Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1715: .You got the wrong person


"She didn't bother you today, did she?"

"No, the girl is the best."

Gu Qingye walked in and saw the girl sleeping on the sofa, her long eyelashes trembling with her breathing.

The face is also pink and tender.

As soon as she saw her daughter, Gu Qingye felt that her exhaustion from the whole day was gone.

She picked up her daughter, "Thank you, Aunt Liu."

"Don't thank me, and my son will pick me up tomorrow, so I can't help you take care of her."

Gu Qingye nodded, "No matter what, thank you for helping me take care of my daughter."

Aunt Liu's eyes fell strangely on Shen Mo at the door.

"Qingqing, tell me honestly, is he..."

Gu Qingye reacted, shook her head hurriedly, and replied in a low voice, "No, he is not his father."

Aunt Liu's voice became lower and lower, "Then you have to seize the opportunity, I think your friend is very caring, and I know

Come to see the child, isn't it more responsible than the father of the daughter? You listen to Auntie, you are single with children, not allowed

For those who are easy to find, you have to hurry up and don't let this opportunity pass. "

Shen Mo was standing at the door, and Gu Qingye was inconvenient to explain so much to Aunt Liu, she was doing it for her own good, she couldn’t

It chilled her, so she said, "I see, Aunt Liu."

Gu Qingye walked out the door holding the baby, and Shen Mo naturally wanted to carry the bag for her.

Gu Qingye paused, then handed the sundries to him so that he could free up two hands to hold the child

"Aunt Liu, thank you for this time."

"It's okay."

Only then did Gu Qingye carry the child back to her rental house.

The room is very small, but it is very clean. Shen Mo, a man who is about 1.8 meters tall, is standing in the small room.

It was a bit crowded and pitiful.

"Sorry, I am very small here."

"It's okay, small is very warm."

Gu Qingye sent the child back to the room, and came out again, "Sit down and I will make tea for you. There is no tea at home, warm water

May I? "

"I can do it."

Soon, a cup of warm water was passed to Shen Mo's hand. He took it and asked, "Aunt Liu is leaving tomorrow?"

He also vaguely heard some of the conversation just now.

"Well, her son will take her to live for a while."

Shen Mo frowned, "Isn't there no one to help you look at the nun, what are you going to do?"

Gu Qingye was helpless, "I took a day off, and tomorrow I will see if there is a nursery nearby..."

"The girl is still so small, how can I go to such a place?"

Gu Qingye was even more helpless, "This is also something that can't be helped."

She can't help but go to work.

"In this way, you put the nanny with me."

"What?" Gu Qingye paused.

Seeing Gu Qingye hesitating, Shen Mo continued to explain: "I live near here, and I work at home.

Office, there is a lot of free time, if you are not at ease, you can follow me to see. "

Gu Qingye did not immediately agree. To be honest, she has a basic human defense instinct for Shen Mo, although this

For a while, Shen Mo had been taking care of her, but she didn't know enough about this man.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingye chuckled and changed the subject: "Have you eaten tonight? Would you like me to make you a supper?"

When Shen Mo saw Gu Qingye saying this, his eyes moved slightly, and then he asked instead, "Are you?

Didn't eat dinner? "

Gu Qingye nodded. In order to save money, she basically doesn’t eat outside, and often comes back at night.

Just do something to fill your stomach.

"Then I will do something for you?" Shen Mo smiled and asked her for advice.

"No, no, no, let me do it, you can help me look at the girl, if she doesn’t sleep well, you can help

I just pat her. "

He looks like a person who can cook.

After Gu Qingye finished speaking, without giving Shen Mo a chance to react, he quickly walked towards the small kitchen.

While Shen Mo stood in the living room, looking at the busy figure of Gu Qingye in the small kitchen, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, his eyes hanging

Wipe a clear smile.

About ten minutes later, Gu Qingye brought two bowls of fragrant noodles, and each bowl of noodles was covered with a pouch.

Egg, it looks pretty good.

"There are no ingredients in the house, only these are the only ones. It's a bit crude, so you will just eat some." Gu Qingye was a little bad.

Meaning, after all, Shen Mo helped her so much. The first time he had a meal at her house, she served a bowl of noodles.

After she worked, because the time was too rush, she often didn’t even have time to eat a good meal.

She wants to save money for her parents.

"I will invite you out for a good meal next day." Gu Qingye smiled embarrassedly.

"Okay, it's settled."

Shen Mo sat at the dining table and put a piece of noodles into his mouth with chopsticks. Although it was a little salty, it was not flawed.

Mask Yu, the taste is still very good.

Seeing Shen Mo taking a bite, Gu Qingye asked cautiously: "How is it?"

Shen Mo stretched his eyebrows and smiled at the corners of his eyes, "Very good."

Gu Qingye breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

Then he picked up his chopsticks and slowly ate his own bowl.

After dinner, it was late. Shen Mo considered that Gu Qingye had to go to work tomorrow, so he didn't stay too much.

Just before leaving, he still said to Gu Qingye who sent her out: "You can think about my previous

proposal. "After speaking, his figure melted into the night.

Gu Qingye was left standing at the door, feeling dazed and embarrassed.

Early the next morning, because it was Gu Qingye's turn to take a holiday today, she began to look for a full care nearby on the Internet.

After finding a few places with prices and addresses close to here, Gu Qingye took her daughter to check the scene.

Soon, Gu Qingye found the address of the first full-care facility, and the front desk enthusiastically invited her in and sent

Dedicated to explain.

The environment here looks very messy. Many children are still crawling on the ground unattended. Gu Qingye is worried about her daughter.

It's not safe to put the girl here, so I left after a short time.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Qingye planned to go to the second house, but he didn’t know if it was a coincidence or what, so the taxi waited on the right.

It never comes.

She took out her mobile phone and planned to call a car.

After Gu Qingye left Lan Yichen's side, he completely stopped the original mobile phone card and changed another card.

Can only be used to make calls, almost all social software has not been registered.

Lan Yichen is so powerful that she was able to take her out of the country, put her under house arrest on a desert island, and find herself through her ID number.

It is not difficult for him.

While looking at the phone, Gu Qingye held her daughter in one hand. She leaned against Gu Qingye’s arms, with big round eyes.

Looking at her curiously, fingers playing with her hair, drooling in her mouth, babbling.

At this moment, there was a black Mercedes passing by, but that car was not far from passing by Gu Qingye.

That stopped.

Just when Gu Qingye was anxious, why didn't he hear a trembling in his ear but couldn't believe it

Voice: "Ye'er."

Gu Qingye thought she had heard it wrong, but when she raised her eyes, she saw the middle-aged man walking towards her on the left front.

When the man looked at himself with excitement.

Without even thinking about it, she hugged her and turned around and walked quickly in the opposite direction.

The middle-aged man grabbed her and said eagerly and tremblingly: "Don't you even recognize your father? You

Do you know, how long has father been looking for you? "

Gu Qingye hugged the baby girl in her arms tightly, her voice even choked down, avoiding Gu Ronghai's eyes, and she spoke coldly.

Response: "Sorry, you should be the one who admitted the wrong person."

After speaking, she wanted to leave, but Gu Ronghai stretched out his hand to hold her tightly, eyes full of pain: "Are you not?

It's my own child, I can tell it at a glance, even if you change a lot, I can recognize it. "

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