Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1745: .Do not like to have outsiders

Lan Yichen had fainted a long time ago, and closed his eyes motionless.

Gu Qingye was helpless, she couldn't move Lan Yichen, so she could only go to the bedroom and took a quilt to Lan Yichen under her, and then gave it to Lan Yichen.

He closed it tightly.

Put a wet towel on Lan Yichen's forehead to cool him down.

There is a bag on the table with some medicine in it.

Probably Lan Yichen was unwell and bought it herself.

It hasn't moved.

"Really..." Gu Qingye looked at Lan Yichen's abnormal face, and sighed helplessly, "I remember when I bought the medicine.

Is it silly to eat, buy it and not eat it? "

She stared at Lan Yichen's face and said in a low voice, "Yes, it's all burned like this, it's not stupid."

Gu Qingye wanted to find some hot water to feed him medicine, but he did not expect to find it for a while, only to find that Lan Yichen didn't even have hot water here.

This man... really wants to toss himself to death, right?

"Go to the hospital if you are sick... What's the matter of being bored at home? Will the illness be cured?"

Gu Qingye went to the kitchen to search for a long time, only to find a working electric kettle and boil a pot of boiling water out.

Then I found a small bag of unopened rice from the kitchen, washed it, put it in the pot and added water to cook the porridge, and waited for the water to boil before taking it.

Take out the pills and feed Lan Yichen a little bit.

After taking the medicine, Lan Yichen's high fever was controlled. At night, the high fever finally subsided.

Gu Qingye has been busy for a long time, touching Lan Yichen's forehead, which has returned to normal temperature, and can be regarded as relieved.

When Lan Yichen opened his eyes, he found that he didn't know when, he was sweating and his body was sticky.

Yes, and still sleeping on... the floor? He lifted the quilt and got up to walk towards the bathroom, but he heard the kitchen

There was movement in the room.

When he opened the door, he saw Gu Qingye working in the kitchen, and there were some delicious dishes on the dining table.

Side dishes, they look pretty good.

He was stunned for a moment, and he didn't even think that Gu Qingye would come over.

The next second, he turned around and walked back to the original place, lying back silently.

And Gu Qingye, who was busy in the kitchen, opened the door of the room and walked in. At a glance, he saw that he was still asleep in bed.

Lan Yichen, she walked up to him and reached out to touch his forehead.

Fortunately, the fever did not continue, it seems that there is no major problem.

The hanging heart finally fell. She sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out her hand and patted his face, and said softly, "Lan Yi

Dust, get up. "

Lan Yichen pretended to frown and opened his eyes. Then, when he saw Gu Qingye sitting in front of him, his voice was dumb.

Zi said, "Why are you here?"

When Gu Qingye heard this, he pretended to be a posture, and there was no excessive expression on his face. "It's nothing, just

I heard that you have a high fever, so come and see if you are dead. "

Upon seeing this, Lan Yichen suddenly covered his heart, frowned, and a trace of pain flashed across his eyebrows.

Seeing the painful and struggling expression on his face, Gu Qingye suddenly panicked, and even his tone became impatient: "What

Up? Is it uncomfortable? "

Lan Yichen covered his heart, shook his head, did not speak, but frowned very tightly.

Gu Qingye got up from the bed anxiously and said, "I'll call an ambulance."

But as soon as she stood up, she was dragged back with a strong force, and then the whole person fell into a warm and firm

Hard in the chest.

She wanted to keep it open, but Lan Yichen, who was holding her, sighed slightly and said, "Ye'er, now that you have

Leave me? obviously care about me. "

Gu Qingye frowned and stretched out his hand to push him: "You let me go, Lan Yichen, you let me go!"

However, Lan Yichen held her tightly and refused to let go, even with a touch of moving expression in her tone:

"I won't let go, Ye Er, can you forgive me, I know, I was wrong."

Gu Qingye struggled for a long time, and heard Lan Yichen’s soft voice. Somewhere in his heart, it seemed to be hit.

But unable to respond for a while.

