Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1602: .Is his child

Lin Wanxi squeezed his neck, "Close your mouth and let me know that you dare to tell Li Yun what you saw me today.

I will kill you with one word of Jin. can you hear me? "

"Listen... heard..."

Xiao Mingshan nodded vigorously.

This woman is terrible, how did Li Yunjin fall in love with her? !

Xiao Mingshan wanted to cry without tears.

Lin Wanxi then let go of Xiao Mingshan's neck, watched him gasping for breath, turned my head and left.

Xiao Mingshan pulled his leg and followed up again.


Lin Wanxi was going to be angry again.

Xiao Mingshan raised his hand very aggrieved, "I go home, I go home."

Lin Wanxi looked at him coldly.

Xiao Mingshan swallowed, "I really go home, my house is really in the Egret Garden!"

Lin Wanxi frowned, why is this person so annoying.

It is really hard to imagine that he will be Li Yunjin's friend.

Would Li Yunjin allow such a noisy person to be his friend?

The sun really came out from the west.

Xu felt the irony in Lin Wanxi’s eyes, and Xiao Mingshan said, “I’ve known Yun Jin since childhood, and he stayed

When I was in the country, I went abroad, and I came back after you left, so you may not know me. "

Xiao Mingshan smiled, "It is the Xiao Group that acquired your West American Company."

Lin Wan paused for a moment.

It turned out to be him.

Seeing Lin Wanxi not speaking, Xiao Mingshan had a lot of courage.

"You and Yun Jin...what's the matter?"

Lin Wanxi swept directly over with a cold look.

Xiao Mingshan hurriedly backed up two steps, still making a block action, "Don't worry, I'm just curious, you won't let me tell

Tell him, always tell me why you are separated? Otherwise I will really be suffocated. "

Lin Wanxi didn't want to tell him. She lowered her head in silence and walked forward.

"You go slower."

Xiao Mingshan chased after him and said, "Actually, I feel that my brother really loves you. I have been back for so many years.

He felt like a different person, gloomy, and didn't speak much. "

Lin Wanxi listened quietly. At this moment, she realized that she was not as disgusted with hearing Li Yunjin’s


Lu Tong said that he had a bad life, and Xiao Mingshan also said that he had a bad life.

Did he really have a bad life? Or is it just that you feel sorry for not having her as a substitute?

Seeing that Lin Wanxi was silent, Xiao Mingshan continued.

"It gives people the feeling that they have lost their souls, completely enclosed in their own world." Xiao Mingshan said,

There is no longer the joking expression before, and the voice has become extremely serious, "Actually I am really worried about him, he

It's as if someone has changed, a living dead, not interested in anything..."

Xiao Mingshan seemed to have thought of something, "Oh" he said, "He is interested in children and often goes to orphans.

The hospital, also donated a lot of money. "

Lin Wanxi's heart couldn't help but chuckle.

Is Li Yunjin interested in children because of... meaning?

Xiao Mingshan sighed for a long time, "He has been in the wrong of his body in the past two years. He is in the mood.

It’s not good. I have been under pressure and deep emotions for a long time. I have also forced him to see a psychologist. What did the doctor say?

What happened...severe...depression, I prescribed a bunch of medicines and let him take it. "

Lin Wanxi's heart shrank fiercely.


Xiao Mingshan finally smiled, "My grandmother, you can be considered a little reactive."

"He has depression?"

Xiao Mingshan nodded, "Yes, it's very serious, but he didn't admit it, didn't take it to heart, and he didn't prescribe medicine.

See him eat. But his assistant often brings him sleeping pills or something..."

Lin Wanxi frowned, her fist on her side clenched involuntarily.

Xiao Mingshan smiled, "You caused his illness, right?"

"What does it have to do with me?"

Lin Wanxi sneered.

When she learned of Fan Shu’s existence, she didn’t feel discouraged. Other women had children with their husbands by their side.

Accompanying tenderly and patiently, she gritted her teeth alone and endured the pain of childbirth, and she just gave birth to her meaning.

She was in a bad mood during pregnancy. The baby was born half a month prematurely, and she was busy studying the nursing of premature babies...

During that time, she was almost crazy.

But she did not suffer from depression.

She is still the original Lin Wanxi.

