Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1746: .How can it be impossible?

Seeing Gu Qingye's agreement, Lan Yichen gave a slight smile on the corner of his lips, and then whispered, "Okay."

After the two had eaten, Lan Yichen drove Gu Qingye to a nearby supermarket.

After entering, Gu Qingye pushed the cart, then walked towards the vegetable area, and randomly selected it.

Hurry, there was a lot of stuff inside. In the end, Lan Yichen stopped her from continuing to put her hand in the cart.

The voice said: "I can't eat so much by myself."

Gu Qingye seemed to have just reacted, and then nodded: "Yes, I forgot."

She just thought, do more, so that next time his refrigerator will not be empty, and he won't have nothing to eat when he comes back.

Seeing Gu Qingye's cute look that seemed to have just reacted in a daze, Lan Yichen's lips smiled, and he reached out and touched it.

Touching Gu Qingye's loose long hair, holding her hand warmly, leading her forward: "Okay, we

Go pick other things. "

The two of them strolled in the supermarket for a long time. When they finally came out, even though Lan Yichen repeatedly stopped them, they still took a long time.

The things in the car, those things, are enough for him to eat for half a year.

But Gu Qingye seemed to be very interested.

"You choose so many, do you really want me not to move back?"

Gu Qingye was startled.

Lan Yichen said again, "It's okay, you and your nanny can also move here, my place is very big."

Gu Qingye's expression was a little unnatural.

When I finished shopping and went back, it was not early. Gu Qingye glanced at the time, she really was going to leave, so,

She said to Lan Yichen: "It's not early, I will go back first."

Lan Yichen stretched out her hand, took her hand and said, "I will go back with you."

Seeing this, Gu Qingye asked with some doubts: "You won't live in the apartment anymore?"

Seeing Gu Qingye's dazed appearance, Lan Yichen couldn't stop chuckles: "My daughter will miss Dad."

Gu Qingye was stunned once. Indeed, since Lan Yichen moved out, she would always cry inexplicably, why?

It's not good to coax, and the little girl won't stop for a while until Lan Yichen's things are given to her daughter.

Gu Qingye knew that she missed her father.

But she didn't want to let Lan Yichen succeed so quickly, so she sneered, "The daughter is still so small, she only knows to eat and sleep.

Who would she miss? Do not make jokes. "

"Then I miss you and your daughter, can you? I'm alone...really..."

"With your word, there are thousands of women who want to plunge into your arms, stay by your side, and live with you in this man

Apartment. "She has a very meaningful tone, cool.

Lan Yichen clasped her in his arms, closed the door of the apartment, and then walked to the elevator entrance and pressed down the down exercise. He was slightly

Some helpless explanations: "But those are not what I want. The people I want never take me seriously.

Er, even if I had a fever, she just came to see me, and she was leaving me just as soon as I had a fever. "

Lan Yichen in front of him, the whole popularity is a bit weak, but he deliberately lowered his posture.

When Gu Qingye saw this, she felt a little guilty and unwilling to give up.

She tightened her brows slightly to contain the feeling in her heart, and kept telling herself that she must not be shown by Lan Yichen.

As confused, he is pretending to be pitiful now.

"Don't say that you are so pitiful, I think you are very clear." Her voice was still cold and cold, with

A hint of sneer.

The elevator opened, and he walked in with her in her arms. At the moment when the elevator door closed, he pushed the person into the elevator.

Circled in his arms, condescendingly stared at her with those deep ink eyes, with a small smile in his eyes, softly

Ask: "Am I not to be pitiful? Then how do you feel pitiful for me? Then forgive me?"

As long as she speaks out, he should be able to do it.

Gu Qingye wanted to push him away, but as soon as his hand touched his chest, he was imprisoned with one hand and then pressed

She, the distance between the two people suddenly narrowed, and in the small space, the air was about to burn in an instant.

Gu Qingye's ears were red, "There is surveillance here. If you are in heat, be careful that I am a rogue."

Lan Yichen stretched out his hand and gently pinched Gu Qingye Honghong's ear.

Gu Qingye almost stopped breathing, "I'm talking to you, don't you think you can't hear me?"

"Ye'er, I didn't joking with you." Lan Yichen looked down at her, "Really, you can't give me a chance.

? It’s not okay to look at the face of the 囡囡? "

Gu Qingye was upset, "You let me go, I'll say it again."

Just when the elevator reached the first floor, Lan Yichen could only let go of Gu Qingye first, and Gu Qingye quickly adjusted his clothes and hair.

Push him away and walk out quickly.

Lan Yichen didn't say anything, just silently following behind Gu Qingye.

The two got into the car and went all the way back to the villa.

As soon as I arrived in the living room, I saw Aunt Hang holding her nanny and teasing the little girl.

As soon as the little girl saw her parents, she immediately yelled, and she stretched out two small white hands.

Leaning towards Gu Qingye.

Obviously I want my mother to hug it.

"My daughter missed her mother, didn't she?"

Aunt Hang hurriedly handed the nun to Gu Qingye.

"Does the nanny eat well?"

Gu Qingye looked at her daughter tenderly.

"Our daughter is the best behaved, isn't it?" Lan Yichen also walked over, pinching her nose.

The little girl smiled happily.

"Don't pinch her." Gu Qingye gave him an unhappy look. "You can't pinch a child's nose, it will be ugly."

"Nonsense." Lan Yichen frowned. "My daughter of Lan Yichen will definitely be a big beauty in the future. Isn't it?

囡囡. "

Aunt Hang saw that Gu Qingye and Lan Yichen were finally able to speak peacefully, and Uncle Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Riding on the heat, he said, "By the way, Mrs. and Mrs., it’s time to take the little lady to get a vaccine, and little lady

It's time for the account to be registered. "

When Gu Qingye took the child and left the hospital in a hurry, this account has been delayed. If it weren’t for Aunt Hang

Wake up, Gu Qingye and Lan Yichen, a pair of careless novice parents, really forgot about it.

Lan Yichen looked at Gu Qingye and seemed to be asking for her opinion.

Gu Qingye's heart is heavy, and she understands that if she gives her a hukou, she is destined to stay in Lan Yichen.

Side for a lifetime.

But... the daughter is already so big, she can't be made a shady.

Gu Qingye nodded helplessly, "Name..."

"Lan Yuan." Lan Yichen reminded her, "The nickname 囡囡 is fine."

Gu Qingye glared at Lan Yichen, "It's really cheap for you."

It was unfair that the daughter she gave birth to desperately had to follow Lan Yichen's surname.

Lan Yichen saw through what Gu Qingye was thinking, and smiled and hugged her.

"If you want to have a surname with you, let's have another one. Both sons and daughters. I think my daughter and daughter must also want a younger brother.

Sister’s, isn’t it, 囡囡? "

Gu Qingye's face instantly turned red, "Who wants to have a baby with you, go outside and have another woman by yourself, I see that

Yinyin is very good, she is beautiful, she is smart, and she is more than enough to match your dignified Lan Family Young Master. "

Lan Yichen frowned, "Impossible."

"How impossible."

"It's not you, it's impossible."

Gu Qingye wanted to say something, but Lan Yichen had already raised his head and gave a soft "hush" to signal Gu Qingye not to speak.

Gu Qingye looked down. It turned out that the girl had fallen asleep in Lan Yichen's arms. The little girl seemed to like her father very much.

His chest, breathing together, slapped his lips from time to time, and his saliva was left on Lan Yichen's suit jacket.

"What did you dream of? You little cat, just like your mother."

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