Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1663: .Cold it

"Once I was bitten by a snake for ten years, I was afraid of the rope, Qiao Anlin, you understand this."

Gu Qingye was afraid that no matter how good he was, Qiao Anlin would sit down here, the flowers in the flower shop would not be fresh, so she drank the last orange juice.

Draw the bill and put it on the table.

"I have something to do, goodbye."

She got up and left in Qiao Anlin's complicated eyes, and never looked back.

It was not until she walked out the door for a long time and stood on the opposite side of the road that she turned around and took a look.

Qiao Anlin was still sitting where she was, her head lowered, her face buried in her palm.

Gu Qingye's heart heaved instantly.

Sad? Still regret it?

But it’s all meaningless things. She is also sad to let go of this friendship, but once the betrayal occurs,

Can't go back.

She can only wish Qiao Anlin's future, she won't be too miserable.

Gu Qingye cheered up and didn't let herself think about the things she didn’t. She went to the flower shop and bought two bunches of fresh lilies.

I went to the supermarket to buy the daily necessities I needed, went back to the apartment, put some water on the lily, and a fragrance spread instantly.

Gu Qingye couldn't help but feel much better.

Before she sat down, she took out her bank card and passbook, and worked out her account.

Her savings are enough to make her comfortable for the rest of her life.

It’s just that there’s this kid in my stomach now...

Gu Qingye's hand touched her belly subconsciously.

Raising a child should be very expensive.

Milk powder, diapers, babysitting, school, interest classes...

However, these Lan Yichen should be able to help herself, don't need to worry about her.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingye eased a lot.

She turned on the computer and went to see the resume that she had submitted before.

Because of her pregnancy, most companies didn't hire her. Gu Qingye was disappointed but couldn't help it.

She is not a person who is used to being a rice bug at home. If she doesn't find something to do, she feels uncomfortable.

In the evening, Lan Yichen suddenly called her to eat out.

She changed her clothes and went out in a hurry.

When I arrived at the restaurant, I found out that Lan Yichen was not the only one.

Opposite him sat a woman and a child.

Approximately five years old.

The little guy is dressed in a small suit and looks good and handsome.

"this is……"

"My cousin, Lin Wanxi."

Lan Yichen faintly introduced, "This is my nephew. It's a connotation, calling someone."

Lin Yici held a water glass, raised his head and called out, "Auntie."

Gu Qingye's feet are soft.

"I, I'm not your aunt!"

"Uncle said you are."

"I really am not."

Gu Qingye glared at Lan Yichen, "Don't talk nonsense in front of children."

"What am I talking about? I am pregnant with my child, isn't it my aunt?"

Gu Qingye chose to shut her mouth.

She silently looked at the mother and son opposite, the little boy gave birth to very beautiful, although the eyebrows are still very immature, not long

Open, but the bones are very good. When they grow up, they will not lose to Lan Yichen’s looks. As for Lan Yichen’s cousin, she is also a face

Rong Qing's cold beauty is a little hard to approach.

A meal, because of Lan Yichen's family, Gu Qing made it very uncomfortable.

Gu Qingye breathed a sigh of relief until Lin Wanxi took the child away.


Lan Yichen looked at Gu Qingye who was wiping sweat with a teasing expression.

"Aren't you nonsense?" Gu Qingye gave him a white glance.

Lan Yichen walked up to her, stretched out a handkerchief to wipe her forehead, chuckled, "Just a cousin makes this nervous

So, if you want to see my father in the future, you won't even have to breathe. "

"I didn't promise to marry you, why should I meet your father?"

"My father wanted to see his grandson's mother. Is it a strange request?"

Lan Yichen's words made Gu Qingye speechless.

Is this man really sent by God to deal with her?

Gu Qingye is in a bad mood today. He could still argue with him in the past, but today he is not in a mood at all.

Lan Yichen looked at Gu Qingye, whose head was wilting, frowning, "What's the matter?"

