Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1586: .Repentant?

"Okay, got it."

"The fastest speed is ready for me, I can pay the expedited fee."

"Ok, I will contact you in the afternoon."

Lin Wanxi came out of the lawyer's office and then met an acquaintance.

Lan Yichen.

She didn’t want to say much to this Lan Yichen, because when a mature person nodded gently, she walked quickly.

The car leaves.

Lan Yichen looked at her back and turned to tell Jiang Hui, "Go and ask, what is she doing here."

I have to say that he and this woman are really coincidences.

You can meet it here.

Jiang Hui nodded.

He was very efficient and came back soon.

"Sao Lan, I asked, saying that he is going to go through the divorce procedures."

"Divorce procedures?"

Lan Yichen had a meal, aren't she and Li Yunjin good? I have been pregnant for so many months now

Marriage procedure?

Jiang Hui is obviously very emotional, "Sure enough, what is the old saying, every family has a hard-to-read sutra, this Lin Xiao

My sister married Li Yunjin, and it seems to be beautiful, but it's not the same thing to consult about divorce. "

As he said, he was still a little curious, "I don’t know what this Li always did to make Miss Lin ignore her

His child must divorce him. "

"Don't you know if you check it?"

Lan Yichen is careless.

Jiang Hui paused before saying: "Is this not so good?"

This is all people's private affairs.

Besides, what can I do if I find it?

Is it possible to stick it horizontally?

"Young Master Lan, this seems to be someone's private matter."

Lan Yichen gave a "tsk", seeming to be a little impatient, "If you ask you to check it, you can check it, what nonsense?"

Jiang Hui responded, "Okay, I get it."

Lin Wanxi hardly has any friends. Fortunately, Chi Xiao is a person who can’t control his mouth. Jiang Hui went to the hospital for me, pretending to be

Pretending to be a patient, it was easy to get the whole story out.

"This always looks like a dog. He didn't expect that he was also such a **** who played with women's feelings behind his back."

"You seem to have a lot of words today." Lan Yichen slowly watered the pot of lisianthus flowers in front of him.

After listening to Jiang Hui’s face changed, he explained, "I just think...Miss Lin is very pitiful. My father also

It’s gone. My mother raised me up by herself, so I hate this kind of irresponsible and unaccountable

Scumbag. "

He said a lot of crackling, and then he realized that he was standing in front of his boss instead of talking

Brother Tian, ​​with embarrassment on his face, he quickly lowered his head and remained silent.

Lan Yichen was not upset, but gently curled her lips and smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I also hate this

Man's. "

Jiang Hui breathed a sigh of relief, and it was useless to hate it, after all, it was a family affair.

"Young Master Lan, you see we have to help..."

This Miss Lin is the person Lan Shao has been looking for. It shouldn't be difficult for Lan Shao to help?

"You go to sort out the information, and then in the evening, ask this Miss Lin out for dinner."

He originally had a more detailed plan, but since God gave him a more convenient and simple method, why not do it.


Lin Wanxi got the divorce agreement drawn up by the lawyer in the afternoon.

Looking at every word on the black and white paper, Lin Wanxi's heart also seemed to have fallen to the bottom of the lake, unable to penetrate even a trace of light.

I really didn't expect that she and Li Yunjin would still be where they are today.

Chi Xiao walked over and easily took what was in Lin Wanxi's hand.

Looking at Lin Wanxi's somewhat stunned face, she raised her lips and asked, "Why, regret it?"


She Lin Wanxi never regrets doing things.

"It doesn't matter if you leave, otherwise you will miss the dead Fan Shu when you think of Li Yunjin. Think about it, how good it is.

Ah, anyway, you now have a car and a house, just a proper little rich woman. Are you still afraid of raising children? real

If you don't mind, I can also help you raise him. When he is born, let him recognize me as a godmother. "

Lin Wanxi was very calm and gave a faint "um".

Chi Xiao sat down beside Lin Wanxi, "Yes, how are you going to get Li Yunjin to sign?"

Although Lin Wanxi only needs the custody of the child in his stomach, with Li Yunjin’s temperament, he will not easily

Did you sign this?

"I have my own way."

Lin Wanxi replied indifferently, she has a lot to do, not only the divorce agreement, but also the mother's business.

Thinking of Lin Jie, Lin Wanxi's heart was like a heavy boulder.

After leaving Chi Xiao, Lin Wanxi went directly to Lin Jie's.

Lin Jie seems to like painting very much, holding a paintbrush no matter what.

Thinking that she would end up exactly like Lin Jie in the end, Lin Wanxi just felt ridiculous and sad.


Lin Wanxi gently held Lin Jie's hand and turned her body around.

Lin Jie's gaze flickered lightly, staring at Lin Wanxi, and suddenly she stretched out her hand and gently stroked Lin Wanxi's cheek.

"Boy, why are you crying?"

Lin Wanxi was shocked to realize that she was crying. She was not sad, but she still cried.

"Mom, I want to take you somewhere else."

"Aren't you with him?"

Lin Jie's question made Lin Wanxi stunned for a moment.

The nose is more sore.

"He's lying to me, Mom... I don't want to be with a liar."

Perhaps only in front of Lin Jie, Lin Wanxi would slightly open her closed heart.

Lin Jie is not a normal person, she can't remember things, she will never laugh at her cowardice and timidity.

Lin Wanxi took a deep breath.

"I always thought that he loved me. I believe that he was unique. Love at first sight... But in the end, it turns out

I am just a substitute for a woman in the spiritual position. "

Speaking of the back, Lin Wanxi's voice lowered unconsciously.

Lin Jie looked at Lin Wanxi closely, then she put down the pen in her hand, walked to Lin Wanxi, and stretched out her hand for the first time

Embraced her.

Lin Jie's body smelled of formalin, but it didn't smell bad at all when she got into her nose.

On the contrary, because it was too long and too long without a hug from relatives, Lin Wanxi gave birth to a deep reluctance.

She gently put her head in Lin Jie's arms, and was speechless for a long time.

"It's okay, I won't lie to you."

Lin Wanxi's eyes were wet again.

Lin Wanxi did not stay with Lin Jie for a long time. Li Yunjin will be back tomorrow night. She must race against time to resolve it.


She rented the same small courtyard not far from where Lin Jie is now.

Once he left, Li Yunjin would definitely go to her. If he couldn't find her, he would definitely go to Lin Jie.

Lin Jie’s affairs are difficult to arrange. She is a patient, and both doctors and nurses must have it. There is a large group of people.

Yes, it is too ostentatious.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Li Yunjin must have never expected that she hid Lin Jie near the small courtyard.

Early the next morning, Lin Wanxi took Lin Jie out for a walk, and sent Lin Jie to the new courtyard.

She found the doctor and the nurse again, and they took a high amount of benefits. They thought they wouldn't say anything outside.

Lin Wanxi went back to the villa again, avoiding everyone's sight and packing his luggage. What you can’t take is

Stay, so as not to arouse Aunt Hui's suspicion.

Then Lin Wanxi called the mover, came in and carried the suitcase out.

They will send all their belongings to Chi Xiao.

"Madam, what are you doing?"

Aunt Hui looked at Lin Wanxi puzzledly.

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