Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1650: Catch the small three


In the operating room.

Gu Qingye was lying nervously on the operating table.

The air was smelling of disinfectant, and the tweezers and knives arranged on the iron plate made her salivate.

Dr. Wu is doing some preoperative preparations.

It hasn't started yet, but the whole atmosphere has scared her.

"Doctor Wu, will it hurt?" She couldn't help it, she asked softly.

"It seems this is the first time for you. It won't hurt. What you did is painless." Dr. Wu said over there.

"Oh! That's okay!" Although Gu Qingye felt relieved, the sense of fear did not dissipate.

Ten minutes later, Dr. Wu came over with an oxygen mask. "Soon, this is a minor operation."

"Good, good..." Gu Qingye responded nervously.

In the next instant, the mask covered her mouth and nose.


On the other side, the door of the lounge was pushed open vigorously.

Lan Yichen frowned.

When he turned his head and saw someone coming, his expression became confused, "Why are you here?"

"Young Master Lan, the child in that woman's belly can't be killed." One of the people who came was extremely serious and anxious.

Lan Yichen's eyes darkened. After two seconds of silence, he raised his eyes, "Why? Give me a reason!"

Another person who came looked at Jin Mocheng in the room and said, "Lawyer Jin, we have very important things to discuss with the young master.

Say, would you please avoid me? "

Jin Mocheng got up, "You guys talk!"

As he walked out, he thought to himself that one of the two was a private doctor from the Lan family and the other was from the Lan family.

Manager, how would they know this? Who leaked the secret? How can the child in Gu Qingye's belly go or stay?

Home will be so nervous?

His expression can't help but freeze.

The door closed.

No one knows what's going on inside.

About five minutes later, the door was suddenly opened, and Lan Yichen strode out from inside, towards the operating room.

When I walked, the private doctor and the general manager at home quickly followed.

"What's up?" Jin Mocheng muttered.

Is this all crazy?


In the operating room, Dr. Wu was speechless.

Obviously, the anesthetic gas had not been released yet, and as a result, Miss Gu was so nervous that she passed out.

But this is also good, the province's use of anesthetic drugs affects intelligence.

She took the mask and was about to take out the embryo. Suddenly, the sound of the door knocking in her ears made her pause.

Put down the equipment and walked out.

"President Lan?!" She looked at him confused.

"Did the child take it away?"

"not yet!"

"Don't take it away, keep it, and prescribe the best fetal medicine!"

"..." Could this change too quickly?

Lan Yichen looked into the operation and saw Gu Qingye lying on the operating chair unconsciously, with complicated eyes

Things are tumbling.



The mist from the bedside humidifier sprayed on Gu Qingye's face.

After sleeping for a long time, she woke up leisurely, in the transparent mist, she saw Lan Yichen sitting next to her bed.

"Is the operation finished?" She tried to move her waist, it didn't seem to hurt so much!

"The operation was not done!" Lan Yichen spit out four words quietly.

"What!!!" Gu Qingye sat up and asked inexplicably, "Why... why?"

"Because I regretted it."

"Why repent? Don't say anything. You suddenly find that you love me or think that the child is too innocent.

I won’t believe it, you better tell the truth! "

I dare not say how much she knows him, but he is definitely not a softhearted man!

Lan Yichen folded her legs and crossed her fingers on her knees. "Because my father knew about this, he was anxious.

Hold your grandson, if I don't follow him, he will let me go on a blind date every day. You know I’m very busy at work, not at all

Time to fall in love. "

real or fake?

Gu Qingye looked at him suspiciously, "Lan Yichen, why don't I believe your words? You don't look like a dutiful son!"

If his father wants a grandson, why didn't he ask a woman to help him give birth?

If he wants to, the woman who wants to climb into his bed can simply link up and circle the earth thirty times!

Lan Yichen sternly said, "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, anyway, I have to take this kid!"

Gu Qingye bit his tongue angrily, "Lan Yichen, you are too unreasonable! This child is mine too! Why do you want to stay?"

"Oh? Can you make this kid yourself without me?"

Gu Qingye blushed and his head drooped quickly.

"You have no conscience, I'm still a married woman, what's going on with this bastard..." Gu Qingye linked eyes

Pi Zi couldn't lift it up, "If this is caught, Gu Qingye, I will have no face to see people in this life."

