Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1651: . Planning to swallow this home? !

Gu Qingye called Gu Shiying as he walked, "Sister, I'm here, where are you?"

"It's right here by the back door."

"I did not see you……"

There seemed to be footsteps approaching behind him. Gu Qingye concentrated on the phone call. At first he didn't notice. When he found out, the person was already standing

Behind Gu Qingye.

Gu Qingye hadn't turned his head yet, only felt that someone had hit the back of the neck!

The intense pain was overwhelming, and Gu Qingye swayed twice before falling softly.

At the moment when his consciousness dissipated, Gu Qingye had only one thought in his mind.

It's over, this time it's really dead.


I don't know how long it took for Gu Qingye to wake up from the chaos.

" hurts..."

Gu Qingye frowned impatiently, her face frowned.

A few seconds later, looking at the strange ceiling, she suddenly remembered something, got up quickly, and looked at herself subconsciously.

The clothes on the body.

Underwear, jacket, pants...

All wear well.

"I haven't been **** by a man!" A cold voice suddenly sounded from the top of his head.

Gu Qingye was startled, almost bit her tongue, "Blue... Lan Yichen?"

Lan Yichen lazily leaned against the wall not far away, shaking his hands, his eyes teasing.

"Surprised to see me? You should be fortunate to see me, otherwise the pornographic photos of you and a few men playing group p will be full

Fly away. "

"I didn't!" Gu Qingye frowned, his head moved, and there was another sharp pain in his neck.

Gu Qingye's painful face changed. "I was knocked out."

"I know, Gu Shiying."

Gu Qingye's face froze, "Who?"

"Gu Shiying."

Gu Qingye smiled weirdly, "What are you kidding? I, do you know who Gu Shiying is? She is me

sister! "

"Oh, then I'll make it clearer, it was your sister who stunned you and then threw you into the room to prepare

Play with men. Lan Yichen put down his hand, walked to Gu Qingye, looked at her condescendingly, "If not

I, you, have long been annoying. "

Gu Qingye's head "buzzed".

The whole person was struck by lightning and could not move.

how come……

How could it be sister?

That sister who has been taking care of her tenderly since she was little?


Why is this happening!

Gu Qingye's eyes turned red, and his heart was painful. It felt more betrayed by his own relatives than Lu

It is difficult for Sheng Yan to find Xiao San outside.

Lan Yichen looked at Gu Qingye's red eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly.


"Stop crying, didn't I arrive in time?"

Gu Qingye wiped his eyes with his sleeve, put on his shoes, and got up suddenly.

A fierce dizziness hit.

The body is crooked--

Lan Yichen's eyes flickered, and he reached out to catch her.

Gu Qingye fell directly into Lan Yichen's arms.

"Although I saved you, you don't have to hug you in such a hurry, right?"

"Who gave it away!"

Gu Qingye was uncomfortable, and angrily pushed Lan Yichen away.

She was so flustered, when she thought that her sister was calculating herself behind her back, her heart seemed to be pierced with the tip of a knife.

Spicy pain.

I tried to pretend to be aggressive, but the tears that were forced by the humiliating behavior just came out.

She couldn't control her emotions anymore, lowered her head and started crying.

Lan Yichen had a headache. He always hated women's crying, and he never felt sorry for Xiangyu.

He simply turned around and left, making Gu Qingye cry enough.

It took a full half an hour for Lan Yichen to go back.

Gu Qingye couldn't cry anymore, Lan Yichen, this stinky man, even said a word of comfort when she saw her crying so sad.

Don't say anything.

Is it still a person?

"Cry over?"

Gu Qingye stalked.

"You can live with me these days."

Gu Qingye got up, "No, I want to go back."

She wants to go back and calculate the account with Gu Shiying, and ask her why she did it!

Gu Qingye returned to Lu's house.

Lu Wanwan immediately stopped Gu Qingye and smiled maliciously, "Gu Qingye, where did you go last night?"

Gu Qingye also smiled at her, "I went to a friend's house."

"you are lying."

"Oh, then tell me, where did I lie?"

"You obviously went to the hotel last night! You fooled around with other men!"

"Lu Wanwan, no one told you that you speak for evidence."

Gu Qingye said this with great confidence. Lan Yichen would have rescued her, and he would have taken away things that shouldn't have been left.

It's all cleaned up.

