Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1603: . She, and their children

It was Aunt Hui who came to open the door.

In recent years, Xiao Mingshan has ran here a lot, and Aunt Hui is not surprised, but smiled and opened the door to let him in.


"Did Mr. Xiao have dinner? I still have cooked polenta in my kitchen. Would you like to serve a bowl?"

Where is Xiao Mingshan in the mood to eat now, he hurriedly changed his shoes, and said, "I'm not eating anymore, Aunt Hui, where's Yunjin?"

"Mister is still in the study."

In the past few years, it has been almost the same. After dinner, I went to the study and would not be out before ten.

She was just the nanny of this family, and she was not qualified to persuade Li Yunjin.

What's more, Shi Qing, Li Beixun, and two other ladies, which one hasn't persuaded?

The words of the person connected to Li Yunjin's flesh and blood are useless, let alone him?

Aunt Hui's voice is very low, "Mister is in a bad mood tonight."

"When is he in a good mood?"

Xiao Mingshan dismissed it, and quickly smiled again, "But maybe it will be better later."

"President Xiao, what do you mean..."

"Aunt Hui, go ahead, I'll go up to him and help me make a cup of tea, don't Longjing,"

Xiao Mingshan held the photo and wandered upstairs.

Knocked on the study door a few times, then opened the door and walked in.

Li Yunjin was looking at the computer, holding a notebook in his hand, constantly writing something.

Xiao Mingshan leaned over to see that it was actually Arabic.

Brows tightened instantly, "Are you learning this? How boring are you."

Li Yunjin pressed the pause button of the video, "Why are you here?"

"I told you to go out and play and you shouldn't go. You actually learn this kind of stuff at home, Li Yunjin, what on earth is in your mind?

What? Are you really planning to be isolated from the world? "

Li Yunjin's eyes darkened, and his expression was a little impatient, "If you come here, I said this, you can go now."

After speaking, press the play button again, grab the headset and put it on.

Xiao Mingshan tore the headphones from his ears.

"If you drive me away, I promise you will regret it for life."

"Say it directly if you have something."

Li Yunjin was impatient.

Xiao Mingshan didn't sell it anymore, so he stuffed the photos directly.

Li Yunjin glanced lightly, casually, "Your son?"


Xiao Mingshan couldn't hold back, his heart was about to fly out of fright.

"My godson is about the same."

He sent the photo to Li Yunjin again, "Your son."

"What are you talking about?"

Where did he come from his son.

"I didn't joke with you, this is your son. The name...what's the name... Lin Yici, yes, Lin Yici."

"Don't joke with me..."

Li Yunjin got up irritably, only half of what he said, but he seemed to have thought of something suddenly, staring at Xiao Mingshan blankly.

Xiao Mingshan was happy, "Yeah, it seems that I remembered it."

Li Yunjin took the photo suddenly.

The little baby in the picture was like a soldering iron, scorching hot, and it hit his heart fiercely.

"what did you just say?"

When he spoke again, his voice was already shaking.

"He is my...son?"

"Yes, it's called Lin Yici. I guess it's over four years old this year..."

Li Yunjin grabbed him by the collar, "Where is the man?"

"It hurts, it hurts." Xiao Mingshan screamed, pulling away Li Yunjin's hand, and then said, "Who?"

"Where is Lin Wanxi? Where did you get this picture?"

She was not dead, she gave birth to their child?

Not a daughter, but a boy?

Li Yunjin only felt that his heart was beating frantically, and "dongdongdong" hit his chest desperately, trying to put his bones together

The meat is crushed together.

A dense layer of sweat oozes from the palms of the palms and back.

In the past five years, certain emotions deeply buried in my heart finally surged up at this moment, and Li Yunjin couldn’t bear it.

Live in red.

"Where is she..."

"Yunjin, you are calm." Seeing Li Yunjin's unsteady standing, Xiao Mingshan quickly helped him and said,

"Well, I met Lin Wanxi today... She gave me the photo, but..."

"but what?"

"She didn't tell me where she lives."

The Egret Garden is so big after all.

Li Yunjin turned and walked directly outside.

Xiao Mingshan grabbed him, "It's so late, where are you going?"

"Of course it is to find her!"

He always thought she was dead...

