Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1756: . Many women want to tease me

On the way to the hospital, Han Qianyu called his colleagues in the police station and asked them to go to the roadside to take the prisoner back to the police station.

In the hospital.

Han Qianyu stood by the hospital bed and had a brief conversation with the doctor.

"How is he?"

"It's okay, after inhaling some ether, I will wake up later."

"Okay thank you!"

The doctor walked away, Han Qianyu paced to the head of the bed, looking at the white skin on the bed, and it was even more beautiful than a girl.

The exquisite and beautiful little boy, she couldn't help but smiled, bending over to touch his little face.

The soft touch hit her heart like a cloud.

The little boy's eyelids moved, and slowly opened, a pair of black eyes staring at me Han Qianyu.

"You wake up kid, I'm the police sister, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Han Qianyu said lightly, very

Talk to him softly.

The little boy did not move for a while, and said calmly, "Auntie, I'm thirsty!"


Han Qianyu thought of calling himself a sister just now, and couldn't help but smile awkwardly, "Oh, you drank it, I will pour water for you.

Just lie down and don't move! "

She got up and went outside to pour water.

When she came back from pouring water from the outside, she suddenly found a man in the room, leaning over to do something to the little boy.


She panicked, and quickly stepped over to grab the man by the collar and drag him away from the bed.

Pei Shengye didn't have any mental preparations, stepped back a few steps, reacted, and turned away from this presumptuous hand back.

When he stood upright, Han Qianyu realized that this "criminal" was so tall that he was not given the opportunity to fight back.

Yes, twist his arm, turn to his back, press his shoulder, "Don't move!"

I thought he had been locked, but a force of gravity pulled her from the back to the front.

His waist was confined by a strong arm, his body was pressed against a hard chest, and there was a warmth on his lips.

The scent of a certain woody incense forcefully invaded her senses...

Han Qianyu was stunned for a few seconds before he realized that he turned his head back. He saw the man’s Adam’s apple and the fortitude of his jaw.

So she just kissed one of these two places?

She actually kissed a criminal...

Her heart was angry, and her body subconsciously made a strong counterattack. She hugged his chest and pushed forward with her feet.

One tick.

With a loud "bang--" the tall man don't fall to the ground.

Han Qianyu sat on him, pressing his hands on his chest, with a serious expression, "Don't move, I'm a policeman!"

Hearing the loud noise, the bodyguards guarding the aisle to prevent people from entering, and the doctors and nurses who heard the movement all ran in.

Ever since, everyone who came in saw Pei Shengye, a well-known rich man in the city, sat under him by a woman.

I was...

The bodyguards had never seen such a strange sight, and they all forgot to come forward to rescue them.

"Why, do you still want to take pictures?" Pei Shengye said to his bodyguards, squinting.

His subtext is, hurry up and drag this **** woman away from me.

The bodyguard reacted and moved forward to pull Han Qianyu away.

The doctor on the side said hurriedly, "This is Police Officer Han. She sent the young master to the hospital."


This woman is a policeman!

When he was hesitating to let go of the indecent assault on their master child police officer, Pei Shengye spoke, "Let her go!"

Han Qianyu rubbed his wrist, in fact, even if he didn't say it, these people couldn't hold her back. It just seems that this

It was a misunderstanding, and she was the one who provoked this misunderstanding, and she was the first to move it, which made her a little bit wrong.

Right now she could see the man in front of her. He was exquisitely dressed and arrogant. His handsome appearance was not the same as that of the kid on the bed.

The adult version of the child.

She was so impulsive.

I knew I should ask first, how could I just get started.

She looked at Pei Shengye and scratched her forehead unnaturally, "Are you the child's father?"

Pei Shengye sneered, "Police Officer Han’s face changed so quickly, there are many women who want to have physical contact with me, you are

The most rude one! "

"..." Who wants to make physical contact with him?

Han Qianyu's eyes widened.

