Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1652: .not worth it

Yes, quarreling with him, I have no chance of winning, Gu Qingye decisively gave up the stupid act of sending people away.

Changed the subject, "Young Master Lan, President Lan, when shall we go to dinner?"

"It's not time for get off work."

Lan Yichen returned to the desk.

"You are not hungry, but your **** is hungry."

Gu Qingye endured the pain in his feet and walked over and pointed to his stomach, "This is your bastard!"

Lan Yichen stared at Gu Qingye's stomach, "Come here."

Gu Qingye walked over without knowing why.

Lan Yichen held Gu Qingye's wrist with one hand, and gently placed the other hand on Gu Qingye's belly.

Seems to feel something.

Gu Qingye hummed, "He is only one month old now, and he is a fertilized egg that has not yet developed.

Yes, less blue. "

Lan Yichen's face turned dark, "I don't think you really want to eat!"

"Don't." Gu Qingye panicked, "I'm really hungry, Shao Lan, can you be considerate of me as a pregnant woman? How can I?

So if you were pregnant with your child, I wouldn't be like this if it weren't for you..."

Lan Yichen stared at Gu Qingye, who looked at Gu Qingye's scalp numb before he got up, "Go."

Two people went to a western restaurant.

When Gu Qingye saw the steak, he felt nauseous and nauseous.

She used to like steak the most. It was this **** who made her unable to eat what she liked.

"Didn't you take you to dinner? What do you do with another bitter face?"

Women are really in trouble.

Gu Qingye felt that if she said she couldn't eat it now, Lan Yichen would probably choke herself to death.

I had to pick up the knife and fork, enduring the nausea in my stomach, cut a small piece of steak, put it in my mouth, and chewed slowly.

Gu Qingye ate such a small piece of meat for five full minutes.

While eating the second piece, Gu Qingye finally couldn't help it, bending over and vomiting in the trash can by his feet.

A face is pale.

Lan Yichen frowned, got up and walked to her, patted her on the back, and gave her the breath.

"Sickness? Why is it so serious?"

Gu Qingye's face was pale, vomiting dizzy.

"You ask me, how do I know that I am also pregnant for the first time..."

It was too uncomfortable, and I didn't have any strength.

She didn't want to wait any longer because of the meaty steak.

Lan Yichen pulled Gu Qingye up from the chair, and was about to leave.

"Slow down, my leg hurts."

Lan Yichen lowered her head and glanced, her heels were red.

Frown frowning, "It's troublesome."

After finishing speaking, he hugged Gu Qingye directly in his arms.

Gu Qingye: "!"

"You let me go."

"Then don't say that your leg hurts. The pain deserves it."

Gu Qingye muttered a few words and stopped talking.

If he loves to hug it

She didn't want to walk anymore.

Lan Yichen sent Gu Qingye to his apartment, then called Jiang Hui and asked him to find a concubine.

Gu Qingye felt better after eating the food cooked by Yuesao.

Go to a nap groggy.

Upon waking up, Lan Yichen had already returned to the company.

Gu Qingye also packed up and went to work.

In the next few days, Gu Qingye and Lan Yichen did not meet again.

Only at night, Lan Yichen would call to ask about the baby in her stomach.

Gu Qingye was afraid that the Lu family would find out. Simply moved out from the Lu family.

As soon as Lu Shengyan returned home, he saw Gu Qingye instructing two movers to pack their things.

Looking at the messy bedroom, Lu Shengyan looked ugly, "What are you doing?"

"Pack your things." Gu Qingye glanced at him and replied casually, "Lest he move in after divorce.

wasting time. "

"If you want to move, you can bookmark the divorce agreement now. Why bother to pretend to scare people, who

I don't know you, you like this Mrs. Lu's position, but those who like it are going crazy. "

Gu Qingye thought to herself, go to ***.

Gu Qingye felt sick when he thought of Lu Shengyan and another woman turning over in bed, their faces twisted in lust.

Can spit it out.

She ignored Lu Shengyan and continued to direct the movers.

"Take all these clothes and everything on that desk."

"This lamp...I bought it, so I'll give it to you. I don't want it."

She really wanted to take out her Zheng's whole heart to Lu Shengyan,

Loving someone loves to the bones, to the dust, without a trace of dignity.

