Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1753: .Call Dad

Gu Qingye's eyes turned redder.

"You two, have you finished talking nonsense?"

A cold voice was like cold water in the head, suddenly came, extinguishing the warm scene.

It's Lan Yichen!

Gu Qingye turned her head in a panic, and saw Lan Yichen standing not far away coldly, her expression full of displeasure.

It's over.

Gu Qingye's face instantly paled.

Lan Yichen has never liked Shen Mo, he almost killed Shen Mo last time, and now...

Gu Qingye walked over in a panic, and subconsciously explained, "That Lan Yichen, don't get me wrong, I and Shen Mo

Nothing, he didn't come to me, he was actually...just..."

Just to come to see her?

Is this okay?

She is the jewel in Lan Yichen’s palm. He knows that Shen Mo covets his precious daughter. Lan Yichen is estimated to be even more


Gu Qingye didn't know what to say.

For a moment, he stood in place with a tangled look.

Lan Yichen looked down at the woman's difficult look, and smiled patiently, "Just what? I'm still waiting for you to explain.

Release it, hurry up. Just what? "

Gu Qingye's cold sweat was about to fall.

Shen Mo also walked over at this time, "Young Master Lan, Ye'er and I have nothing, please don't embarrass her."

Lan Yichen threw a cold eye knife over it, chilling, "Ye'er is my woman, I can make her

What, you still need Mr. Shen, an outsider to remind me? "


"Mr. Shen has such a leisurely sentiment. He came to attend the birthday ceremony of the little girl without being invited.

The injury is almost healed. "

Shen Mo's face turned quite ugly in an instant.

"Lan Yichen!"

Gu Qingye interrupted Lan Yichen unbearably.

Did this man take gunpowder? Why did it become like this when I saw Shen Mo.

For fear of what would happen if the two people continue to confront each other, Gu Qingye took Lan Yichen’s arm and turned back to me.

Shen Mo smiled, "Shen Mo, you haven't seen her in a long time, right? She is in the lounge over there. Go and see first.

Look, I will come to you later. "

Shen Mo didn't want Gu Qingye to be embarrassed, so he nodded and lifted his foot away.

Lan Yichen was dissatisfied, "Why do you want him to see her daughter, that is my daughter."

"Lan Yichen, stop making trouble, okay? I've said everything. There is nothing between Shen Mo and I. Shen Mo said

Now, starting from today, only take me..."

"Being a sister, isn't it?" Lan Yichen looked at Gu Qingye's panic explaining, and couldn't help but help her out.

Gu Qingye was taken aback, "Have you heard it all?"


Lan Yichen nodded.

Gu Qingye pinched Lan Yichen angrily, "Asshole, you heard it all, you said that just now, do you know

I know, I'm very nervous about what you did. "

"I heard it, it doesn't mean I have to believe it, sister and brother, I don't want to have an annoying brother-in-law."

Gu Qingye was helpless, and her voice was soft, "Lan Yichen, I swear to you, I really only have

You, a man, won’t like others anymore. If I had that idea for Shen Mo, I left with my daughter

I have been with Shen Mo for a few months, OK? Where is your Lan Yichen what happened..." Gu Qingye's voice filled

Full of entanglement and helplessness, "Lan Yichen, Shen Mo really helped me a lot before. I really treat him as a friend.

Don't hurt him and embarrass me, okay? "

Lan Yichen lowered his head and listened quietly, then stretched out his hand and stroked Gu Qingye's face, rubbing her a little bit with his rough fingers.

The soft lips seemed to have compromised, "I see."

He heard Gu Qingye's words to Shen Mo without a word, and no matter how nonsense, it didn't make much sense.

"Let's go, go and see the girls."

Gu Qingye was stunned for a moment, "Aren't you going to see the guests?"

"Someone will give it away, and I feel uncomfortable when I think of Shen Mo holding her nanny."

"Why are you still jealous..."

Gu Qingye couldn't help it.

When she walked into the rest room, she was already awake.

He was being held in his arms by Shen Mo, grinning sweetly.

"Ye'er." There was a gentle smile between Shen Mo's eyebrows.

The nanny who took care of the nanny interjected, "The little lady is very close to this Mr. Shen."

Lan Yichen darkened his face silently.

Shen Mo smiled and said, "My daughter used to stay with me for a while, so I must miss my uncle, right?"

The little girl clapped her hands unexpectedly.

Lan Yichen's face was even darker, and he walked over a few steps and hugged her daughter back.

Who knows, the little girl suddenly squirmed her mouth and cried loudly.

The two small hands were desperately reaching Shen Mo's side.

Lan Yichen coaxed her, "Good-natured, daddy hug you? Don't hug you strange uncle."

The little girl cried louder in an instant.

Lan Yichen was helpless, and Shen Mo smiled, "Young Master Lan, it seems that I miss my uncle very much. Give it to me."

Lan Yichen couldn't bear it because of her heart-cracking crying, she passed the child to Shen Mo.

Her tears burst into a smile, and her pink fist hooked Shen Mo's clothes on her chest.

Lan Yichen's face was even worse.

My daughter didn't want to hold it by herself, but wanted other men to hold it instead?

This kind of blow, losing hundreds of millions of business is also frustrating.

Fortunately, she didn't play with Shen Mo for long. The child always had limited energy, and soon fell asleep.

Shen Mo also said goodbye and left, and Li Mochen sent away the other guests of the birthday gift, and then went back to find Gu Qingye, a family of three.

Get up and go home.

Maybe it’s because I was hit by the girl, Lan Yichen didn’t look good all night, and she didn’t say a word while sitting in the car.

Hair, the eyebrows are all lost.

The disgusting feeling of being rejected by my little princess lingers.

Gu Qingye wanted to laugh and felt that Lan Yichen was pitiful. She looked at the girl in her arms and said softly, "Do you like it or not?

father? "

"She doesn't like me." Lan Yichen snorted coldly, "This little unscrupulous person, I think she is only thinking about her Shen Mo.

uncle. "

Gu Qingye was helpless, "Lan Yichen, you are really naive, how old are you. The more you hug her, she will kiss

Near you. "

"No hug."

Lan Yichen glanced directly across his face.

Helpless, Gu Qingye looked down at the little girl who had caused trouble, and whispered softly, "My daughter, what should I do if my father is angry?"

He babbled, with pink lips, he made a few vague voices, "Dad...Dad..."

Gu Qingye was taken aback.

Lan Yichen also widened his eyes, turned his head, and looked at Gu Qingye in disbelief.

"What did she just say?"

The girl answered her vaguely, "Dad...Dad..."

Lan Yichen only felt his head buzzed, and his eyes blushed.

"Dad?" Lan Yichen looked at Gu Qingye with joy, "Ye'er, did you hear that? The daughter will be called father."

During this year, Lan Yichen didn’t have much real feeling about the fact that he became a father.

There is an extra child who is connected with his blood in his life, and there is not much change.

Only at this moment, being called "dad" by a soft and tender life for the first time, the joy of being a father is not

The suppressable overwhelming attack overwhelmed him.

"Ye'er, my daughter called my father. The first time she spoke, her name was father!" Lan Yichen's excited voice was shaking.

Gu Qingye was helpless and indignant, "Okay, okay, I heard it, I am not deaf, you need to

Show off in front of me? "

Didn't she call her father first, or her mother? She didn't mind.

Lan Yichen was completely dazzled by the immense joy, and he didn't want to coax Gu Qingye, pinching her soft daughter

Xiaoshou, "Sir, okay?"

The little girl smacked her lips and smiled at Lan Yichen.

"Call again, come, call Dad."

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