"I don’t mean that, but I don’t think it’s necessary to disclose my identity. After all, you have attracted enough attention.

I don’t want people to recognize me wherever I go. It’s so inconvenient. "After all, wherever I go

Someone called Mrs. Lan, it was really a headache to think about.

Hearing this, Lan Yichen turned his face to look at her, with a trace of dark under his eyes, like an undercurrent, making it hard to see

Qing: "What? You don't want to disclose your identity, do you want some people to know it?"

Gu Qingye: "..." What was Lan Yichen thinking about all day?

In the end, Gu Qingye was led to the stage by Lan Yichen, and the spotlight hit her, causing her to narrow her eyes slightly.

Some uncomfortable stand there.

Lan Yichen picked up the microphone and stood there, with a casual expression and a light tone, but just standing there with all

A light that cannot be ignored: "Everyone!"

Suddenly, everyone looked at the stage with Lan Yichen’s voice. Gu Qingye, who was standing beside Lan Yichen, only felt

The eyes from all directions focused on him.

Suddenly, she was a little at a loss as to what to do, and even a hint of nervousness. She had thought she was

How much can be done without care.

"Today I am very grateful to all of you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the little girl’s birthday party, but at the same time, I borrowed

At the birthday party of my little girl, I also announced one thing by the way. "

As he spoke, he held Gu Qingye's hand with an unusually gentle expression on his face, looking at the person standing in front of him, obviously a little at a loss.

Gu Qingye said, “The one standing next to me is my little girl’s mother, and at the same time I

Lan Yichen will hold a woman for a lifetime. "

Suddenly, the people underneath were all talking about it, and even the eyes looking at Gu Qingye had a trace of inquiry and they didn’t dare.


After all, Gu Qingye had never found such a person in their circle before.

Seeing that everyone underneath was talking, but Lan Yichen continued in a low voice: "I and Ye'er have been married a long time ago.

Married, Ye Er is a low-key person and does not want to be public. I originally agreed with it, but I recently heard something bad

Most of you understand the voice, I, Lan Yichen, is the one who protects shortcomings the most. If you let me listen to similar things in the future

See, don’t blame me Lan Yichen for not giving you face, and I also hope that you will see her in the future, just like

Treat me well, thank you. "

After speaking, he put down the microphone, then kissed Gu Qingye's hand, and led her off the stage.

Gu Qingye has been stunned until now, and her mind has always been buzzing.

Lan Yichen seemed to be stunned when she saw her. He smiled helplessly and waved in front of her: "What's the matter?"

Gu Qingye replied in a daze: "It's nothing, I just feel that everything seems unreal."

Yes, it is not true, this is her most intuitive feeling now.

From the time the two people got married to now, she has always felt like a dream, but now, it seems that the dream suddenly

It became real.

Lan Yichen reached out and touched her hanging hair, and said softly and indulgingly: "Fool, how can it be untrue?

In fact, do you still think everything is just a dream? "

Gu Qingye really nodded: "I do feel this way."

If it had been before, she had never thought that one day she would stand beside him and be announced in front of everyone by him.

About his wife.

In the end, Lan Yichen just chuckled slightly, and then continued: "Okay, let's go pick up the daughter, after all, the child always

Can't it be untrue? "

Hearing the ridicule in Lan Yichen's tone, Gu Qingye curled his lips and said, "Hey! Are you laughing at me?"

Lan Yichen raised his eyebrows, with a clear smile in his eyes, but he responded with a serious voice: "How dare I

What? Do you think I am laughing at you? "

Seeing that the smile on his face could not be hidden at all, Gu Qingye immediately said, "You obviously laughed at me, you still said

No! "

The two of them smiled and walked forward, but no one noticed, there was a figure behind them, and they walked out of the dark.

Staring at the two leaving figures, there was a trace of loneliness in the eyes.

It was Shen Mo, who hadn’t seen him for a long time. He came over today just to see if she’s doing well until he

The moment he saw her standing on the stage, when Lan Yichen announced her identity, the shy look on her face, he finally ended

Yu determined.

In fact, she is doing well, at least staying beside Lan Yichen, she is very happy.

Because of that look, he had never seen him in the period when she was carrying the nanny.

A touch of sourness flashed in his heart, he slightly curled his lips, then slowly turned around, some things, it’s time to let go, some

People, maybe just his wishful thinking.

Gu Qingye, who was walking in front, seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly stopped, and Lan Yi who was following her

Chen, seeing her stop, raised his eyes and asked a little strangely: "What's the matter?"

Gu Qingye glanced back, there was nothing unusual about people coming and going, and then shook his head: "Nothing."

Gu Qingye and Lan Yichen walked forward for a while, but the feeling of being watched behind them still didn't dissipate.

Gu Qingye took a breath and pulled Lan Yichen's clothes, "You go first, I want to go to the bathroom."

Lan Yichen paused, then nodded, "Okay, then I will go there first."


When Lan Yichen left, Gu Qingye immediately turned around and walked back. She stood at the door of the banquet hall, and then suddenly went behind the pillar.

Face away.

My instinct for a woman told her that there was someone there.

Sure enough, the black shadow flashed quickly, and Gu Qingye quickly grabbed the man’s clothes with his hands and took him from

Pulled out from behind.

"Shen Mo?"

Seeing the thick face of the visitor, Gu Qingye's eyes widened in an instant.

How could it be Shen Mo?

"Why are you here?"

Shen Mo saw that Gu Qingye found out, his expression was a little embarrassed, but soon he let out a deep sigh.

"I heard that today is the first birthday gift for my daughter, so I came here to take a look."

Shen Mo handed a small bag in her hand to Gu Qingye, "This is a gift for her daughter, I wish her a happy and healthy

grow up. "

Gu Qingye took it in a panic, frowning, "Why didn't you go in? Why are you hiding here?"

Shen Mo chuckled, "I don't think Lan Yichen would want to see me."

Gu Qingye instantly remembered the last time Lan Yichen asked someone to beat Shen Mo, and her expression became a little uneasy and guilty, "Last time

I haven't apologized to you for the matter. Lan Yichen's temper is like that. He misunderstood the relationship between the two of us.

That's why I did it to you...Don't take it to heart. "

"Misunderstanding the relationship between us?" Shen Mo's expression was a bit ridiculous, "Ye'er, my feelings for you have never been

Shen Mo misunderstood, Lan Yichen was right. "

Gu Qingye's expression froze, she squeezed the bag in her hand, and said lowly, "Shen Mo, I'm sorry, I like it.

The person... is Lan Yichen. "

"Didn't you say you would never forgive him?"

Gu Qingye bit her lip and said with difficulty, "I'm sorry, Shen Mo."

Seeing Gu Qingye like this, Shen Mo was silent for a long time, and then chuckled softly, "Well, you don’t have to apologize to me.

This kind of thing was originally inaccurate, and could not be forced. "

"Shen Mo..."

Shen Mo smiled, "You don't need to be too nervous, I didn't want you to tell me today, I just want to come and have a look

It's just a gift. You and Lan Yichen can reconcile as before. I am very happy and wish you a family of three happy.

full. "

Unexpectedly, Shen Mo would say such words, Gu Qingye's eyes reddened slightly, "Thank you, Shen Mo."

"No need." Shen Mo gently touched Gu Qingye's hair, "In fact, you can't be your lover, you can be your brother.

Brother, if you are wronged by Lan Yichen in the future, you can also be multiple maidens to support you. "

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