anyway, she said one thing and did one thing, don’t look at what kind of rich second she is vowing now

Dear, I still don’t know what to entangle into.

"Miss, are you leaving now?"

The waiter suddenly came to ask.

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