"Yunjin, calm down."

Li Yunjin's breathing was heavy, how could he be calm at this time?

Xiao Mingshan's hair was instantly horrified when he thought of the hand holding his neck tonight and the dazzling killing intent in the woman's eyes.

Busily said, "Yun Jin, she doesn't want him to find her."


Li Yunjin's brows wrinkled in an instant, and his face turned pale.

Xiao Mingshan looked embarrassed, "she said it herself!"

Li Yunjin's face suddenly stiffened.

Standing in place blankly, as if someone had taken away his soul.

"it is true."

Although he knew that it was cruel for Li Yunjin to say this, but...he had no better solution, compared to

Li Yunjin was gloomy and gloomy all day, closing himself up, always thinking of seeking death, giving him hope, always

Return is good.

"Yun Jin, I really met her by accident today. Do you still remember Ximei Company? Lin Wanxi is from Ximei from abroad

Hired back the person in charge of the acquisition... Although she gave the photos, she made it clear that she did not want you to go...

You go find her. "

Xiao Mingshan watched as the light in Li Yunjin's eyes dimmed a little, and the word "excuse me" could not be said.

"In fact, it’s good to know that they are alive, Lin Wanxi said, Lin Yici, yes, it’s your son, who is very healthy.

Kang, this year is four and a half years old. "Xiao Mingshan smiled, "I'll talk about things later." "

Li Yunjin fell silent suddenly.

He buried himself heavily in the sofa, without speaking for a long time.

Xiao Mingshan walked around to look in front of him, only to find that the man's hands were shaking uncontrollably.

Obviously suppressing emotions that cannot be released.

He has missed the woman for five years on the tip of his heart, but he has no way to find her...

How uncomfortable Li Yunjin should be.

Xiao Mingshan has been single for a long time. Although he has had several romantic experiences, none of them has been as profound and complicated as Li Yunjin has come.

No matter how you love others, you will not feel the same.

I don’t know how long it has been, when Xiao Mingshan was hesitating whether to go down for a cup of tea and let him calm down by himself.

Li Yunjin suddenly spoke.

"Why would she give you...yi...yizi photos?"

Li Yunjin felt that all of his strength had been taken away when he said the little guy's name for the first time.

An unspeakable emotion, converged into a hot stream, boiling in his body, just like the fire before the outbreak

Mountain, anxious and unbearable.

Why did she give Xiao Mingshan a photo?

He understood Lin Wanxi, that woman, always resolute and never procrastinated.

Five years ago, she was able to create such a big situation without saying a word, causing everyone to misunderstand that she was dead, and then take the child

Zi disappeared, no news or traces were left to him, five years later, how could he easily...

Give the photo to Xiao Mingshan, let him bring it to himself?

He didn't believe that Lin Wanxi had the plan to turn around, she was not a scheming person.

Xiao Mingshan was a little embarrassed by scratching his hair. He didn't want to tell Li Yunjin the real reason. After all, he couldn't just do it.

So directly tell him that Lin Wanxi sympathizes with you, and is afraid that you will toss yourself to death, so he took her compassionately

The news that the child was still alive told him.

Saying this, I'm afraid it's not like stabbing a knife in Li Yunjin's heart again.

Xiao Mingshan thought about it and found a tactful reason, "It is estimated that Lin Wanxi also wants to tell you about the child.

Well, how do you say, you are the father of the child. Many women are like this, always thinking about letting their children recognize their ancestors. "

Li Yunjin shook his head lightly.

Many women are, but definitely not including Lin Wanxi.

He knew how hard the woman's heart was.

Recognize the ancestors?


"If you have something to say directly."

Li Yunjin's voice was a little tired,

Seeing that Xiao Mingshan couldn't keep the secret, he said, "Well, actually I told her that you are going to die... She took the picture.

The piece is for me. She said that she doesn't want you to disturb her and the child, as long as you know they are still alive. "

A wry smile filled the corners of Li Yunjin's mouth.

She knew that this was Lin Wanxi.

Xiao Mingshan sighed, "Yun Jin, cheer up, at least, she still wants you to live, doesn't she? It means she still cares

Yours, if she has no feelings for you at all, and you are dead or alive, she won't bother to care about you. "

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