Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1587: Miss, miss

Lin Wanxi had already found a reason, "These are things I don’t use, old clothes or something, I called

People, donate them all. "

Aunt Hui smiled, her wife is kind and kind.

When the luggage was sent away, Lin Wanxi finally let out a long sigh of relief. The mother's affairs were arranged and her things were packed.

Okay, all that's left is...

Divorce procedures.

She went to the lawyer's office again, and when she came out, a figure suddenly stood in front of her.

"Jiang Hui?"

It was the assistant next to Lan Yichen.

Lin Wanxi concealed the surprise under her eyes, and then asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"Miss Lin, our young master Lan wants to see you."

Lin Wanxi thought of Lan Yichen instantly.

The arrogant look and the invisible eyes, like a dangerous wild wolf, even if there is a sense of distance, it is

The bait that hooks people into a trap.

That's not an easy person to provoke.

Lin Wanxi felt hesitant and resisted.

"Sorry, I still have things to do."

"Miss Lin, we won't delay you a lot of time, and you really need help now, don't you?"


Lin Wanxi had a meal first, and then suddenly reacted. There was already a bit of anger in her eyes, "You are investigating me?"

What are they going to do?

The intersection between her and this Lan Shao is just the car, right? Did they go to investigate themselves for things that were solved long ago?

Jiang Hui smiled respectfully, "Miss Lin, don't be angry. If there is anything waiting for you to meet Lan Shao, just

Will understand. "

His words are conclusive and his voice is respectful and humble, which makes people unable to refuse at all. More importantly, in Lin Wanxi’s brain

Inside, there seemed to be a voice that kept telling himself, don't refuse.

She has always believed in her directness, facing Shang Jiang Hui's sight, and finally spoke softly, "Lead the way."

Jiang Hui led Lin Wanxi into the car, and soon stopped at an elegant teahouse, and went all the way to the box on the second floor.

Jiang Hui stopped at the door at first sight and buckled the door, "Shao Lan, Miss Lin is here."

After a long time, a voice came from inside, "Come in."

Jiang Hui just opened the door, but he didn't go in. He just stood at the door and made a please gesture.

"Miss Lin, please."

Lin Wanxi raised his foot and walked in. Jiang Hui quickly closed the door. For a while, only Lan Yichen and Lin were left in the box.


Lan Yichen was pouring tea, and when he saw Lin Wanxi, he smiled at her, very friendly, "Are you here? Don't stand stupid."

Ah, isn't it tiring to stand while pregnant? "

Lin Wanxi only felt strange.

It stands to reason that she is not familiar with this Lan Yichen at all, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a stranger, but obviously, this man

People are too enthusiastic.

Lin Wanxi was puzzled. To be honest, she didn't like people like Lan Yichen at all. She couldn't see through at a glance.

She can't control a man she can't understand, and it's very possible that she won't even be controlled by others...

Not sure.

"I have something to do later, if Lan Shao has something to do, you might as well speak straight."

Lin Wanxi sat down in the seat furthest away from him and assumed a defensive posture.

Lan Yichen laughed again, "Are you busy going to go through the divorce procedures with Li Yunjin?"

Lin Wanxi was taken aback, unhappy, "This has nothing to do with you, Shao Lan is really leisurely, and he will be bored to fight.

Explore other people's private affairs. "

"Private matter?"

Lan Yichen frowned, with a hint of grievance in his eyes, "I don't think this is your personal business."

He was full of innocence, Lin Wanxi was a little angry, but now he can't help but laugh.

"Oh, then, Shao Lan, tell me, why does this have to do with you?"

Lan Yichen rubbed her hair, slowly, "What is your mother's name?"

"Lin Jie, what's the matter?"

"Is she really called Lin Jie?"

Lan Yichen gave a joking smile at the corner of her lips.

Lin Wanxi didn't care at first, "This is her name changed later. She was originally called Lan..."

Lin Wanxi's pupils suddenly enlarged.

I wanted to say what I had reacted, and looked at Lan Yichen in disbelief.

His mother's surname was Lan, and this young man... also had the last name Lan...

Could it be...

Seeing Lin Wanxi's face in surprise, Lan Yichen smiled.

"It seems that you have reacted."

Lan Yichen provoked a smile at Lin Wanxi, "Cousin."

Lin Wanxi's face changed suddenly.

Rao was that she had just guessed the relationship between herself and Lan Yichen, but the man suddenly claimed that,

Lin Wanxi was still terrified.

The tea cup in his hand almost fell on the table.

"Don't shout nonsense."

"Did I scream nonsense?" Lan Yichen's expression became even more innocent. "Your mother, Lin, Lan Ruge belongs to my father.

Sister, so she is my biological aunt. You are her daughter, aren’t you my cousin? "

Lin Wanxi frowned.

"Okay, I know you are more cautious. After all, there are so many people in the world with the surname Lan, it is impossible to be all your cousins, so

I have already sorted out the information here, so take a look. "

Lan Yichen threw a stack of documents over.

In fact, Lin Wanxi knew that what Lan Yichen said was not a lie without having to look at it. If he could find out Lin Jie’s previous name, he said

Minglan's family is also looking for Lin Jie, if it weren't for this relationship, who would make an extra effort to investigate such things.

Lin Wanxi opened the file, which clearly recorded all the information about the Lan family.

Her grandfather was called Lan Yufei, an army officer, and her grandma was a scholar from Jiangnan family, graceful and generous.

His uncle, Lan Yichen's father, is two years older than Lin Jie, and has also studied abroad since he was a child.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of determination my mother had left such a warm and loving family and chose to go

With Mu Jianming, he gave birth to himself.

After experiencing betrayal and hardship, how much regret it should be.

Breaking with the family, it ended up like this.

I turned back two pages again, and on it was a family portrait. Lin Wanxi had seen this photo. It was a treasure of my mother.

Bei, even during the days when her mother was not clear, she was taken out to stare many times.

It's a pity that this photo was eventually snatched by Mu Sisi, and it probably didn't exist long ago.

After so many years, I didn't expect to see it in Lan Yichen's hands, which is really nostalgic.

"Can I take this back?"

Lin Wanxi pointed to the photo with a look of expectation, "My mother would be very happy if she saw..."

"She will really be happy? She ran away from home for decades and never came back. I guess there is no Lan family anymore, right?"

Lan Yichen sneered, "No, I changed my surname."

"not like this."

Lin Wanxi immediately retorted, "Actually, mother... has experienced a lot, she missed you very much."

"What's the use of missing?"

Lan Yichen sneered again, "No one comes back, and it’s useless to say more. Before grandparents died, they still read

Talking about her, I want her to come back, but she is fine, for the sake of a man, even the parents and family are ignored. "

"My mother... she's not in good spirits."

Lin Wanxi struggled to defend her mother.


Lan Yichen frowned.

Lin Wanxi's heart was heavy, "That man didn't treat my mother kindly. After she gave birth to me, she might face it with no face.

My family, so she never went back to find you. Later, she became a little abnormal. She was mentally

I stayed in the hospital for many years...I only found her recently and placed her in another place for recuperation. "

Lan Yichen's expression was a little surprised.

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