There was a burst of snickers around.

It was the first time that Han Qianyu was so humiliated when she grew up. Her straightforward and hot temper made her feel emotional.

"This narcissistic gentleman, whether your meat is Snowflake Beef or Kobe Beef, if you are a woman, I want to eat one.

Mouth, but at least I don’t have this wish, so please don’t classify me as well. "

Why do you say beef...

Is it a satire that Mr. Pei is a cowboy!

Wow, this female police officer really dare to say!

Pei Shengye's face turned cold.

The temperature in the entire ward seemed to drop several degrees.

Suddenly, a childish voice sounded.

"Auntie, you are so handsome! I like you so much!" The little boy in the bed clapped his hands happily and smiled brightly.

This made Han Qianyu shocked and dumbfounded.

She was so ironic of his father, how could he still be happy? Is this really a son?

Sure enough, the children of rich people have strange thinking.

Pei Shengye looked at her son with a cold expression, "Do you like such a woman?"

"Well, I like it. She is very beautiful and handsome, much more interesting than other women who always want to seduce you." The little boy admitted

Really answer.

"Taste needs to be improved!" Pei Shengye commented lightly.



This wonderful father and son!

Han Qianyu exploded in his heart, she was still here, they actually criticized her.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to do it," she intervened and said to the little boy, "I am not here to meet your father.

Dear, I am the policeman. You were kidnapped today. I saved you. So now, if you are okay,

I want to make a transcript for you and tell me what happened, and then you have to go to the police station to identify the bad guys.

Then you can follow your father home. "

After speaking, he looked at Pei Shengye again, "Family, please cooperate with our police work!"

Pei Shengye raised his chin, with an arrogant attitude, "I have called you Tan Ju, and he will make arrangements for it."

Han Qianyu pursed his lips. Although he was upset, he didn't say anything, "Okay, since Tan Ju is ready, then it's not closed here.

My business! Goodbye! "

After she finished speaking, she went to the hospital bed and rubbed the boy’s hair, "Little guy, be smart next time, don’t be broken

People succeed! "

"Auntie, my name is the little guy, my name is Pei Chenyue, you can call me Yueyue." The little boy introduced himself seriously.

Han Qianyu smiled and nodded, "That Yueyue kid, goodbye!"

"Sure!" Yueyue suddenly grabbed Han Qianyu's neck and kissed her face.

Han Qianyu was stunned.

Something in the body melted with a bang.

Pei Shengye coughed and coughed, "Okay, Yueyue, say goodbye to Officer Han!"

This kid, he didn't even see him come to kiss him after raising him so much, but he kissed a woman whom he never knew.

"Goodbye, Auntie!" Yueyue saw that Dad was getting angry, and obediently said goodbye to Han Qianyu.

Han Qianyu walked out of the ward.

She slandered in her heart as she walked. She was really a wicked capitalist. She didn’t even say thank you for saving his child.

Of course.

Also engage in privileges.

Sure enough, this person, the richer, the cooler.


In the small apartment.

She didn't even take a shower, so she fell to the sofa and fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Woke up again, it was night.

She got up to take a shower and was about to go out to eat something, when she received a call from her senior brother Xia Qing, saying that she would be waiting for her downstairs.

Xia Qing is a psychiatrist, five years older than her, and the most proud student of her mother Guo Wanni.

After drying her hair, she casually put on a t-shirt and shorts and went downstairs.

Two went to the night market to eat crayfish.

As soon as the first one was peeled off, the phone rang.

"There won't be another case!" Xia Qing said with a smile. He thoughtfully took the lobster from Han Qianyu so that she could pick it up


Han Qianyu took off his gloves, picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar number, which did not belong to any of her colleagues.

Who will it be?

She answered the phone with a sense of confusion, "Hey!"

"Hello, police officer Han, this is Pei Shengye." A low and arrogant voice came from the other end of the phone.

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