Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1645: .Joint Digging


On the plane, she watched a movie for a while and then slept again.

In the dream, there are all messy pictures.

For a while, I dreamed of the scene when she married Lu Shengyan. When he put a ring on her, she suddenly became Lan Yichen.

After a while, she dreamed of catching the **** again. The woman's face was Qiao Anlin in the first second, and the fat on the island in the next second.

Fat maid.

The nightmarish dreams intertwined her past and present, and also reflected her inner hesitation.

After waking up for the third time, the plane was already descending.

Gu Qingye checked the time. It was two o'clock in the afternoon.

The imperial capital was in early winter, and it was extremely cold outside.

When she got off the plane, the person who came to pick her up put her in a cashmere coat, "Miss Gu, I will come to pick her up first.

You, please get in the car! "

"Okay, thank you!" Gu Qingye thanked politely.

The person who came to pick her up went to pull the car door for her.

The heating in the car was full, and Gu Qingye was surrounded by warmth as soon as he entered.

Along the way, she looked at this familiar city outside the window, without the slightest sense of belonging and ease in her heart, on the contrary, she became more and more heavy!

It took an hour and a half to drive from the airport to Lujia.

The car took her to Lu's villa and left.

Although the Lu family is not a well-known family with deep roots, it can be considered that the emperor has a good reputation these days by relying on real estate.

Gu Qingye studied interior design, relying on his own major, and worked hard for Lu's all these years.

Even after getting married, she didn’t dare to let go of the name of the general manager’s wife.

Reward is socializing.

Sometimes she came back drunk in order to satisfy the client, and Lu Shengyan didn’t say that she always found him

All kinds of excuses, saying that he is a personality, and he doesn’t like to care about it. Since he married her, how can he

Can you not love her?

But now, this self-deception has been defeated!

Taking a deep breath, she walked inside.

Entering the gate, the servant in the front hall saw Gu Qingye as if he had seen a ghost, "Young... Madam, why are you back?"

"Is it so scary when I am back?" The reaction of the servant at home made Gu Qingye feel very uncomfortable, and she also felt

There was something abnormal.

But she didn't ask, just continued to move forward.

The servant followed and shouted loudly, "Madam Young is back, Madam Young is back..."

Gu Qingye frowned, why did he shout so loudly?

After she enters, everyone will naturally see her, right?

Before she found the answer to this question in her mind, she heard a few laughs in the direction of the living room, which seemed to be lively.

Her pace hastened a bit, but when she walked inside, her voice disappeared, replacing every face she knew

The face was surprised or nervous.

There are her husband Lu Shengyan, her father-in-law Lu Leiting, her mother-in-law Gu Yali, and her sister-in-law Lu Wan

Wan, and her sister Gu Shiying, and her good girlfriend Qiao Anlin.

This Lu Shengyan is sitting alone, the mother-in-law and the father-in-law are sitting together, and the older sister is sitting with the sister-in-law and Qiao Anlin.

On the sofa, it looks like a sister Tao.

When did the three of them become so good?

Or is it just sitting together by chance?

Gu Qingye stood at the door, and the atmosphere fell into dead silence for a moment.

Gu Shiying who finally broke the silence, she stood up from the sofa, "Qingye——"

She ran over and hugged Gu Qingye excitedly, "Smelly girl, where have you been? You are so worried, we know

? Dad went to the police. "

"I'm fine." Gu Qingye answered calmly, staring at Lu Shengyan who was sitting alone.

He is still the same, Qing Jun's face is always indifferent to her.

Such a face used to be called cool, but now, when she thinks of the way he enjoys that cheating photo, she feels very much


"Ye'er, where did you go? It's been almost 20 days since you left, and you didn't even make a phone call." Qiao Anlin also got up

In the past, it seemed like reproach and concerned


Gu Qingye looked at the pretty girl in front of him, fell silent for a moment, and smiled at her, "I called you.

You forgot! "

Qiao Anlin listened and stayed there for two full minutes. She was a little hurried, and she blinked her eyes in confusion.

Jing, "No, how can you call me?"

"You really forgot, think about it again!" Gu Qingye smiled meaningfully.

"Gu Qingye, what are you playing, really nothing," Qiao Anlin looked very upset, "Did you call me, I

Can you tell Shengyan your whereabouts? "

Gu Qingye put a smile away, "I'm kidding you, when do you know how to make such a joke?

It's not like you, Qiao Anlin. "

Perhaps, Qiao Anlin in her heart was not like that long ago!

"You have to be a joke, can this matter be a joke?"

"Well, don't be angry!"

They were talking here, and over there, Lu Wanwan opened her mouth strangely, "Sister An Lin, don't you know it?

Why are people joking with you? That's because she is changing the subject, and she can't answer her these days

Where is it? "

"Yeah, Ye Er, where have you been these days?" Qiao Anlin also asked.

Gu Qingye bit her lip without speaking.

Although I thought about a lot of rhetoric on the road, they all felt untenable.

As soon as she reacted, her mother-in-law Gu Yali immediately jumped up, "A married woman just disappeared.

For many years, the phone hasn't been connected, and there is no news. If you were killed, it would be fine. But you are so good

Is back, I have to wonder where you are? Say, did you have an affair with a wild man? "

Facing the cannibalistic question from her mother-in-law, Gu Qingye lowered her head.

Still kept silent.

At this time, the father-in-law couldn't calm down, "Ye'er, if you don't speak clearly today, it won't work."

"Uncle, Ye'er is a good girl in our family. She won't mess around. I think she must have her own difficulties. Please.

Don't force her, please? "Gu Shiying guarded her sister, begging.

"Sister, do you think we are here to slander her without any basis? Tell you the truth, before she disappears

The night before, we got news that she was opening a room with a wild man in a hotel. "Lu Wanwan looked down upon

He pointed at Gu Qingye viciously.


Wild man!

One picture after another like sharp steel needles pierced into Gu Qingye's brain.

She finally understood that the mother-in-law and sister-in-law weren't going to help her catch the **** that day, but they went to catch her.

However, she did indeed go to the hotel, but was caught by Lan Yichen by accident.

Why is that?

"She went to open a room with a man, how could this be possible!" Gu Shiying looked at Gu Qingye in shock, "Sister, she said

Is it true? "

Gu Qingye's mind was confused at the moment and he ignored it.

I also ignored my sister.

Lu Wanwan watched Gu Qingye unable to fight back before repeatedly questioning and attacking. She was now more and more proud, she sneered.

Said, "How could she admit it? She thought she escaped and hid. We can't take her without evidence

How is it, but I didn’t expect that we found the savage man, who is not someone else, that’s

Drinking with her last night Mr. Cheng, they all recruited. "

Mr. Cheng? !

Gu Qingye raised her head.

It seems that she was thinking too simple, she still couldn't figure out why Lu Shengyan had an affair with her wrongly.

The place is in the same place.

Now she suddenly understood, it was obvious that they had conspired with that little third to design her.

Maybe, even Lu Shengyan also participated.

day! Her body stepped back, they actually did this to her.

The two words "Chill" are not enough to describe her inner feelings at the moment, what did she do wrong, they want to work together to dig her?

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