Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1635: .We all like her

He hugged her up and pressed her on the soft big bed.

His clothes are big and loose, which makes it easy for him to take advantage of her.

Lin Wanxi was forced to lack of oxygen and just stared at Li Yunjin with his eyes open.

Everything in front of her became very blurred, but a voice was telling her that she had returned to Li Yunjin's side.

This time, I must not leave.

Lin Wanxi stretched out his hand, took the initiative to hook Li Yunjin's neck, and kissed her gently.

She obviously felt the man's body stiff, and then he clasped her head and pressed against her body.

The kiss was much deeper in an instant.

Lin Wanxi felt dazedly that Li Yunjin let go of herself and went to find something in the drawer.

She reacted, propped up and looked at him, "No need...just come directly..."

"No way."

Li Yunjin found what she wanted and pressed her under him again.

"You will be pregnant. We agreed that there is only one child."

"Then you have no daughter."

Li Yunjin frowned, "Maybe I have no woman in Li Yunjin's life."

Besides, if Lin Wanxi is pregnant again, he may not necessarily be a daughter. He can really be crazy if there is another kid.

forget it.

Anyway, he lacked the meaning of the five years of growth, he wanted to make up for that period of time.

Learn to be a qualified father.

Lin Wanxi wanted to say something, but Li Yunjin directly sealed her lips. The next thing was beyond her control.

As the next day approached noon, Lin Wanxi opened his eyes tiredly.

Lin Wanxi knew it was late when he saw the big sun outside.

Seeing the strange room again, Lin Wanxi's heart sank instantly.


She actually slept for so long.

If it's in my own house, then forget it, but this is in Li's house, or Li Yunjin's parents' house, sleeping till now...

There are rules.

The dirty clothes that were changed last night have been washed and ironed neatly, and Lin Wanxi hurriedly got up and put on

As soon as he was dressed, Li Yunjin came in from outside.

"Woke up?"

Lin Wanxi was embarrassed and blamed, "Why don't you call me..."

"Looking at how well you sleep, let you sleep a little longer." Li Yunjin walked up to her, slender fingers slowly giving

She tidyed up her collar, saw the dense red marks on the woman’s white skin, and smiled suddenly.

"You worked hard last night."

"You are ashamed to say!"

Lin Wanxi knocked off his hand with a "pop", eyes full of hatred, "You are ashamed to say, it's not you..."

As he spoke, his face turned red.

Li Yunjin was also helpless.

He also wanted to be gentle with her, but in the scene last night, the woman who had missed for many years was truly under him.

He can't control himself.

Li Yunjin rubbed the back of his reddish hand, softly comforted her, "It's okay, my parents won't care."

"That's also very rude."

Lin Wanxi didn't want to talk about catching pigtails.

It's too unreasonable to sleep in someone's house until noon.

"Okay, I'm all right now, I just got up with a smile. Hurry up to wash my face and have lunch right away."

When Lin Wanxi went downstairs, the Li family were almost there.

"Sorry, I got up late."

Lin Wanxi apologized in embarrassment.

Shi Qing shook her head, "It's okay, it's normal for you young people to be snooze. Come and sit down quickly."

Li Yunjin smiled and said, "I told you that it's okay. She was worried for a long time, but blamed her for not waking her up."

Li Yun blinked with a smile, "I originally blamed you, who made you last night..."

Before finishing speaking, Li Yunjin smiled and covered his mouth, "We all understand."

Several adults silently took their water glasses and drank. Lin Wanxi was embarrassed, and Li Yunjin held his hand and took his seat.

But the two kids didn't let this topic go.

"Aunt, I don't understand!"

"Auntie Xiaoxiao!" Jin Sinuo also yelled, "I don't understand either!"

Lin Wanxi's blush was almost bleeding.

Li Yunjin glanced over: "If you don't understand, don't ask, kids don't need to understand."

Jin Sinuo was wronged, "Huh, my aunt is back, so my uncle doesn't care about Nuo'er anymore. I didn't talk to Nuo'er late last night.