It was her who was hurt. How could Li Yunjin get depression? What does it have to do with her.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanxi's eyes quickly flashed a trace of coolness.

Xiao Mingshan looked at the expression on Lin Wanxi's face, and his heart was chilly.

This woman is really cruel.

"Lin Wanxi, is it really impossible for you and Yun Jin?"

"Yes. So you don't have to do this again." Lin Wanxi said without hesitation, "There is nothing that time can't heal.

Yes, Li Yunjin is like this now. It’s good. If he knows that I’m still alive, I’ll have to reject him again.

Newly tear up that scar. Can he stand it? You can weigh it yourself. "

Xiao Mingshan murmured, "Why are you so cruel, this woman?"

"none of your business."

Lin Wanxi directly blocked his mouth.

All the way thereafter, Xiao Mingshan talked to Lin Wanxi about Li Yunjin's various experiences in the past few years.

Lin Wanxi listened, but forced herself to forget him as soon as possible.

After all, this man, she didn't want to have any intersection with him.

The relationship that had been sealed in the dust for a long time was also properly suppressed by her, and there was no need to take it out again.

Lin Wanxi sighed inwardly.

She thought she was calm enough, until Xiao Mingshan patted her brain, "Oh yes, Li Yunjin committed suicide."

Lin Wanxi suddenly looked up.

"what did you say?"

"No one knew about this. Later I asked him, but he didn't admit it, but I think he committed suicide."

Xiao Mingshan curled his lips.

"what happened?"

"On one occasion, I went to him to find him. I wanted to take him out to relax, go fishing or something.

Yes, but there are a lot of sleeping pills on the desk and a half-written suicide note..."

Lin Wanxi's breathing tightened a little bit.

When she heard the word "suicide note", her heart hurt severely.

"How could this be……"

"Are you surprised too?" Xiao Mingshan sighed, "I was so scared that I was so stupid that I grabbed something and went to him. He tried his best

Denied, explaining that he wrote it for fun and threw everything away. "

Xiao Mingshan wrung his brows tightly, "But I still feel that if I didn't go to the villa to find him that afternoon

Fishing, maybe something terrible will happen. "

Lin Wanxi's face gradually paled, and her feet became softer.

"Actually, I really didn't... force you to see him." Xiao Mingshan smiled bitterly, "I asked the psychiatrist, he

Saying that depression can kill people, if you can make him better...I will thank you very much. "

Lin Wanxi was silent.

After walking forward in this way for a few minutes, she suddenly stopped and turned to look at Xiao Mingshan.

"I don't want to be involved in such a thing, whether he has depression or suicidal thoughts...I don't want to go back anymore."

Lin Wanxi pulled out a photo from the purse of the bag.

It was taken when the meaning was a hundred years old, and she kept it in her purse.

Lin Wanxi handed the photo to Xiao Mingshan.

"But if he knows that he can live by knowing that I am still alive... I have convinced myself not to be this villain."

When Xiao Mingshan took the photo and took a look, his eyes widened in an instant.


"is his."

Lin Wanxi said lightly.

"A boy, called Lin Yici, is very lively and healthy."

Xiao Mingshan got stuck in his throat with excitement and couldn't go down for a long time.

He didn't know that Li Yunjin and Lin Wanxi even had children.


Xiao Mingshan choked, "If that guy knows...I don't know how happy he should be."

"Please tell him, I will raise this child well, he will not owe me anything, don’t make him feel guilty

And blame yourself, for the sake of this child, live well. Don't come to me, don't bother me. "

After Lin Wanxi finished speaking, she nodded at him. They had already walked through the road repairing area, and they could get a taxi in front of them.

Xiao Mingshan Xu was too excited, standing still, not catching up.

Lin Wanxi stopped a passing taxi and got in.

"Egret Garden."

As the car started slowly, Lin Wanxi curled her lips with self-deprecation.

After all, she was softened.


As long as he is alive, that is enough.


Xiao Mingshan was stunned for a long time before finally realizing what had happened.

He got a picture of Li Yunjin's son!

The little boy in the photo, white and thin, thin and small, with his eyes slightly open, looking innocently at the world, the more

The more I look like that guy Li Yunjin.

Wait, what did Lin Wanxi say about the child?


Lin Yici?

Xiao Mingshan hurried to the side of the road, stopped a taxi, and went straight to Li Yunjin.

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