Dad will be disappointed if he knows it?

Lan Yichen stood up, "Jin Mocheng will help you with your divorce case as soon as possible."

Gu Qingye let out a sullen "Oh".

It won't work soon, the little **** in his stomach is getting older day by day, and he won't be able to hide.

Seeing the woman holding her knees in an ostrich shape, Lan Yichen's emotions are very complicated, "Don't worry, I will not treat this badly.

children's. "

Gu Qingye looked at Lan Yichen listlessly.

Lan Yichen coughed softly, "Well, there is you."

Gu Qingye turned pale with fright, and it was not a good thing to be compensated by such a demon bastard.

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed, "I'm going back."

"I see you off."

"Don't, let's... stay away."

Gu Qingye was not afraid, after all, there was no evidence against Lan Yichen's absurd night of death, but now it is different, she

I always feel that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at me.

It is better to have less contact before the divorce.

Lan Yichen didn't insist, and sent Gu Qingye to the gate.

Gu Qingye stopped the taxi, and then returned to Lu's house.

When she was at the gate, she couldn't help but lowered her head and glanced at her stomach, clearly understanding that she and Lu Sheng

Yan's divorce case must be resolved quickly.

In other words, she has to find out who Mistress is faster.

Gu Qingye went upstairs to take a shower, and then went downstairs to have dinner.

Tonight, the Lu family were all there except Lu Shengyan, and Gu Qingye spoke up as soon as her mother-in-law Gu Yali took the seat.

"Why didn't Ayan come back?"

Naturally, it was Gu Qingye who asked this question.

Gu Qingye took the chopsticks and casually said, "The legs are on him, how would I know where he went?"

Gu Yali's complexion changed immediately, "Gu Qingye, what do you mean by this? Look at you and be a wife.

Looks like? "

Lu Wanwan rolled her eyes, "That is, as a wife, it doesn’t even matter where the husband goes, and she doesn’t know how

Ask on the phone, no wonder my brother is divorcing you. "

Gu Qingye's good appetite was disturbed by this group of people.

She put down her chopsticks, "Okay, I'll go up and call Lu Shengyan."

After speaking, he got up and turned his head and left.

Gu Yali was still cursing behind her back, "How to marry a woman like this? It's really unfortunate for our Lu family..."

Gu Qingye drew his ears, "Unfortunately, it will not be a few days. When Lu Shengyan and I divorce, I will remember to buy a whip.

The cannon is back for you to celebrate. "

Gu Yali's angry face was distorted.

Gu Qingye returned to the room and called Lu Shengyan.

After three consecutive calls, the man did not answer.

It's normal.

Lu Shengyan didn’t answer her phone before. She was still very stupid at that time. Lu Shengyan kept calling him if she didn’t pick him up.

I was annoyed, and I couldn't avoid a fight when I came back.

Now think about it, if you have that time, it's better to watch a TV series and waste time doing on Lu Shengyan.

Gu Qingye was about to go to the show, but the phone vibrated wildly.

It was from my sister Gu Shiying.

Gu Qingye's heart softened and smiled and connected, "Sister, what's the matter?"

"Ye'er!" Gu Shiying's voice was low, anxious and panicked, "I...I..."

Gu Qingye immediately got up from the bed, "Sister, what's the matter, you speak slowly, don't worry."

"Ye'er...I...I saw Lu Shengyan. She and a woman just nodded in and hugged..."


Gu Qingye is clever.

If Xiao San is caught, she will be able to divorce Lu Shengyan completely.

God did not block her way.

As Gu Qingye got out of bed, she stabilized Gu Shiying's emotions, "Sister, please help me stare at this pair of dogs and men, you

Send the location to my phone and I will be there soon. "

Gu Qingye hurriedly changed his clothes and went downstairs.

The Lu family were still eating, and Gu Qingye ignored them and went straight out.

As soon as I got in the car, the phone made a beep.

It's a hotel address sent by Gu Shiying.

There is also a line of text-I am waiting for you at the back door of the hotel, hurry up.

Gu Qingye gritted his teeth, men and women, I really want you to look good today.

In half an hour's drive, Gu Qingye arrived in only 20 minutes.

As soon as the car stopped, Gu Qingye walked towards the back door of the hotel.

Behind the hotel is a small alley, dark and extremely gloomy.

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