Ann, it's still a good promise this morning. "

"Grandma, I want to go home and ignore uncle in the future."

Lin Yici let out a "hum", reached out and clicked on Jin Sinuo's head.

"Stupid, he treats my own son as brutal, don't count on him!"

The two little guys ran away from the dining table.

Li Yun smiled and couldn't hear from ear to ear, "Brother, admire and admire, and leave the two people in anger."

"It's not that you talk too much."

Li Yunjin's eyes were cold.

"You can't stop your mouth with rice."

Li Yun Xiaoxiao's stomach hurts.

"The last time someone gave me two robots, I left it with the doorman and asked someone to bring them back to them."

Li Yunjin decided to bribe the two little guys.

"Yun Jin, are the gifts for the Lan's house ready?"

Li Beixun asked suddenly.

Li Yunjin turned his head and said, "I'm ready, I'll go there after dinner."

Li Beixun glanced at Shi Qing, and Shi Qing immediately took out a box.

Inside is a contract for two keys.

"this is……"

"It's a gift from our parents to Wanxi."

Shi Qing handed the things to Li Yunjin.

Lin Wanxi panicked.

"No need, Mr. Li..."

Li Yunjin turned over and said, "Ten sets of shops and two cars, thank you parents."

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Why did you thank you? I can't accept this kind of thing."

"It's just a little bit of heart."

Li Yunjin comforted her, "And half of the name is written with meaning, so you can hold it at ease."

Li Yunjin handed the things to Lin Wanxi.

Upon seeing this, Lin Wanxi could only say thank you blushingly.

After eating, Li Yunjin went to Lan's house with Lin Wanxi with meaning.

Lan Rulang greeted him at the gate in person.

"This is my uncle."

Lin Wanxi introduced.

Li Yunjin nodded, "Hello, uncle."

Lan Rulang's eyes swept back and forth on Li Yunjin several times before he said lightly, "Come in, all come in and talk."

The Lan family has a lot fewer people than the Li family.

Lan Yichen was whispering something with Lin Jie. When he saw Li Yunjin and Lin Wanxi coming in, his expression changed first, and then he pressed down.

He said something in a low voice, then got up and sat on the other side.

"Sit down and have tea."

Lan Rulang smiled and said, "Our family doesn't drink expensive tea much, don't dislike it, Mr. Li."

"Tea is no good or bad, and I am young and don't understand this."

Li Yunjin said lightly.

"President Li has a net worth of over 100 million yuan, can he still not understand tea?" Lan Yichen sneered, "I know that Mr. Li is humble.

Wei Li always despise us. "

Just one sentence stirred up the atmosphere.

"You kid, don't you need to go to the company today!"

Lan Rulang glared at Lan Yichen.

"No matter how busy I am today, I have to stay, my sister's big business, how can I leave when I am a brother?"

Lan Yichen sneered.

He stared at Li Yunjin closely.

Li Yunjin smiled faintly again, saying nothing.

"Mr. Li, have you told your parents about the Wanxi thing with us?"

Lan Rulang looked at Li Yunjin, always maintaining the demeanor and politeness of being an elder of everyone.

Does he like Li Yunjin?

He is Lin Wanxi's uncle, so naturally he doesn't like it.

Wanxi has planted too many somersaults on this man, and suffered too much, even though he has done everything he can

Helping Wanxi, but it is not easy for a single woman to take a little boy abroad.

Everything she has experienced in the past few years is beyond them.

And Lin Wanxi is a person who never confides in his heart easily. As an uncle, he only has endless distress.

Because Lan Rulang really didn't like the man who caused all the suffering and the source.

However, Wanxi chose to be with him, he could only accept and bless.

"Although Wanxi does not have a father, our Lan family is her family. We will not let people bully her.

It was completely different five years ago. "

Li Yunjin nodded, his eyes burning like a torch, "Don't worry, uncle, my family likes Wanxi very much."

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