Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1636: .Grandpa and grandma are fine!

Lin Yici flopped to Lan Rulang's side with two car keys.

"Uncle! This is the car that grandparents gave Mommy!"

The little guy desperately said something nice to the Li family, "Grandpa and grandma are kind to Mommy, and they gave a lot of things.

Also have a share! "

Lan Rulang took a look.

A Ferrari and a Land Rover are all famous brands.

Lan Rulang breathed a sigh of relief.

Being able to give this at least shows that the Li family is not stingy towards Wanxi.

That's good.

Lan Yichen "hum" disdainfully, "Yi Ci, show it to me."

Lin Yici bounced and handed the key to Lan Yichen.

"How is it beautiful?" The little guy picked up one of the keys and said excitedly, "This is my

of! I have a car too! "

"See if you have a play, a car can buy you, is it our Lan family?"

Lan Yichen sneered, "Don't say I am your uncle when you go out in the future, I will feel ashamed of you."

"Hmph, I don't want you to be my uncle, I already have a father!"

The little guy shook his head and threw back into Li Yunjin's arms.

"Shame. Don't come back later."

Lan Rulang glanced at Lin Jie.

Lin Jie's eyes lit up and looked at Li Yunjin.


Hearing Lin Jie calling herself, Li Yunjin quickly got up and walked to Lin Jiedu's side. He didn't know if she had accepted herself.

I just bowed my head and shouted "Auntie."

"You sit down."

Li Yunjin sat down beside him.

"Auntie's health is getting better?"

"That's it, I won't be a fool." Lin Jie's voice was hoarse.

"Auntie, you will be better."

"Although I was ill at the time, I still remember some words clearly."

Lin Jie looked at Li Yunjin.

This woman is completely different from what she was in her illness a few years ago.

These eyes alone can't help making people feel a little disturbed just by looking at them.

"Auntie, you said." Li Yunjin nodded.

"I remember you and Wanxi visited me."

Lin Wanxi seemed to know what Lin Jie was about to say, and stood up, "Mom..."

"Don't talk." Lin Jie glared at Lin Wanxi.

"Yes." Lan Yichen pulled Lin Wanxi back, "This kid wants to marry you back easily.

Let your mother check you out, people are here. "

Lin Wanxi had no choice but to sit down, and her nervous hands were twisted together.

Lin Jie then continued.

"I remember at that time you promised me that you would treat Wanxi well for the rest of your life and wouldn't let him suffer any wrongdoing. I

This madman remembers it clearly, don't you know if you remember? "

Lin Wanxi frowned, Li Yunjin probably forgot about it a long time ago.

Li Yunjin was silent for a long time, then said, "I remember."

Lin Wanxi was taken aback for a moment, and then heard Lin Jie's embarrassing voice.

"Then why are you treating her that way?"

The words made Li Yunjin's face instantly pale, and it took him a long time to speak.


Li Yunjin did not explain for herself, but promised, "I will take care of her in the future and will not let this happen.

The second time. "

"How do I trust you?"

Li Yunjin frowned, and then said, "If you can believe it, I can give everything I have now."

Lin Jie was silent, then looked at Lin Wanxi, "What do you say?"

Lin Wanxi bowed her head, things have reached this point, what else can she say?

Besides agreeing, does she have a second choice?

Lin Wanxi took a breath, walked over and pulled Li Yunjin over, "Okay, don't embarrass him.

What happened in the year is just a misunderstanding. I will explain it clearly to you when I have time. "

"I know that it hurts now?" Lin Jie said helplessly, "When you were alone in the past, you didn't

Someone loves you. "

Lin Wanxi clearly felt that the hand holding her tightened suddenly.

After that, we discussed the wedding.

"I have discussed with Wanxi, the wedding is not going to be public."

She didn't want to make the wedding public because she minded such a big remark.

Li Yunjin didn't like being too high-profile, so he simply agreed.

Anyway, a quietly planned wedding is far more meaningful than a hotel for people to watch.

"Li always has no money for a wedding?"

Lan Yichen sneered.


Lin Wanxi kicked Lan Yichen under the table.

Li Yunjin smiled, "It doesn’t mean that it’s not easy to keep it open. Cousin will know when he comes to see it, and we will keep it for cousin.

