Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1644: . Suddenly so kind

He didn’t know why he wanted to help her, probably... because he knew how much pain she would face when she returned.

Live it.

So, this is all out of sympathy for the weak!

This night, Gu Qingye had been sleeping groggy, half-dream and half-awake.

In the wee hours of the morning, it burned again, and in a daze, she seemed to see a slender figure coming in, feeding medicine

Give her food and drink water.

This figure resembles Lan Yichen.

But how is it possible!

That arrogant man is fine if she is not afraid of her infection, and can he give her medicine without sleeping in the middle of the night?


It must be an illusion!


Three more days passed.

Gu Qingye kept lying in bed by the reason of being sick.

Lan Yichen hasn't been in the manor again these few days, so if she wanted to leave, there was nothing she could do.

In fact, she could feel that he was deliberately helping her, that guy seemed to have a mind-reading skill, and knew her thoughts and fears


Think about it, he is not a villain!

Through the past few days, she has also thought about it, escape is not a way, even if it is a sea of ​​swords, she must

Face and solve it.

This is her life, no one can bear it for her.

In the afternoon of the fifth day, Lan Yichen returned.

He went back to the room and changed his clothes, went to Gu Qingye’s room, and saw her leaning over on the balcony fence, looking

In a daze.

The long chestnut hair was draped softly, and a pair of slender white legs overlapped, and the toes were especially cute.

She is wearing a very simple and ordinary white gauze skirt, but strangely, this dress is not suitable for her.

Enchanting, not to mention fullness, it can even be said that some thin and thin body makes him feel beautiful.

Cute and beautiful...

These two words popped up in his mind, making him feel extremely ridiculous.

Has he recently had vision problems or brain problems?

No matter how beautiful a woman is in his eyes, he has looked at a beautiful woman like Gu Qingye for so long.

Also give such a high evaluation.

Gu Qingye turned her head and saw the man standing behind her, she couldn't help being frightened.

"You, you are back!"

Why is he silent when he comes?

Lan Yichen collected his thoughts and asked indifferently, "Is your health better?"

"Well, well!" Gu Qingye nodded.

"Do you plan to leave?" She asked, giving her the right to decide.

"Go, of course go!" Gu Qingye said hurriedly, for fear that he might misunderstand her as if she wanted to lie. After speaking, she bowed her head and twisted her head.

Clothes, "Can you leave tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Lan Yichen replied without emotion, turning around and about to leave the balcony.

"That...thank you!" Gu Qingye sat up and shouted.

Lan Yichen stopped, unable to turn around, "I said before, we are even, I don’t need one.

A married woman gave me a promise! "


What kind of person!

Does she mean this?

Well-intentioned, but can be misinterpreted like this, it really is a chat killer!

But forget it, they won’t meet again after tomorrow, so she doesn’t want to **** him, "Yes, yes, yes.

Master Lan, I will never report any unreasonable thoughts. "

Lan Yichen frowned suddenly, without saying anything, and walked out.


At dinner, Gu Qingye didn't want to eat because he had no appetite, but Lan Yichen sent someone to tell her to eat.

The man's mind is too hard to guess.

However, Gu Qingye still went down.

When she came downstairs and saw that she was eating stir-fried vegetables, she had a little appetite.

She is not picky about eating, but she is like a big iceberg in her heart every day, can she eat something to eat?

Sitting down, she picked up the chopsticks and ate some vegetables in front of her.

"Why do you eat vegetables if you have meat? On the plane, isn't it just howling for a bite of meat before it looks like." Lan Yichen moves well.

Elegantly sipping the soup, talking like a small talk.

"Don't you know you can't eat meat when you have no appetite?"

"I really don't know, because no one has dared to make my appetite bad!"

"Then what if someone makes you have a bad appetite?"

"I will let him not even have a chance to eat!"


Gu Qingye was very envious in her heart, "So, people must not be too weak, at least they cannot lose in momentum, ask

The question is, momentum comes from confidence. People who are born with confidence like you will not understand our lack of confidence.

How pitiful people are. "

"The so-called aura is nothing but a bluffing thing, the brain is the key!" Lan Yichen said casually.

Gu Qingye immediately faced him, sat up a bit, and asked hopefully, "Then what do you think of my mind?"

Lan Yichen glanced and breathed, "Very bad!"

Gu Qingye's face was pulled down, "Am I so stupid?"

"Yes!" He nodded without giving face.

"Hey, Lan Yichen, I'm going back to fight tomorrow. Could you please say something nice to encourage me and let me have

Be confident. "

"Sorry, I have no habit of sympathizing with the weak!"

"..." Gu Qingye flattened his mouth aggrievedly, put down his chopsticks, "I'm not eating anymore, you can eat slowly!"

She got up and walked out a little annoyed.

"Get me back!" The widowed voice rang again.

Gu Qingye turned sideways, "Are you still talking about what hit me?"

"Come here!" Lan Yichen clicked on her seat just now with his chin, his tone was undoubtedly majestic.

Gu Qingye went to sit down unwillingly.

Lan Yichen put down his chopsticks, took out a hot stamped business card from her pocket and handed it to her, "Take this to find Jin Mocheng.

He can help you! "

Gu Qingye picked up the business card and looked at it. She had never gotten such a luxurious business card. There were three big bronzing cards on it.

Words-Lan Yichen!

And what he said, Jin Mocheng, she also knows that she is also a leading barrister in the world, and she is very famous.

He gave her the name, meaning that if he took this to Lawyer Jin for help, he would do his best to help her with his face.

For those dealing with marriages, the greatest help is a reliable lawyer!

"Didn't you say that you don't have the habit of sympathizing with the weak?" He was suddenly so kind, making her feel a little bit ridiculous.

"Take it as compensation for that night!" Lan Yichen said quietly.

Gu Qingye's body stiffened.

The hand holding the business card was put down a bit cramped, his face flushed, "That night... I was indeed a little confused, you

I don’t even remember at all, I really can’t remember at all. "

"I remember." Lan Yichen said frankly.

"Then—" Gu Qingye was embarrassed and crazy, "In short, it's not all your problem, we all have problems! Of course,

If you think it will feel better this way, I just accept your kindness. "

She put her name away, then bowed her head and took a few mouthfuls as if she was hungry again.

She had forgotten about this matter, but he unexpectedly came out to talk about it in this kind of hall.

Are the definitions of shame different between men and women?

Fortunately, Lan Yichen didn't discuss this matter with her in depth either.


The next morning.

Gu Qingye had breakfast.

Lan Yichen arranged for someone to take her to the airport.

"When you get off the plane, someone will take you home, so you don't have to worry about it." Lan Yichen stood by the door and said to Gu Qingye


"Good!" Gu Qingye nodded.

When the two stood, Lan Yichen couldn't help but smile when she saw that she was not leaving yet, "Aren't you leaving? You shouldn't let me go."

"How can I!" She thought he had something to say!

After Gu Qingye finished speaking, she immediately got into the car and left one second later, so she might not think she wanted to give him a monkey!

The car moved slowly.

She glanced out of the car and found that he had entered.

For some reason, she felt a little disappointed in her heart, very, very young, and she didn’t even notice it.

Like a meteor passing by, she was just trying to catch it, and was annihilated in the dark night sky.

She curled her lips and closed the car window.

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