Lu Shengyan didn’t like to sleep too dark. She was afraid that too strong light would affect Lu Shengyan’s sleep. She ran over half of the city personally.

I picked such a lamp.

Lu Shengyan didn’t get close to herself, and her mother-in-law and sister-in-law would only pick her faults and blame her for not being gentle and considerate enough to stay.

Live the husband's heart.

She couldn't blame herself, she was almost depressed.

But now think about it, Quante is farting.

From the beginning to the end of the Lu family, none of them are good.

After packing the things to take away, Gu Qingye directed the workers to send the things to his apartment.

Lu Shengyan took a bath and subconsciously asked Gu Qingye to make tea for him.

Where did Gu Qingye care about him, he flung his head downstairs and left.

Lu Shengyan gritted his teeth.


On the second day, Gu Qingye went to work in the company.

Approaching noon, a cup of thick milk tea was suddenly placed in front of him.

It is the red bean flavor she loves to drink!

Looking up, Qiao Anlin was smiling at her.

"Thank you."

Gu Qingye hasn’t come to the company for a few days. There are a lot of things to deal with. He has been busy all morning and has a dry mouth.

A cup of milk tea is simply saving her life.

Gu Qingye took a big mouthful, "Do you remember that I like milk tea with red bean flavor."

Qiao Anlin gave her a blank look, "How often do I forget your preferences?"

Gu Qingye bit the straw, feeling mixed.

Qiao Anlin said, "I apologized to you the last time. I was suspected by you at that time and I was not in a good mood."

Gu Qingye held the milk tea cup tightly.

I just feel that today's milk tea is not as sweet as it used to be.

Is it really too much?

"I should understand you. Your head is about to explode because of Lu Shengyan's affairs. It is inevitable that you will be suspicious... Me and you

Apologies, Ye Er, we have been friends for so many years. Since it is a misunderstanding, you will not really want to be angry with me, will you? "

"Why?" Gu Qingye sighed, Qiao Anlin was her childhood friend and sister.

If everything is really a misunderstanding, she can't ask for it.

Gu Qingye released the straw and smiled apologetically, "I should apologize to you too, not because of Lu Sheng

Yan... Doubt you. "

Qiao Anlin didn’t care, she just sighed, “I hope this time, you and Lu Shengyan will get a divorce. You can start a new life completely.

Let’s live a life, as I said at the beginning, you are not suitable for him, you have to believe it, now it’s fine, after marrying for so long, Lu

Sheng Yan didn't even touch your finger. You got the name of a second marriage for nothing. "

Gu Qingye's intestines were all regretful, lying on the table, listless.

They went out for lunch. It was cold today and they chose a hot pot restaurant.

Qiao Anlin asked Gu Qingye as she ate, "By the way, that junior, what did you find out?"

Gu Qingye wanted to tell her about Gu Shiying, but when it came to her lips, she kept her mind.

Shaking his head, "No, that little Sanzang is too deep, I haven't found anything, if I didn't see the photo with my own eyes

Film, I may still be in the dark. "

"Don't be too anxious. You have all moved out of the Lu family, and you will have a long time to come. Lu Shengyan won't break up with that little one all day.

Once contacted, they will always leave a handle. "

Gu Qingye was bitter and couldn't tell.

She thought so at first, but things are different now.

There was an extra cub in her belly, and the beast Lan Yichen didn't let her shed it. After another month or two, she became pregnant.

How is she waiting?

Gu Qingye didn't dare to tell anyone about this, and in the face of Qiao Anlin's comfort, she could only make a vague "umh" twice.

Lower your head and bite something in the bowl.

It's still a piece of sausage.

Gu Qingye's face turned pale, her stomach surged, gritted her teeth and tried to endure it for a long time, but she still couldn't help it, retching.

more than.


Qiao Anlin was so frightened that she quickly handed her water and patted her back, "What's wrong with you?"

Gu Qingye didn't dare to let people know that she was sickening her, took a sip of water, pressed it down, and said, "It's okay.

God is more stressed and has a poor appetite. "

"You have to pay attention to your body. It's not worth making yourself so much for Lu Shengyan..."

"Hmm. I know. I'll go to the bathroom."

Qiao Anlin looked at Gu Qingye's back and frowned slightly.


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