A first class seat. "

"Don't call me that, it's disgusting."

Lan Yichen threw down his chopsticks and left.

When Lin Wanxi and Li Yunjin came out of Lan's house, Lin Wanxi let out a deep sigh of relief.

Li Yunjin was just smiling.

"What are you laughing at?"

Lin Wanxi was angry, "I'm worried about you."

"I laughed at you for being cute." Li Yunjin squeezed Lin Wanxi's hand, "Obviously I saw your parent, but you were more

I'm still nervous. "

"Who made you do such **** things to me before? It's normal for my family to not wait to see you."

Lin Wanxi gave him a white look, "Like me, you won't worry about it in your house."

"Isn't it because everyone in your family is not very good at talking?" Li Yunjin frowned, looking a little embarrassed.

Zi, "Look at your brother, he obviously has an opinion on me."

Lin Wanxi also knew that Lan Yichen had done a little too much tonight, so he left the table directly at the table, which was really shameful.

"Don't take it too seriously, my brother is just for my good."

"I didn't take it to heart, I understand."

Li Yunjin hugged Lin Yici.

The little guy had been making trouble for a day, and he couldn't hold it for a long time. As soon as he was picked up, he fell into Li Yunjin's arms and kicked up.


Li Yunjin's voice couldn't help but lowered a bit.

"I am also an elder brother. I know exactly what my elder brother's desire to protect my sister is."

Li Yunjin didn’t know what he had remembered, and smiled, "I’m telling you that Xiao Xiuqiu and Jin Nanfeng were there.

When we were together, I played Jin Nanfeng. "


Lin Wanxi was shocked.

Now these two people are exactly like brothers. It is hard to imagine that they have had such a past.

"Have you ever fought?"

"It's not that I've fought, I've beaten him."

Li Yunjin corrected, "But in the year he did a lot of things to the little hydrangea, and he was a hundred times worse than me. So

I beat him severely and he didn't fight back. "

"Really can't tell..." Lin Wanxi was an eye-opener today.

She didn’t know much about Jin Nanfeng and Li Yunxiu, but in the few exchanges she could feel Jin Nanfeng’s

It is hard to imagine Li Yunxiu's care and love, even a man like Jin Nanfeng...

"Their story is also very complicated, but fortunately, all the hardships come."

"What do you want to say?"

Lin Wanxi's eyes cooled a little bit.

"Want to compare with Jin Nanfeng, who of you two is a bit more scumbag?"

"No, I mean, we will be like them and we will be fine."

Li Yunjin opened the car door and put the sleeping Lin Yici in it.

Lin Wanxi was about to sit in, but was suddenly grabbed by her wrist. As soon as the car door closed, Lin Wanxi was pushed onto the car door.

This is still at the door of Lan's house, with Lan's in front and a child behind him.

Lin Wanxi was nervous and could hardly breathe.

"what are you going to do?"

"I want to kiss you suddenly."

"Don't mess around, this is..."

Li Yunjin directly kissed her.

Lin Wanxi's breathing tightened instantly, pushing him hard.

However, her strength is really incomparable with Li Yunjin. Not only did she not sway him, but she also gave her strength to

Run out.

Only the life that was looted wantonly by this man was left.

I don't know how long it took before Li Yunjin reluctantly let go of Lin Wanxi.

Reaching out his hand and rubbing the red and swollen lips that he had ravaged him, Li Yunjin smiled, "This taste is comparable to dinner tonight

Much more delicious. "


Lin Wan's face is red with red ears.

"Let's go."

Only then did Li Yunjin pull the car door and carefully helped her into the car.

After driving for half an hour, Lin Wanxi realized that he was not going to the villa where Li Yunjin used to go.

"where are we going?"

"New home."

"New home?" Lin Wanxi didn't know this at all, and was taken aback, "When did you..."

"Two days ago."

"The original villa is also very good."

"Some are smaller, but now there is an additional meaning, change to a bigger one."

Li Yunjin tilted his head and glanced at Lin Wanxi, "Moreover, there should always be a wedding room, auspicious."

"When did you care about this? The president of the dignified Li Group still believes this?"

"I didn't believe it before."

Li Yunjin's brows suddenly frowned.


Lin Wanxi was a little curious.

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