What can Lu Wanwan have.


"Lu Wanwan, I advise you to have that free time to care about yourself and care about where I have been all day long.

, How bored are you? "

Lu Wanwan wanted to say something, Gu Yali glanced over and motioned her not to say anything.

Lu Wanwan sat back reluctantly.

Gu Qingye went upstairs.

"Mom, what did you just stop me from doing?"

"Silly boy, why don't you understand? The group of people almost succeeded last night, but they were still slipped by Gu Qingye.

Now..." Gu Yali's eyes were deep, "It seems that someone is helping Gu Qingye behind. "

And being able to make things so dripping that they can't get a handle.

It's definitely not something in the pool.

Here Gu Qingye has already returned to the room.

After taking a shower, I was not calm in my heart when lying in bed.

Gu Shiying is not her biological sister. Her mother was unable to give birth to a child, so her father left the orphanage.

Adopted a girl.

That child is Gu Shiying.

Two years later, Gu Qingye was born.

But even so, the Gu family never treated Gu Shiying badly. Even when the two sisters quarreled, her parents

He would be particularly biased towards Gu Shiying.

She didn't understand why...

As Gu Shiying of her own sister, she actually calculates herself behind her back?

What purpose does she have?

Gu Qingye took a deep breath and simply got up to do yoga, calmly thinking about countermeasures.

Gu Shiying and Lu Shengyan hardly had any contact, Xiao San must not be Gu Shiying, then she aimed at herself...

Another purpose?

Still don't stun the snake, go to the temptation first.

Gu Qingye found the phone and dialed Gu Shiying's number.

As soon as the phone was connected, Gu Shiying's anxious voice came out of the phone.

"Ye'er, where have you been?"

Gu Qingye's heart was heavy, but he pretended to answer as if nothing had happened, "Sister, I'm sorry, when I arrived at the hotel last night

When, I suddenly felt uncomfortable, so I went to the hospital, and the phone was out of power, so I couldn’t contact you..."

"That's it."

"Why, sister seems very disappointed?"

The person on the phone rallied, "Isn’t it a pity that you didn’t catch the mistress, after all, it was like that last night.

Good opportunity. "

"It's okay, there will always be another time." Gu Qingye's eyes were cold, and he quickly changed the subject, "Sister, are you at work?"

"Well, already at the company, what's wrong?"

"No, just ask, I bought some fresh kiwis here, and I want to give you some past, since you are working

Yes, then I will look for you when you get off work. "

Gu Shiying didn't doubt it much, and said "Yeah".

When the phone was hung up here, Gu Qingye immediately got up from the yoga mat, packed his things and went out.

Lu Wanwan downstairs was about to attack. Gu Qingye glanced over, "Shut up."

Before Lu Wanwan could reply, she walked out of the door.

All the way back home.

Gu Ronghai was watering the flowers in the yard. When he saw Gu Qingye, his face was full of surprise, and he couldn't put down the things in his hands.

"Ye'er? Why did you come back suddenly?"

Gu Ronghai expected that something had happened to his daughter, and his face quickly sank, "Is the Lu family cheating again?

Lost you? "

Gu Qingye smiled and took his father's arm, "Can't I come to see you if I am fine?"

Gu Ronghai said, "Today happens to have your favorite cake, you can eat two more. Dad is old, I don’t know how

Can I bake it for you? "

"Dad, you are still young." Gu Qingye followed Gu Ronghai into the house, looked around, and asked, "Sister goes to work.

Yet? "

"Well, I left early in the morning."

"I'll go upstairs to get something."

Gu Qingye went upstairs.

The second floor is quiet, there is no one. The servants at home have been gone all these years, and Gu Qingye is not afraid of others seeing it.

Flashing quickly went to Gu Shiying's room.

The room was very tidy, and Gu Qingye was carefully searching for things.

Then she saw a yellow paper bag in the drawer.

what is this?

Gu Qingye picked it up and opened the paper bag to have a look——

In black and white, it was "Gu's Land Property Change Certificate"!

The land that originally belonged to his father's name has become Gu Shiying's!

Gu Qingye's shocked lungs were pouring cold air, and with a flick of his wrist, several more documents fell out of the paper bag.

Gu Qingye took a look, and was shocked again.

Gu Shiying still cooperates with Lu Shengyan?

Are they planning to swallow this home?

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