Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1714: .A familiar figure

She turned around with complicated emotions and walked towards the yard. She did not expect to meet Aunt Liu head-on.

She looked a little lonely, but smiled and said hello: "Qingqing, where are you going this time?

Why are you not at home?"

Hearing this, Gu Qingye hid the money behind her, and then softly explained: "My daughter has a fever, so I took her

Went to the hospital for a few days. "

Suddenly, Aunt Liu asked with a worried face: "So what's going on now? It's not a trivial matter that a child has a fever.

"It's okay, don't worry." Gu Qingye explained softly.

Aunt Liu nodded in relief.

Seeing that Aunt Liu seemed to be going out, Gu Qingye asked casually, "Are you going out?"

Aunt Liu nodded: "Yes, didn’t I tell you that my son is back? He is about to leave, saying that he is asking me

Lived for a few days in the past. "

Gu Qingye didn't take it seriously, but exhorted: "Then you will be careful on the road."

Immediately afterwards, she squeezed the money back into the house, just looking at the money, Gu Qingye felt a little uncomfortable.

She chose to leave with the child at the beginning, but she was just gambling. She was very afraid, very afraid that Lan Yichen was just

Because he wanted the child to save his sister, he chose to stay with her and give birth to Lan Yuan.

But now, after she escaped with the child in spite of it, she found that she even gave the child a stable life

Can't do it.

Because the child is still young, she has to take her with her everything, and can only use the little savings she had before to make a living.

But this is not a long-term solution.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingye frowned and sighed softly.

In a convenience store, two people came in and seemed to be chatting.

"Have you heard that Lan Yichen, the president of the Lan Group recently, seems to have some physical problems, even

Yu Zai asked an expert for consultation, and now the entire Lan Group is panicking, afraid that something will happen. "

Another person didn’t believe it, and asked, “No? It’s not like watching him respond in a good mood some time ago.

Are you interviewed by a magazine? "

"I think the news is reliable. I heard that he has a sick sister, and I don’t know what the disease is.

If there is a medical history, it is not unusual for him to have physical problems. "

While they were talking, the two people picked good things, put them at the cashier, and waited for a while, only to find the cashier

The young lady didn't move for a while, and suddenly reminded: "Hey, pay the bill."

However, the young cashier standing there didn't seem to hear him, and he was wondering something.

One of them was a bit irritable, and suddenly raised his voice and said, "Are you deaf? I said I don't understand paying the bill?"

At this moment, a petite little girl walked quickly from the side and immediately smiled and said to the two people: "No.

Meaning, I will settle it for you here. "After speaking, she started to settle those things.

"A total of 108." The little girl said with a smile, her tone cheerful.

After the two people gave the money and left with their things, the little girl immediately confronted the year who stood by and didn’t know what she was thinking.

The light woman said, "Qingqing, what's the matter with you? Is it uncomfortable?"

Hearing this, Gu Qingye turned her head to look at the little girl standing beside her, and shook her head: "Sorry, I might

Some are not in the state, I'm really sorry. "

The girl’s name is Lin Lin. She is a young girl with a cheerful personality, quick work, and enthusiasm.

Gu Qingye, who had just come here to work for a few days, gave a lot of help.

Regarding Gu Qingye’s words, she waved her hand indifferently and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay, you don’t have to tell me to hug.

I apologize, but I don’t think you look good. If you feel uncomfortable, you can go back first. Anyway, there will be two more later.

We closed in a few hours. "

The night was filled outside, and it was already close to late night at this moment.

Gu Qingye had some concerns about the child, but she couldn't let Lin Lin a little girl stay in the store, so she just

Take out the cell phone and dial out.

The phone was quickly connected, and Aunt Liu's slightly sleepy voice came: "Qingqing, the child is okay, sleeping soundly.

Well, you don't need to worry. "

Hearing Aunt Liu say this, Gu Qingye's heart fell, and then said to Aunt Liu on the other end: "Ah.

Thank you, Auntie, for interrupting your sleep. "

"It's okay, you have worked hard too."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Qingye held the phone, looked at the deep night outside, and stood still for a while.

