Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1664: .out of control

But until ten o'clock in the evening, the rain outside did not mean to stop, instead it was getting heavier.

Gu Qingye didn't know what to do, but Lan Yichen on the sofa suddenly got up.

Gu Qingye's eyes lit up.

"Young Master Lan, are you leaving? Then go slowly and don't give it away. Come and play often when you have time."

Lan Yichen:...

"Can't you see such heavy rain outside?"

Does this woman really want to go by herself?

He didn't let him get what he wanted.

Gu Qingye was puzzled.

"Master Lan, what do you mean?"

"I'm going to sleep."

Gu Qingye clasped her shoulders subconsciously, "Are you going to spend the night here?"


"I am in the same room!"

The guest room next door has long been changed into a utility room by her.

"I know, it's not impossible to squeeze. We have slept together anyway."

Gu Qingye's chin was about to fall.

"Well, Young Master Lan, you see the difference between men and women, what happened last time was actually an accident, right?" Gu

Aoba looked pleased, "If you have to stay and sleep, it's not impossible, you see, I will make a floor for you..."

"You let me Lan Yichen go to my floor shop?"

Is she kidding?

Gu Qingye persuaded, "Okay, then you sleep in the bedroom, can I hit the floor?"

"No, how can I let my child sleep on the ground."

Gu Qingye is now sure that Lan Yichen is really good, and God sent her specially to torture her!

"Don’t worry, if it weren’t for rain outside, I wouldn’t stay here. After all, I’m sleeping on the same bed with you.

Fear, what did you do to me in the middle of the night. "

"Don't worry, you are naked, and I won't look at you."

"I hope you can remember your words."

Lan Yichen sneered.

Gu Qingye and Lan Yichen took a shower, then went to the bedroom.

Gu Qingye's bed is not very big. When a big man of about 1.8 meters slept on it, he almost occupied half of the seat.

Gu Qingye hasn't slept with a man before.

She was once a married young woman after all.

Although Lu Shengyan had never touched her, he also had the experience of spending the night together.

But Gu Qingye swears that she has never been so nervous before.

The little heart throbbed wildly, almost popping out of his throat.

Gu Qingye was embarrassed again.

"Master Lan, actually I just discovered that the sofa in the living room sleeps very softly."

"I don't like sleeping on the sofa. It's too small to stretch my legs." Lan Yichen rejected this possibility.

Gu Qingye silently rolled her eyes in her heart.

Hehehe, the **** in the pool can stretch his legs, why don't you go?

As soon as Lan Yichen looked at Gu Qingye's expression, she knew what the woman was complaining in her heart again, looking at her in a chilly manner.

"what are you thinking?"


"Are you scolding me in your heart?"

"How... how!"

Gu Qingye would never admit it.

"I'm thinking, since Young Master Lan can't stretch your legs, I can do it, so you see if you want to go to the sofa..."

Gu Qingye picked up the quilt and pillow.

"No, what if you fall down in the middle of the night and hit your stomach and hurt me?"

"No, no, young Lan, why is your seed so delicate."

Gu Qingye smiled "hehe".

Lan Yichen squinted his eyes, "Gu Qingye, if you talk nonsense, it will definitely not be a matter of sleep tonight."

"Then... what's that?"

As soon as Lan Yichen pulled her quilt, Gu Qingye "poofed" and fell on the bed, turning over to face Lan Yichen deeply.

Kind pupils.

"Lone man and widow, what else can you say?"

Gu Qingye's mouth twitched.

Yaoshou, this beast.

Are you afraid of hurting your child now?

Forget it, forbearance was calm for a while.

Gu Qingye was lying on the other side of the bed holding the quilt.

She doesn't have the habit of going to bed early, and there is a man who is not familiar with her at the moment, making her very nervous.

Gu Qingye's brain was very confused, and his heart couldn't calm down, so he just picked up the phone to watch variety shows.

The funny variety show eased her anxiety, and Gu Qingye gradually forgot the existence of Lan Yichen.

When I was looking at it, a slender hand suddenly stretched out from behind, and easily took Gu Qingye’s phone

Took it.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Qingye was fascinated by it and wanted to get her phone back.

Lan Yichen placed the phone on the cabinet on the other side, and gently pressed his cold palm to Gu Qingye's forehead.

It's like coaxing a child, "Hey, you should rest early when you are pregnant. You can't keep playing with your phone."

Gu Qingye's eyes turned round.

"I want to watch variety shows."

"what is that?"

Lan Yichen had obviously never seen it.

Gu Qingye said concisely, "It's just something funny..."

"It's late, the phone has radiation, so watch less."


Lan Yichen frowned, "Isn't that just a funny thing? I'll tell you a joke."

Gu Qingye was shocked, can this guy tell jokes?

Lan Yichen pretended not to see the suspicion in her eyes, softly throated, and said, "There was a shark before. He ate it.

One mung bean then becomes mung bean paste. "

After Lan Yichen finished speaking, he smiled.

Gu Qingye:...

I am amused by myself, which is also amazing.

Let's talk about cold jokes, she has heard it in kindergarten, right?

Lan Yichen is watching Qingye here, the woman is not happy, her expression is quite difficult to say, and she is surprised with a trace of contempt.

Contempt is mixed with a hint of disdain.

"Why, it's not fun?"

"You'd better return the phone to me."

"No, sleep."

Lan Yichen refused directly.

"Okay, just go to bed."

Gu Qingye covered herself in the quilt.

The man reached out and turned off the light, and soon the room fell silent.

She was just looking at the phone with her full attention, and now in this atmosphere, the senses all over her body became extremely keen.

Gu Qingye could clearly feel the warm body temperature of the man behind him, as well as the breathless breath.

Damn, is this too close?

She couldn't sleep at all.

Gu Qingye held her breath, and moved to her side visibly.

Before long, she felt that the man behind her seemed to move, getting closer to herself.

Gu Qingye could only gritted his teeth and moved there again.

In this way, over and over again, I don't know how many times have passed.

A deep voice suddenly rang in my ears, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter in the darkness, dangerous and suffocating.

"If you hide again, you will fall."

Gu Qingye's body froze for an instant.

When Lan Yichen spoke, the heat sprayed on the skin near her ears.

She can imagine how long the distance between her and Lan Yichen is now, and what kind of ambiguous posture he uses

Speak for yourself.

Gu Qingye didn't dare to move.

Don't even dare to breathe.

Until a hand caught her waist, the whole person was turned over and turned around.

She felt that she was hugged by Lan Yichen.

"You...what are you doing?"

Gu Qingye's head "buzzed".

Lonely man and widow, this is really too ambiguous and abnormal.

Didn’t you take the night?

Who will tell her, shouldn't it be like this when staying overnight?

"it's raining outside."

"I, I know."

"So it's cold, you are warm."

Gu Qingye's face turned dark, so he was used as a heater?

She struggled, "I'll turn on the air conditioner for you."

"I don't like air conditioning. People who blow it will lack water."

Gu Qingye:...

Lan Yichen didn't want to use such a bad reason, but he couldn't help it.

He was a little out of control tonight.

Obviously, it doesn’t matter if he runs back in the rain. He is a man, who would fall under the rain?

But by the way, the ghost wanted to stay.

He underestimated his ability to endure. The woman around him was soft and didn't know what shower gel was used.

There was a light fragrance that smelled very good, stirring his nerves one after another.

He is a normal man, a man who has endured for a long time.

A man who used to drive meat.

So, he lost control, and didn't know what happened, so he caught her in his arms.

Just hug, she is pregnant, what will he do to her after all.

Thinking of this, Lan Yichen couldn't help tightening his hands again.

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