Gu Qingye sighed, "I submitted no reply to the resume."

"Normally, who would hire a pregnant woman."

Gu Qingye glanced at him, "I don't need you to remind me, and I don't know who it is. I can't even find a job for me."

"Can I not support you?"

"These are two different things, okay?" Gu Qingye was angry. "Work will bring people a sense of accomplishment. Just stay at home...

I can't stand it. "

She used to be in the Lu family, and she also went out to work, resolutely not being a young grandmother.

Lan Yichen didn't speak for a while, but after a long time, he spoke.

"Which companies have you invested in?"

"My major is media. I have submitted resumes for several companies in this area. Fenghai Company, Jinrui Company..."

Gu Qingye made a special mention of her pregnancy in her resume, so no one has replied to her yet.

"Oh, I see."

Lan Yichen replied solemnly.

Gu Qingye had a meal, what did he know?

Lan Yichen sent Gu Qingye back to the apartment.

"Want to come up and sit down?"

He took the initiative to send himself back, and Gu Qingye asked politely.

She thought that Lan Yichen, a busy man, would not have time, but she did not expect that Lan Yichen got out of the car.


"Fuck, I just said, can you..."

"What can you do?" Lan Yichen looked over coldly, "Don't tell me, you didn't sincerely invite me to go up."

Gu Qingye persuaded.

"No, no, how could it be possible, it's just that my place is small, I'm afraid it's not blue enough for you to stretch your legs..."

"Don't worry, my legs are not that long."

Lan Yichen interrupted Gu Qingye directly.

Gu Qingye was helpless, this Lan Yichen was so difficult to take care of.

It's all because of his own cheap mouth, so why do you invite him to do?

Gu Qingye reluctantly led Lan Yichen back.

When the door was opened, Lan Yichen couldn't help but twitched twice.

There were several pairs of crooked shoes by the feet, and various clothes on the floor, all in a mess.

Lan Yichen is obsessed with cleanliness, and his eyes sink immediately.

"You don't know how to find a part-time worker to help you clean up?"

Gu Qingye was embarrassed to pick up clothes in front.

She didn't know that Lan Yichen was coming, otherwise it would have been cleaned up long ago.

Throwing the clothes into the room, Gu Qingye said, "Sit down first, and I will make you a cup of tea."

Lan Yichen sat down on the sofa, and then he felt that something was sitting on, and took a look--

A black silk bra.

A faint fragrance also poured into his nose.

Lan Yichen's lower abdomen tightened involuntarily.

When Gu Qingye walked out of the kitchen with a glass of water, the first thing he saw was the man holding his **** corset.

The screen staring carefully.

Gu Qingye; ! ! !

She ran over in three steps and two steps, snatched her bodice and put it in her arms.

"You are perverted!"

"Who made you mess around?"

Seeing Gu Qingye's red face almost dripping with blood, Lan Yichen felt very interesting in her heart, and couldn't bear it.

Lived evokes a playful smile.

"Don't hide, I've seen it when you are wearing it. What's the use of hiding this now?"

Gu Qingye couldn't say a word of embarrassment, praying to Lan Yichen to shut up quickly.

"You can leave early after you drink your tea. It's so late."

However, God is like Gu Qingye fighting against him. As soon as his voice fell, there was a thunderstorm outside, followed by heavy rain.


Thinking that Lan Yichen's car was still parked a little far away, Gu Qingye could only find an umbrella for Lan Yichen.

However, she just moved here, and many daily necessities are not complete.

Gu Qingye found tragically that there was no umbrella at home.

Gu Qingye smiled and asked Lan Yichen, "Why don't you leave until the rain stops?"

Lan Yichen looked at him coldly, "Otherwise, you just want to get caught in the rain?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that."

Gu Qingye shook her head again and again, and was scolded by Lan Yichen in her heart. She could only expect the rainstorm to pass quickly.

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