She took a job as a cashier in a convenience store near her home the other day. When she went to work, she temporarily

Raised in Aunt Liu’s house, and Aunt Liu is also a person who likes children very much, so she agreed to Gu Qingye without saying anything.


But now, what entangled in her heart was not the nun, but what the two people said just now.

Lan Yichen asked an expert for consultation?

Isn't he in good health all the time? How can he ask an expert for consultation?

She stood in the dark, her brows wringed tightly.

At exactly this time, she heard a very familiar voice saying: "Tomorrow, Mr. Lan has no way to go for the project in Lanzhou.

Go, you send a few more people to follow to make sure that you have nothing to lose. "

"Good Assistant Jiang."

Soon after, the two people entered the convenience store.

Gu Qingye couldn't believe it, she didn't expect to meet Jiang Hui here.

After a while, Jiang Hui walked out of the convenience store.

Gu Qingye was a little afraid that he would find himself, so the whole person hid in the dark, but the person who followed Jiang Hui

Question: "By the way, Assistant Jiang, I have always heard that President Lan is not in good health recently. Is there such a thing?"

Hearing this, Jiang Hui stopped, with a slightly cold expression on his face; "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, just do your business well."

Seeing that the expression on Jiang Hui's face was not right, the man didn't dare to ask more, and silently followed behind him and walked forward.

After the two left, Gu Qingye walked out of the dark, then turned and entered the convenience store.

After Lin Lin saw Gu Qingye, she was a little excited and gossiping with Gu Qingye: "Qingqing, do you know that I

I just saw a super handsome man, my God, it's so attractive! "

Gu Qingye’s first reaction was that that person should be Jiang Hui, because Jiang Hui’s face is indeed the one who can bluff people.

Kind of, but when Lan Yichen appeared, that face suddenly faded.

That person, like a round of high hanging sun, is the focus of attention wherever he goes.

"Really, it's a pity, I didn't see it." She matched the little girl's innocent thoughts appropriately and let out a pity


"Yeah, I just kept thinking, why didn't you come back? If you come back, you will be surprised.

It's so handsome! "

Gu Qingye didn't speak any more, but looked at today's list in the computer and settled the account.

In my mind, I was thinking that Jiang Hui was extremely taboo to mention Lan Yichen's appearance. Could it be that something happened to his body?

In the middle of the night, the night was a bit dense. I don’t know when it was outside. A layer of mist came up.

Favor can't help but shudder.

Gu Qingye wrapped her coat tightly and walked forward quickly.

What I want to read in my heart is all the girls I haven't seen for nearly a day.

However, when she walked quickly out of the yard in front of her house, she found a familiar car parked there, and beside the car, standing

An extremely familiar figure.

At that moment, Gu Qingye thought to himself, today is really a fleeting disadvantage, and I can meet acquaintances wherever I go.

And that person, seemingly sensitive to Gu Qingye's gaze, turned around like that.

"Just got off work?"

Shen Mo turned his head and smiled brightly at her.

"How did you come?"

Gu Qingye walked over quickly.

"I wanted to come and see the nun, but the aunt inside refused to let me in. She also said that she would call the police to catch me."

Shen Mo looked helpless.

Gu Qingye was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly explained, "That's Aunt Liu. I asked her to help me look at her daughter.

Class, there is really no time. "

"She is a good person."

"Yes, the rent is also very cheap." Gu Qingye led the way, "Come in, I also want to pick up my daughter and return to the house."


Gu Qingye took him upstairs and knocked on the wooden door. Soon Aunt Liu came out yawning.

"Qingqing, are you back? It's late to get off work today."

"Well, the store is a bit busy." Gu Qingye was a little embarrassed.

When Aunt Liu saw Shen Mo behind Gu Qingye, she was visibly shocked.


"Oh, Aunt Liu, let me introduce to you, he is my friend, Shen Mo."

Shen Mo nodded, "Hello Aunt Liu."

Aunt Liu was a little embarrassed, "Oh, I'm really embarrassed, I thought you were here to grab the child, right?

Get up, boy. "

Shen Mo smiled and shook his head.

"Well, Aunt Liu, where's the daughter?"

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