And Lan Yichen continued: "During this period, I thought about it carefully. At the beginning, I was indeed too arbitrary, even

Taking into account your mood, you just want to go your own way. I'm sorry, Ye Er, will we have a better life in the future? "

Although Gu Qingye was a little touched in her heart, she still sneered stiffly, "How could you, Young Master Lan, be wrong? It's me."

He stretched out his hand and hugged her tighter, even his tone was soft, with a little flattering: "I know you still

Blame me, what you do to me, hit me and scold me, okay, Ye Er? "

Gu Qingye leaned in his arms and did not speak.

Lan Yichen didn't speak, and just hugged her quietly.

After a long while, Gu Qingye said, "Okay, the porridge will be cold after holding it down."

Lan Yichen just let go of her slightly, stretched out her hand to hold her, and said to her: "Okay, let's go eat first."

Gu Qingye didn’t say it was bad, and stood up with Lan Yichen, and the two of them sat down in the dining room. Gu Qingye replaced Lan Yichen.

He took a bowl of boiled white porridge, put it in front of him, and then said: "You just have a fever, so drink some white porridge, warm

Warm your stomach. "

Lan Yichen looked at the thick white porridge in front of him, then raised his eyes and asked: "Did you make it?"

Gu Qingye served himself a bowl, then nodded: "Yes, otherwise who do you think made it?"

Upon hearing this, Lan Yichen raised his eyes and filled with an extremely spoiled smile and said, "It's hard for you."

When he lived with her, he never wanted her to cook, but today, in order to take care of herself, she actually

Cooked myself.

Gu Qingye didn't think it was too much. After serving the porridge, he sat down again and said to Lan Yichen, "It's hard to know

Get well quickly and don't always trouble others. "

When Lan Yichen heard this, he chuckled and said, "I'm happy to be bothered by you, but I don't know if you can give me this

Opportunity. "

Gu Qingye really thinks that Lan Yichen is the watt of his head, so he feels that being troubled is a particularly lucky thing.

Therefore, she didn't pay attention to him at all, and drank the porridge silently.

The porridge seemed to be cooked well, at least she was quite satisfied, soft and sticky, with a good taste.

Where is Lan Yichen drinking porridge gracefully, Gu Qingye sometimes finds it strange, why Lan Yichen has a meal

They are all so good-looking, and there is a hint of extravagance in every gesture.

"Did you make this side dish yourself?" On the plate in front of you, there are some refreshing side dishes, which look very strange.

Wrong, I tasted it, sweet and sour, the taste is very good.

"Well, there are no other ingredients in your refrigerator, so I can only make two of them." she said,


Lan Yichen raised his eyebrows and asked in a timely manner: "Would you like to go to the supermarket to buy something later?"

He usually doesn't cook by himself, so he really hasn't paid attention to what ingredients are in the refrigerator.

Gu Qingye directly refused: "No, I will leave later."

Anyway, Lan Yichen’s fever has gone away. Seeing that he is alive and kicking, even speaking is full of energy, so Gu Qing

Ye felt that there was no need for him to stay any longer.

Upon hearing this, Lan Yichen lowered his eyes slightly, with obvious loss on his face: "Are you leaving so soon?"

Perhaps aware of the other party’s low tone, Gu Qingye raised her eyes and glanced at Lan Yichen. Seeing him, it was obvious.

He looked disappointed, although his heart softened, but he just didn't say a word.

"I usually live here. I basically don’t eat dinner. I open the refrigerator occasionally and look at the empty molds inside.

In this way, thinking about it, I just make do. "He explained lightly, as if he was talking about insignificant things.

As long as Gu Qingye thinks of him coming back from get off work, exhausted, but can't even eat a warm meal, he feels

I felt a little uncomfortable.

"You are not short of money? Isn't it difficult to spend money to invite an aunt who cooks?"

"I don't like the presence of outsiders here." Lan Yichen finished speaking, covering his forehead with some pain, "Ah, a headache..."

Gu Qingye sighed, "Then you eat quickly, we'll go to the supermarket later."

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